my top 3 most listened to songs this year (so far)
eagerly waiting for them to return from enlistment. Underrated performers for sure
so true
glad they had an album prepared for us while waiting for them too
truly the sweetest group too
so true
glad they had an album prepared for us while waiting for them too
truly the sweetest group too
It's legit insane to me that they not only had 4 comebacks last year, but were preparing another album for the year after too??? they spoil us rotten!
Because of that though, I am hoping military service is easy going for them and that they are resting.
It's legit insane to me that they not only had 4 comebacks last year, but were preparing another album for the year after too??? they spoil us rotten!
Because of that though, I am hoping military service is easy going for them and that they are resting.
RIGHT !! they work so dam hard
, nothing but big respect and much love for them !
same same
from what im seeing on twt, they look like they're having grand time, i love that for them
hell yeah!!!
day 24829348 of waiting for more information on it tho, SSE say somethin pl0x
hell yeah!!!
day 24829348 of waiting for more information on it tho, SSE say somethin pl0x
Me waiting for a Twitter update daily:
Me waiting for a Twitter update daily:
HONESTLY !! tab open 24/7, constantly refreshing the cravity twitter like my life depends on it
I'm a bit bored so I just make a long ass list out of this here ~ Sorry in advance if it may be too much for you
They are the winner group of the Japanese survival show "THE FIRST" and made their debut on November 3rd, 2021 with the 7 member (left to right on the pic) Leo, Ryoki, Ryuhei, Manato, Sota, Shunto and Junon. Despite not even having debuted a year ago they allready had a lot opportunities to work with big brands and producer as for example the famous British producer Jonas Blue or fashion brands like Prada. BE:FIRST is at the moment one of the most faous rookie groups in Japan. Their newest Album isn't even out for a full week at the moment and allready sold almost 200K times by now. Their debut EP sold almost 300K times. Prior their debut they released an MV wich hit more than 30 million views on Youtube, wich is a lot if you consider that Japanese people don't really tend to stream much on Youtube. BE:FIRST is signed to the company BMSG. They also won 3 awards by now. Their fandomnam is BESTY.
Random member facts:
Leo - Was trainee of the Japanese company Avex before and in there had been in several pre-debut groups. One of them is the same one where SM trainee Shohei used to be in so both know eachother in one way or another. He also used to be background dancer in an MV of his company's CEO. He also has a brother who is in a dance crew.
Ryuhei - He is the youngest member and debuted 3 days before he had turned 15 years old. He also used to be a trainee under Avex since he was 9 years old and was in several pre-debut groups where in one of them he met his member Shunto for the first time. Ryuhei is also cousin to a girl called Nagomi who had appeared on the Korean surviva show Girls Planet 999.
Ryoki - He grew up in the US and Australia and his entire ducation is from an English school so hes fluently in English (and most likly picked up the Australian English accent from what I could make out hearing him speak). Before his debut with BE:FIRST he worked as stageplay actor, was in an comerical for Amazon and is also now workinf as movie actor. The movie wich is his debut as movie actor will come out in a few days in Japan where he plays one of the main roles along 2 other JPop-artists and Yuta of NCT (and they even did a song together for the movie).
Manato - He also used to be trainee of Avex. Later on he was trainee under a company called LDH and trought LDH's trainee programm spend time living in New York where he became fluently in English. After leaving LDH he returned to Avex despite still visiting LDH's dace academy. Before his debut with BE:FIRST Manato also used to work as model for different magazines and fashion brands.
Sota - Despite being so young he acomplished a lot allready. His mom is a famous dancer with her own dance academy and his sister is in a dance crew. Before his debut with BE:FIRST Sota used to be in 4 different dance crews and either danced or choreographed for them wich made him win in total 42 different awards from dance competitions and champion chips. Outside of this he also apeard as dancer in an MV for the female artist Yurina Hirate and worked as background dancer for ATEEZ. Not only that, he also used to work as dance teacher and travled around the globe to give lessons in different countries (Boy is just 21 years old).
