HYBE LABELS pays the Russian army in the Ukrain-war? [WHAT?]

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    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • If I understand correctly - HYBE has a partnership with a korean language school in moscow (looks like this partnership has existed since the beginning of this year).

    HYBE doing business with a russian business --> all russian businesses pay russian taxes --> russian taxes are being used to fund the ukraine invasion

    so they want hybe to stop doing business with all russian companies, which is fair but saying hybe is directly funding the ukrainian war is a little misleading.

  • um no! This jump of logic is not it. It’s a Korean language school in Moscow. I hope no one is using any gas, drive a bus or a car unless you’re sure that your gasoline didn’t come from Russia. Because you’re aiding the invasion of Ukraine otherwise.

    Why are you comparing huge enterprises like HYBE to individuals who have no choice but to consume what is supplied?

  • Why are you comparing huge enterprises like HYBE to individuals who have no choice but to consume what is supplied?

    To show you the logic don’t make sense?

    If we going to make such huge jump of logic then EVERYONE has a hand in aiding the invasion of Ukraine.

    Hundred of Millions of individuals together make way more impact that hybe and their little language school. And frankly why did we choose to pick on a language school out of everything? War is going on, are we trying to cut off every last bit of humanity connection with Russian people?

  • To show you the logic don’t make sense?

    If we going to make such huge jump of logic then EVERYONE has a hand in aiding the invasion of Ukraine.

    Hundred of Millions of individuals together make way more impact that hybe and their little language school. And frankly why did we choose to pick on a language school out of everything? War is going on, are we trying to cut off every last bit of humanity connection with Russian people?

    Yes. Hundreds of millions try hard to cut their Connections with russia as long they invading Ukraine. Western countries make new deals to get Gas and stuff from somewhere else. risk massive shortcomings for their populations in the coming winter and are willing to take much higher costs for all kind of stuff. But of course not everyone value life over money.

    I understand hybe. Its not illegal and make money is their Job. But that doesnt mean i have to like or support it.

  • lmao

    I would say that hybe helps to fight nazis actually)))) As well as helping to bring justice to the victims of genocide Ukraine has been doing to its own citizens in Donbas)

    And if you think whatever taxes hybe pays are such a tremendous help without which Russia won't survive then think again)

    Also not them coming for hybe when so many companies from so called "united international world" (which basically consist from only west and Japan) are bending left and right to stay in Russia market lol

  • Imagine preaching about peace and whatever they have made their idols to promo through UN, unicef etcand still co-operating with russia. Big fat YIKES :pepe-back-away:

    Edited once, last by finana ().

  • If I understand correctly - HYBE has a partnership with a korean language school in moscow (looks like this partnership has existed since the beginning of this year).

    HYBE doing business with a russian business --> all russian businesses pay russian taxes --> russian taxes are being used to fund the ukraine invasion

    so they want hybe to stop doing business with all russian companies, which is fair but saying hybe is directly funding the ukrainian war is a little misleading.

    Thank god people with common sense exist

  • So SK still buying Russian oil...

    South Korea shamed for buying BARGAIN Russian oil – oil tanker data revelation
    SOUTH KOREA and other Asian nations - all of whom are allies of the US and West - are continuing to buy Russian oil at bargain prices, oil tanker tracker data…

    Just like what China and India are doing...

    India, China Growing Markets for Shunned Russian Oil
    India, an oil-hungry country of 1.4 billion people, has guzzled nearly 60 million barrels of Russian oil in 2022 so far, compared with 12 million barrels in…

  • In a world where all companies left and right are cutting any ties they have with Russia (even the most minimal and seemingly insignificant), it should be top priority for them to do the same.

    They are mostly western countries tho. I don't like when people act like the west is the world, I'm also annoyed when kpop fans say internationally and mean the west. only the west plus Japan, south korea, georgia, singapore and taiwan have imposed sanctions.

