I hate when kpop fans say: "Oh, one million is not impressive anymore"
"Any group can do it" and it's still literally only a handful of groups.
"Any group can do it" and it's still literally only a handful of groups.
So true, people for example hyped up ICE AGE by MCND and really looked like if they would suport them and buy their CD when it came out a while later and than did not even buy the CD at the end and than were just like "how did they not even sell more than 30K ?"
and that are the same people who think everyone is a million seller by now
Well, April has MVs with more than 10 million views and they flopped hard
If other groups can't do that, they are mega nugu
im always mad.
I guess one is talking about sales right?
from what I understand 1m for any group use to be really really hard and only a few could accomplish it but slowly as more and more groups are hitting that mark it becomes less of an impressive standard (to some people) or rather that it becomes a new standard to reach
like I understand that let's say 3-4 years ago 100K albums were fantastic for a GG but now almost everyone (top groups and upper mid tier groups???) can do it so it is not longer seen as the benchmark and that maybe 1m will be considered the next benchmark
According to my quicklist, only 9 BGs and 5 GGs have ever done it in the digital era. That's 14 groups in 10, 20 years. One million album sales puts you in elite elite company.
That's not really a good way to look at it and slice the generations up - it devalues what EXO/BTS did and overstates the uniqueness of the rest.
EXO were the first group to hit 1m sales since god in 2001, BTS followed soon after. That's essentially two million sellers in nearly 20 years.
Since 2020, 12 further groups have hit that and with the clear rate increase more will likely do it in the next 12 months as well. It's not as impressive a stat anymore when you look at the bigger picture.
Since 2020 more groups have hit a million then reach number one on Melon.
That has never applied to kpop
It doesn't matter if the record is already broken lol. In Kpop it's all about breaking records.
The achievement is definitely diluted and the impact is not same as it was selling it in say 2017. Most big4 bgs especially 4th gen ones can do it with a snap of their fingers these days. Even ggs.
I guess it's still uncommon among non big 4 but not impossible.
The more people attain it, the less impressive it gets i guess.
OP wanted to talk about million. But they have trillion of trillion of water molecules in their body
I have a million things in my to do list
does that count?
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