Shunto - He became trainee under Avex as he was 7 years old and met Ryuhei for the first time in one of the pre-debut groups they were in together. He also had been in a dance crew before and also apeared on another survival show before wich used to be called "a-genic PROJECT" (wich resultet in the co-ed group GENIC). He has a younger sister and his mom allready has passed away in 2018.
Junon - Was once added to a KPop group who's name used to be Vermuda, however they disbanded only a short time later and Junon never really had much promotions with the group cause of this (they didn't even made an MV). Junon is also fluently in Korean and English. He also has a sister who is working as an songwrite and producer and he has a cousin who is a model. In 2020 his entire family's house had burned down and he lost everything, even his pet in the fire.
From the list:
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They are the winner of the second season of Produce 101 Japan and are the little brother group of JO1. INI debuted on November 3rd. 2021. Their first single sold almost 600K times and with their curent sales they are about to hit 1.5 million sales soon despite not even existing for a year at this time. They also won a few awards by now. The member from the top row are Rihito, Takeru, Fengfan, Takumi, Yudai, Shogo and from the bottom row are Masaya, Hiroto, Hiromu, Kyosuke and Jin. They are signed to Lapone Entertainment. Their fandomname is MINI.
Rihito - He grew up in Thailand (but its not said if he speaks Thai) and is good in speaking English and also can play the guitar.
Takeru - Can speak Spanish and used to study it at the university
Fengfan - He is originaly from China and emigrated to Japan in 2016. First he was just an exchange student who should go back to China after 6 months, but than he decided he never wants to live there again since he felt he was missing a lot by being from China. Besides going to university in Japan he also used to be part of a KPop-cover dance crew and worked at Starbucks before. He is also fluently in English and Korean besides Japanese and Chinese.
Takumi - Used to be in an acapella group before and also worked at a pet store (and tried to sell chipmunks on Produce by telling all the knowledge he had on them since his pet store sold chipmunks and than was like everyone should buy chipmunks as pet xD)
Yudai - I have nothing to special to say about him
Shogo - He first used to be trainee under the Japanese company Johnny's Entertainment, than became trainee under CUBE Entertainment and later on went back to Johnny's where he than used to work as stageplay actor before. Shogo is also friends with Yuto of PENTAGON and can speak Korean.
Masaya - He is INI's leader and a close friend of Ren from his brother group JO1 since both used to work as background dancer together before. He also used to work as background dancer for SEVENTEEN before.
Hiroto - He used to work as dancer before and apeared in a lot MVs of different artists as for example Chanmina and Taemin. He can also speak English (and has a certificate in English that he made in 4th grade wich is actually ment to be taken by high school kids in Japan).
Hiromu - Used to be in an acapella group before.
Kyosuke - Used to run an TikTok account where he danced on before his debut.
Jin - The youngest member.
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They are the winner group of the first season Produce 101 Japan and made their debut on March 4th 2020. Their debut release sold around 350K times and they allready sold over 2 million since debut. JO1 is the senior group of the boygroup INI. Jo1 also had a lot deals with many different brands before and also published allready a row of Anime and drama OST and a lot of popular KPop acts wrote songs for them by now as for example Hui of PENTAGON or the 3racha-line of Stray Kids. The member from the top row are Syoya, Shosei, Ruki, Shion, Mame, Sho, Junki, Sukai, Keigo and on the bottom Takumi and Ren. They are signed to Lapone Entertainment. Their fandomname is JAM.
Syoya - Thinks of himself as the 2nd leader (and no he is not officialy one).
Shosei - Used to visit the dance academy of the company LDH and knows Shotaro from NCT cause of that. He also used to work as background dancer before.
Ruki - He used to be trainee under Johnny's Entertainment before and after he left he was member of a boygroup that used to be called YsR that sadly disbanded after being misstreated for a long time (But Ruki is still close friends with one of the members and their friendship is so cute). He also has an older brother.
Shion - He used to be traine under FNC Entertainment and is friends to Soul of P1Harmony since apparently Soul was the one spending the most time with the Japanese trainees since FNC decided to pick Soul as teacher since the Japanese trainees spoke no Korean and Soul is half Japanese (They asked a damn child to teach some older people in Korean, I'm crying). He is also curently stuying Korean to get better since acording to himself Soul wasn't that great of a teacher so all Japanese trainee had to leave Korea for lacking in being able to speak the language and he just hopes to get better in it eventually.