    Jun 8 map


  • Dragging hybe for this nonsense when you have whole ass EU that's buying gas and oil from Russia. JiminieKookie your country is one of them. Your country who is paying millions for it is funding the war, not a language school

    I'm sorry but this whataboutism doesn't make any sense. Not saying OP thread title is the best choice, but everyone is free to disagree with their own country's policies or lack thereof. So assuming OP has no moral ground to point their fingers at an ENTERPRISE (not an individual person) just because they are from a specific country is a bit... nonsensical, to say the least.

    Ofc saying HYBE is funding a war is a fallacy, but criticizing its choices in a scenario of war is 100% valid, especially considering how big and influential HYBE is.

  • I'm sorry but this whataboutism doesn't make any sense. Not saying OP thread title is the best choice, but everyone is free to disagree with their own country's policies or lack thereof. So assuming OP has no moral ground to point their fingers at an ENTERPRISE (not an individual person) just because they are from a specific country is a bit... nonsensical, to say the least.

    Ofc saying HYBE is funding a war is a fallacy, but criticizing its choices in a scenario of war is 100% valid, especially considering how big and influential HYBE is.

    It's a language school.

    It's valid to disagree with hybe for still doing business in russia but saying that they are funding the war. I have no words to explain how ridiculous that is.

  • Dragging hybe for this nonsense when you have whole ass EU that's buying gas and oil from Russia. JiminieKookie your country is one of them. Your country who is paying millions for it is funding the war, not a language school

    Um..as far as i know Russia no longer supplies gas and oil to majority of EU countries because they have decided to help Ukraine

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • Um..as far as i know Russia no longer supplies gas and oil to majority of EU countries because they have decided to help Ukraine

    Apart from poland and bulgaria, they still buy it.

    Her explanation is hilarious is tho lol

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    I don't know about poland but bulgaria is 90% dependent on russian gas, it's going to be a mess

  • But they're not buying it per se, just still supplied a certain amount for EU because cutting it off completely from one day to another would be disastrous. Even with how things are prices in things like that in Europe have become crazy high, even electricity here tripled in how much u had to pay..anyway point is, they're still trying to minimize it as much as possible so it can cause damages to Russia but also not make the countries completely suffer. Besides that, idk if op is a troll or what with the thread title but whatever their country is doing anyone has the right to criticize something, they're not apart of the government and dont have to agree with what they've decided..

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • The title is so misleading and actually garbage smh

    Also LOL at people that keeps saying "Eu CoUntRiEs ArE StILl buyInG RussiAn GAS WOw shAmE" not understanding how things really work and that the source of about 80% of your total electricity needs can't be shutdown just like that, it's a complicated situation that requires a complex solution

  • The title is so misleading and actually garbage smh

    Also LOL at people that keeps saying "Eu CoUntRiEs ArE StILl buyInG RussiAn GAS WOw shAmE" not understanding how things really work and that the source of about 80% of your total electricity needs can't be shutdown just like that, it's a complicated situation that requires a complex solution

    Exactly..prices have gone disgustingly up in everything gas related because theres shortage and countries are rationing as much as possible so they wont have to buy..

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • The title is so misleading and actually garbage smh

    Also LOL at people that keeps saying "Eu CoUntRiEs ArE StILl buyInG RussiAn GAS WOw shAmE" not understanding how things really work and that the source of about 80% of your total electricity needs can't be shutdown just like that, it's a complicated situation that requires a complex solution

    During summer it's okay, but it will be a problem during winter because natural gas is used for heating. It's when Russia will be able to strike back the sanctions.



  • I don’t even like Hybe but this is such a dumb logic.

    The last pro- war thing I ever expected to read was a Korean school spreading the Korean language

    A lot of big corporations still have ties to Russia.