Mame - Actually Issei but he himself wants to be called Mame or Mamechan by the fans. He is also the youngest member and used to work as an dance teacher before. He also works as actor now and apeared besides a movie with his group also in an movie based on an anime.
Sho - He is the group's leader and can speak English and play the guitar. Dude also seems to confuse JO1's music genre with KPop a lot (they are JPop, I'm crying) since cough cough Shion is an former KPop trainee. "So you think JO1's music was a mix between JPop and KPop, why do you think so?" - "We have Shion, he is a former KPop trainee" oh boy... Also dude is very strong and has damn thicc muscular arms. He is so strong that he can break an apple with just 1 hand and the strengt he has to hold himself up on a dancing pole is also quit something o.o
Junki - He can speak English and uh, IDK what else to say about him. He and his member acted in a movie before and there once was a clip on Youtube of a quit funny scene where he played a young restaurant owner who was too confident of himself just cause a pretty woman came to eat at his place xD
Sukai - He has a younger sister and an younger brother. He has the black belt in Karate and gained it in less than 2 years as he was in primary school. He is also known to have a very powerfull and strong kick to break objects with his foot.
Keigo - The group's rich kid. Also used to visit the dance academy of the company LDH before.
Takumi - I have nothing to say about him, except that he apparently has the position as the visuals of the group (and he is the victim of getting shiped the most T_T)
Ren - He is a close friend of Masaya from their little brother group INI since they used to work together. Ren used to work as background dancer for many Japanese and Korean artists before as for example WANNA ONE and PENTAGON and also ued to work as dance teacher before. (And just his existence is the reason why Hui of PENTAGON wrote a song for JO1).
From the list:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.(YOLO-Konde is the song that was written by Han, Changbin and Bang Chan. As the song was released Bang Chan praised JO1 for being able to write lyrics for the song and even said they would've done better lyrics than he could ever write himself T_T)
They are the 8th group of the super group EXILE TRIBE. Originaly suposed to have 9 member, but debuted with 7 at the end. Their debut was on July 13th, 2022 (but they didn't even sold 10K CDs by now). The member are (from left to right) Jimmy, Ryoga, Weesa, Kokoro, Ryushin, Ren and Tsurugi. They are signed with LDH Records. They don't have a fandomname.
Jimmy - He is half Nigerian and used to be trainee of LDH for about 9 years before his debut where he also used to visit the company's dance academy. He also had been working as background dancer for other acts of their company and apeard in some of their MVs. He is also working as model.
Ryoga - He was traine for about 6 years and used to be in a pre-degroup group at that time. He also worked as background dancer for one of the EXILE TRIBE members during one of his tours a few years back. He also can speak English since he used to live in the US before and is curently learning Chinese.
Weesa - He is half Korean and half Maroccan (but has a fully Japanese first- and surname. Also it's not stated if he speaks any of both country's languages for now). Auditioned at his company in 2013 but failed. Than took dance lessons in his company's dance academy and got selected as trainee in 2017. He also used to be in the same pre-debut group together wirth Ryoga. He is also the youngest member of EXILE TRIBE at the moment with being 18 wich makes a age difference of 24 years to the curently oldest member or 35 when counting former members. Inside of PSYCHIC FEVER he is only 7 years younger than the oldest.
Kokoro - Also failed his audition in 2013 but got taken as trainee in 2015. He was in the same pre-debut group with Ryoga and Weesa. He can play guitar.
Ryushin - Went to LDH's dance in 2017 and was selected as trainee in the same year where he also joined the same pre-debut group as Weesa, Ryoga and Kokoro. He wants to become an actor in the future.
Ren - Failed his audition in 2013 but became an trainee in 2018.
Tsurigi - Failed his audition in 2014 but still was selected to join a pre-debut group. At first he than started to work as professional dancer in 2018 but later on was selected in 2019 to join PSYCHIC FEVER.