    Why don’t you boycott their products since they pay taxes that is used to fund war whiles y’all are at it :huuh:

    I may not be fully updated on the Ukraine-Russian war sentiments but I clearly remember how thousands of Russians went on Moscow streets to protest against their own government given the risk of provoking such a dictator

    This issue isn’t all black and white. Innocent people on both sides don’t have to suffer

  • Um..as far as i know Russia no longer supplies gas and oil to majority of EU countries because they have decided to help Ukraine

    Everyone buys it, these are resources and energy after all which are not as unlimited as mayhaps west dreamed in their wet dreams. You do realize that if one day Russia will finally have had enough with western dumbness and bs and cut the supplies of oil/gas to EU then whole EU will go into middle ages in a sec?)

    Right now there are a lot of schemes. Russian oil go to, for example, Greece and from there it goes to whatever else country as "Greece" oil. Or Russian oil goes with "unknown" as a written destination. Or that scheme they came up with when 50% of amount is some other oil while other 50% is Russian oil and thus it's considered as good "not dictatorship" oil lol Look at US who are, as usual, one of the loudest but didn't even sanction oil when Eurodumbos did and recently also unsanctioned smth else important to them, which, if I remember correctly, are grain and fertilizers. Only Eurodumbos are such a slave of US that they are killing well-being of their own countries and industries cause they can't even do smth smart instead of following US orders (with some exceptions like Hungary).

    As for gas, Russia just rightfully demanded payment in rubles which after 5 stages of grief majority of EU accepted and those who didn't accept it, well, it's their own problems, they can buy somewhere else same Russian gas for higher prices or US gas for even more higher prices.

    Literally no one gives a flying fck about Ukraine (except for Russia who is as careful as possible in special operation and doesn't do the shjt US has been doing whenever they've been spreading "human rights"), the only reason why west is so terrified by all this and in such hysteria is cause if (when tbh), even after all efforts west has been doing to use Ukraine against Russia from coup to all NATO trainings, Russia still wins in that proxy war with NATO then current world order with US/west hegemony will be finally officially ended :pepe-shrug:

    I don't care about hybe, I actually dislike them a lot and will not care even if they'll be burned today to the ashes but, jeez, kpop fans really don't understand how things work at times and that bs in OP is one of such cases.

  • Everyone buys it, these are resources and energy after all which are not as unlimited as mayhaps west dreamed in their wet dreams. You do realize that if one day Russia will finally have had enough with western dumbness and bs and cut the supplies of oil/gas to EU then whole EU will go into middle ages in a sec?)

    Right now there are a lot of schemes. Russian oil go to, for example, Greece and from there it goes to whatever else country as "Greece" oil. Or Russian oil goes with "unknown" as a written destination. Or that scheme they came up with when 50% of amount is some other oil while other 50% is Russian oil and thus it's considered as good "not dictatorship" oil lol Look at US who are, as usual, one of the loudest but didn't even sanction oil when Eurodumbos did and recently also unsanctioned smth else important to them, which, if I remember correctly, are grain and fertilizers. Only Eurodumbos are such a slave of US that they are killing well-being of their own countries and industries cause they can't even do smth smart instead of following US orders (with some exceptions like Hungary).

    As for gas, Russia just rightfully demanded payment in rubles which after 5 stages of grief majority of EU accepted and those who didn't accept it, well, it's their own problems, they can buy somewhere else same Russian gas for higher prices or US gas for even more higher prices.

    Literally no one gives a flying fck about Ukraine (except for Russia who is as careful as possible in special operation and doesn't do the shjt US has been doing whenever they've been spreading "human rights"), the only reason why west is so terrified by all this and in such hysteria is cause if (when tbh), even after all efforts west has been doing to use Ukraine against Russia from coup to all NATO trainings, Russia still wins in that proxy war with NATO then current world order with US/west hegemony will be finally officially ended :pepe-shrug:

    I don't care about hybe, I actually dislike them a lot and will not care even if they'll be burned today to the ashes but, jeez, kpop fans really don't understand how things work at times and that bs in OP is one of such cases.

    Your sig...gtfo u weirdo

    Vomit GIFs | Tenor

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • This

    Everyone buys it, these are resources and energy after all which are not as unlimited as mayhaps west dreamed in their wet dreams. You do realize that if one day Russia will finally have had enough with western dumbness and bs and cut the supplies of oil/gas to EU then whole EU will go into middle ages in a sec?)

    Right now there are a lot of schemes. Russian oil go to, for example, Greece and from there it goes to whatever else country as "Greece" oil. Or Russian oil goes with "unknown" as a written destination. Or that scheme they came up with when 50% of amount is some other oil while other 50% is Russian oil and thus it's considered as good "not dictatorship" oil lol Look at US who are, as usual, one of the loudest but didn't even sanction oil when Eurodumbos did and recently also unsanctioned smth else important to them, which, if I remember correctly, are grain and fertilizers. Only Eurodumbos are such a slave of US that they are killing well-being of their own countries and industries cause they can't even do smth smart instead of following US orders (with some exceptions like Hungary).

    As for gas, Russia just rightfully demanded payment in rubles which after 5 stages of grief majority of EU accepted and those who didn't accept it, well, it's their own problems, they can buy somewhere else same Russian gas for higher prices or US gas for even more higher prices.

    Literally no one gives a flying fck about Ukraine (except for Russia who is as careful as possible in special operation and doesn't do the shjt US has been doing whenever they've been spreading "human rights"), the only reason why west is so terrified by all this and in such hysteria is cause if (when tbh), even after all efforts west has been doing to use Ukraine against Russia from coup to all NATO trainings, Russia still wins in that proxy war with NATO then current world order with US/west hegemony will be finally officially ended :pepe-shrug:

    I don't care about hybe, I actually dislike them a lot and will not care even if they'll be burned today to the ashes but, jeez, kpop fans really don't understand how things work at times and that bs in OP is one of such cases.

    How are you still not banned when you post shit like this :pepe-toilet: Your sig alone should get you banned :pepe-toilet:

  • Everyone buys it, these are resources and energy after all which are not as unlimited as mayhaps west dreamed in their wet dreams. You do realize that if one day Russia will finally have had enough with western dumbness and bs and cut the supplies of oil/gas to EU then whole EU will go into middle ages in a sec?)

    Right now there are a lot of schemes. Russian oil go to, for example, Greece and from there it goes to whatever else country as "Greece" oil. Or Russian oil goes with "unknown" as a written destination. Or that scheme they came up with when 50% of amount is some other oil while other 50% is Russian oil and thus it's considered as good "not dictatorship" oil lol Look at US who are, as usual, one of the loudest but didn't even sanction oil when Eurodumbos did and recently also unsanctioned smth else important to them, which, if I remember correctly, are grain and fertilizers. Only Eurodumbos are such a slave of US that they are killing well-being of their own countries and industries cause they can't even do smth smart instead of following US orders (with some exceptions like Hungary).

    As for gas, Russia just rightfully demanded payment in rubles which after 5 stages of grief majority of EU accepted and those who didn't accept it, well, it's their own problems, they can buy somewhere else same Russian gas for higher prices or US gas for even more higher prices.

    Literally no one gives a flying fck about Ukraine (except for Russia who is as careful as possible in special operation and doesn't do the shjt US has been doing whenever they've been spreading "human rights"), the only reason why west is so terrified by all this and in such hysteria is cause if (when tbh), even after all efforts west has been doing to use Ukraine against Russia from coup to all NATO trainings, Russia still wins in that proxy war with NATO then current world order with US/west hegemony will be finally officially ended :pepe-shrug:

    I don't care about hybe, I actually dislike them a lot and will not care even if they'll be burned today to the ashes but, jeez, kpop fans really don't understand how things work at times and that bs in OP is one of such cases.

    Big yikes to all of this.

    And reported for that gross sig.

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