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External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.(The song is pre-debut but was only released on streaming platforms 6 months later as 2 of the trainees who had left them were allready gone, so you will see people in the MV who are no more part of the actual group)
His real name is Younghoon and he is member of the JPop-group ORβIT with who he debuted on November 11th, 2020. He made his solo-debut on March 14th and despite that he enlisted to the Korean Army in June, he still released a row of music since hes gone now. He is curently signed with the company Dream Passport. Before his debut with his curent group he participated on Produce 101 Japan season 1. Before Produce he used to be member of a KPop-group that was called HALO together with his member Heecheon and Yoondong who went to Produce with him and are still in the same group with him. Younghoon also used to be in a small project-group together with Kim Wooseok, Hyuk of VIXX, Hyungwon of MONSTA X and Cha Eunwoo of ASTRO in wich they covered songs. Way before his idol debut he also used to work as background dancer for different Korean artists. The fandomname of his curent group would be EARTH.
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They made they are an 8 member group of only participants from Produce 101 Japan season 2. The group is signed with Universal Music Japan (company) and Yoshimoto Kogyo (agency). The member are (Top row) Naoki, Shunsei, Shu Wataru and (botom row) Shinsuke, Toma, Kohei and Kaiho. They made their debut on February 9th, 2022. Their both first MVs are quit popular in Japan since they are the ost of a popular Jdrama. Their fandomname is THme.
Naoki - Tried to audition for Produce 101 Japan season 1 but failed so he auditioned again for season 2. If he could give himself a position inside the group he would like to be the group's angel.
Shunsei - I have nothing special to say about him
Shu - Youngest member
Wataru - Is a former BigHit Entertainment trainee and can speak Korean (And dude made himself down on Produce all the time for the fact that he was kicked out of BigHit). He also has an older brother. He is curently on hiatus since he tends to feel excausted all the time.
Shinsuke - Tried to audition for Produce 101 Japan season 1 but failed so he auditioned again for season 2.
Toma - He is Indonesian and owns an Japanese and an Indonesian name so his full name would be Wayan Toma Laksana Nakamura but he is just getting called Toma Nakamura in Japan while in Indonesia people tend to call him Wayan Laksana. He is also fluently in Indonesian, Korean, English and French besides Japanese. He is curently on hiatus for a few months now cause of an disorder.
Kohei - I have nothing special to say about him, just his member say he was allays extremly loud and noisy and nobody else could talk and scream as loud as him
Kaiho - His family almost moved to the USA but after 3 months decided to go back to Japan, so he was learning a lot of English for it as he was a kid and now he is still learning to improve his English.
From the list:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.They are a 5 member group under Dream Passport. Originaly suposed to have 6 member but the group's eader had enough (cause covid restricted the group too mich) and left them only a few days before the group officialy had debuted. They made their debut on March 30th, 2022. The member (left to right) are Guno, Raira, Mahiro, Koshin and Minato. At the moment BUGVEL used to promote 2 albums under the name of Dream Gate together with the members of the boygroup ORβIT and an solo-artirst called HICO (minus the member who are on hiatus of ORβIT ).
Guno - His realname is Jyunhao and he is Taiwanese. He is fluently in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English and used to be a trainee under YG Entertainment where he participanted in the show that resultet in the group TREASURE. Later on he decided to follow Mahiro who decided to leave YG and both apeard on Produce 101 X together. Later on Mahiro decided to return to Japan and Guno just wanted to follow him wich is why he signed to the same company in Japan as Mahiro did. He also owns a dog.
Mahiro - He is a former YG Entertainment trainee, participated on the show that resultet in TREASURE, can speak Korean and apeared on Produce 101 X before.
Raira - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
Koshin - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
Minato - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
From the list:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.(Also the thing with their leader who's name was Hikaru was is, many places to perform restricted concerts like how many visitor, how many concerts in a week, TV shows did the same, etc. cause Japan was on a COVID-lockdown for a while and even later restrickted people a lot and at that same time Guno went to Taiwan to visit his parents where he got locked in cause shortly after he arived in Taiwan the government put a lockdown on the country for many months where nobody was alowed to leave Taiwan wich mad him unable to go back to Japan. This made Hikaru getting frustrated and so he gave up and left)
They made they are an 8 member group of only participants from Produce 101 Japan season 2. The group is signed with Universal Music Japan (company) and Yoshimoto Kogyo (agency). The member are (Top row) Naoki, Shunsei, Shu Wataru and (botom row) Shinsuke, Toma, Kohei and Kaiho. They made their debut on February 9th, 2022. Their both first MVs are quit popular in Japan since they are the ost of a popular Jdrama. Their fandomname is THme.
Naoki - Tried to audition for Produce 101 Japan season 1 but failed so he auditioned again for season 2. If he could give himself a position inside the group he would like to be the group's angel.
Shunsei - I have nothing special to say about him
Shu - Youngest member
Wataru - Is a former BigHit Entertainment trainee and can speak Korean (And dude made himself down on Produce all the time for the fact that he was kicked out of BigHit). He also has an older brother. He is curently on hiatus since he tends to feel excausted all the time.
Shinsuke - Tried to audition for Produce 101 Japan season 1 but failed so he auditioned again for season 2.
Toma - He is Indonesian and owns an Japanese and an Indonesian name so his full name would be Wayan Toma Laksana Nakamura but he is just getting called Toma Nakamura in Japan while in Indonesia people tend to call him Wayan Laksana. He is also fluently in Indonesian, Korean, English and French besides Japanese. He is curently on hiatus for a few months now cause of an disorder.
Kohei - I have nothing special to say about him, just his member say he was allays extremly loud and noisy and nobody else could talk and scream as loud as him
Kaiho - His family almost moved to the USA but after 3 months decided to go back to Japan, so he was learning a lot of English for it as he was a kid and now he is still learning to improve his English.
From the list:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.They are a 5 member group under Dream Passport. Originaly suposed to have 6 member but the group's eader had enough (cause covid restricted the group too mich) and left them only a few days before the group officialy had debuted. They made their debut on March 30th, 2022. The member (left to right) are Guno, Raira, Mahiro, Koshin and Minato. At the moment BUGVEL used to promote 2 albums under the name of Dream Gate together with the members of the boygroup ORβIT and an solo-artirst called HICO (minus the member who are on hiatus of ORβIT ).
Guno - His realname is Jyunhao and he is Taiwanese. He is fluently in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English and used to be a trainee under YG Entertainment where he participanted in the show that resultet in the group TREASURE. Later on he decided to follow Mahiro who decided to leave YG and both apeard on Produce 101 X together. Later on Mahiro decided to return to Japan and Guno just wanted to follow him wich is why he signed to the same company in Japan as Mahiro did. He also owns a dog.
Mahiro - He is a former YG Entertainment trainee, participated on the show that resultet in TREASURE, can speak Korean and apeared on Produce 101 X before.
Raira - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
Koshin - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
Minato - He apeared on Produce 101 Japan season 1 before.
From the list:
External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.(Also the thing with their leader who's name was Hikaru was is, many places to perform restricted concerts like how many visitor, how many concerts in a week, TV shows did the same, etc. cause Japan was on a COVID-lockdown for a while and even later restrickted people a lot and at that same time Guno went to Taiwan to visit his parents where he got locked in cause shortly after he arived in Taiwan the government put a lockdown on the country for many months where nobody was alowed to leave Taiwan wich mad him unable to go back to Japan. This made Hikaru getting frustrated and so he gave up and left)
OMG slay, thank u !!!
when i have time ill read up on all this and ill add the songs to my queue for work!! will send update on thoughts, i love ur dedication to spreading the message of ur favs !! ur so thorough i love it
It's only been like a few weeks and After Like is already #2
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Deepened is such a great song ! Also Thank You is really underrated (and the whole mini was really good)
It's only been like a few weeks and After Like is already #2
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.NOOO WAIT I LOVE CUPID DSKJDSKJ i watched them when they went on after school club and became OBSESSED w/ this song its SO CUTE
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