Posts by neigl

    i think its not only resticted to korean idols and them simping about mediocre looking white guys.

    western art, classic music, culture, european castles, technology like cars from bmw, or society like european welfare systems also find many admirer in eastern asian countries.

    its partly two ways. korea and japan also getin more respected compaired to other countries.

    even if there are lotes of (deserved) reservations towards kpop, thats not the case for k2 or k9.

    I don't count casual listeners. I'm not expecting every person whose streaming NJ (for example) to be checking on the group when it pops up on their spotify playlist etc - that's obviously silly. The disdain on that part is to the labels and companies that debut them.

    I'm talking about the people here and other places who are adults and are self proclaimed 'fans' and stans of the group. They are not people fit for a progressive, civilized society.

    the labels and companies only make money. its the fans who buy albums, merch and concert tickets.

    if the so called progressive and civilized society have a lolita fetish, its as trashy as the people. :sweat:


    its the kpop fans who stan those minors who cause the problem in the first place.

    than those who voice the critics are usually hypocrits, since they only pay lip service, than buy the next ticket or album of a group with minors, while let fully capable and grown up idols like hyolyn flop all the time.

    Nah, if OP is a hypocrite, everyone in this thread including me is one. The only way not to be a hypocrite is to not consume Kpop at all, since dollars going to support older groups is fungible and indirectly supports existing/pre-debut groups with minors.

    As far as genuine concern for younger idols, I don't see mention of concern over the Lee Seung-Gi Act, which is a step towards more rights for artists vs. companies (financial transparency, restrictions on work hours for underage idols) which the Kpop industrial complex is finding a lot of new excuses to oppose. In fact, with supportive Knetz and a few on this thread that might chime in in support, it's sort of a given as the goalpost is now the return of full-on slave contracts.

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    no. i will keep throw my money at bb girls. Its the only way companies get a reason to start thinking about debuting groups without minors.

    atm youth is so crucial to sales and success that, we dont even leave the companies a choice.


    I side-eye and am disdainful of every supporter of a group who debuted with a minor (under 18) in it.

    you should only look at yourself. you cant judge everyone since everyone is different. most kpop fans are children themself. you cant expect them to think about things like this.

    Same goes for casual listener. They just listen to charts or what is trending. Why should they know the groups or the age of the members every time they listen to a song they like?

    Apink and BB girls are the active ones.

    Kara, SNSD had special occasion comebacks, them and T-ara are officially still active.

    I am also here waiting for that Brown Eyed girls comeback, any day now, I am sure :whistling:

    I know the groups are active too but its a different activity compaired to the new 4th gen groups.

    Like you said. Kara came back occasionaly. Snsd is mostly the members follow their solo projects. T-ara released music and had promo for two weeks but that was basicly it.

    There are more groups who may come back or have some activity once in a while.

    Im also looking Forward to BEG comeback. But its not like they still live together in a dorm with daily activities, strictly controlled and managed by the company. So its not that you can follow and support those groups in daily basis like you do with the newer groups.

    Thats really only bb Girls and yeah to a certain degree apink too.

    So the people have spoken, the second best second Gen GG was BP 1.0

    So ranking all (that I found) 2nd Generation Girl Groups, we end up with something like this.

    Tier A Name Status Active
    1 Girls' Generation active 2007-2017 + 2022
    2 2NE1 disbanded 2009-2016
    3 Wonder Girls disbanded 2007-2017
    4 T-ARA active 2009-2017 + 2020
    5 KARA active 2007-2016
    6 SISTAR disbanded 2010-2017
    7 miss A disbanded 2010-2017
    Tier B Name Status Active
    8 Apink active 2011-present
    9 4Minute disbanded 2009-2016
    10 f(x) disbanded 2009-2016 + 2019
    11 Girl's Day in hiatus 2010-2019
    12 Brown Eyed Girls in hiatus 2006-2021
    13 AFTER SCHOOL in hiatus 2009-2015
    14 Secret disbanded 2009-2018
    15 Brave Girls active 2011-present
    16 9MUSES disbanded 2010-2019
    17 Rainbow disbanded 2009-2016 + 2019
    18 Dal Shabet in hiatus 2011-2016 + 2019
    Tier C Name Status Active
    19 CSJH The Grace in hiatus 2005-2016
    20 Stellar disbanded 2011-2018
    21 Sunny Hill active 2007-2018
    22 Gavy NJ active 2005-present
    23 Big Mama active 2003-2012 + 2021
    24 LPG disbanded 2005-2016
    25 Miss $ active 2008-present
    26 BB Ahn active 2011-present
    27 Pride Band active 2011-present
    28 ChoColat disbanded 2011-2017
    29 Blady disbanded 2011-2017
    30 RaNia disbanded 2011-2020
    Other Name Status Active
    31 Maronie Girls disbanded 2006-2012
    32 SeeYa disbanded 2006-2011
    33 Black Pearl disbanded 2007-2012
    34 SongCryGirlz disbanded 2010-2015
    35 F-ve Dolls disbanded 2011-2015
    36 Leader'S disbanded 2011-2015
    37 Baby V.O.X Re.V disbanded 2006-2009
    38 HAM disbanded 2009-2012
    39 JQT disbanded 2009-2012
    40 May Queen disbanded 2011-2014
    41 J'Heart disbanded 2004-2006
    42 Lady disbanded 2005-2007
    43 Redsox disbanded 2005-2007
    44 S.Blush disbanded 2005-2007
    45 Piggy Dolls disbanded 2011-2013
    46 CHI CHI disbanded 2011-2013
    47 C-REAL disbanded 2011-2013
    48 Lady Collection disbanded 2009-2010
    49 B.Dolls disbanded 2010-2011
    50 BeBe Mignon disbanded 2010-2011
    51 VNT disbanded 2010-2011
    52 New.F.O disbanded 2011-2012
    53 KISFive disbanded 2005
    54 Perfume (2005) disbanded 2005
    55 SWAN disbanded 2007
    56 Brand New Day disbanded 2009
    57 Flying Girls disbanded 2009
    58 Coin Jackson disbanded 2011
    59 Bella disbanded 2011
    60 SWINCLE disbanded 2011
    61 Carcaro Girl disbanded 2011
    62 Kassia disbanded 2011

    I really whish t-ara would be active. But except Brave Girls these groups arent really active as girl groups. Even 2ne1 2.0 is more active then them.

    Its more like hiatus or there should be a semi active status. :sweat:

    The drama had such a great plot and good start. But got ruined with the second episode. I get that the character had to act stupid to keep up the drama.

    But it made the drama ridiculous.

    At first it was fine that they act like 10-15yos liddle kids who only care for their own interested. But there should be a development. Afte all they are 20yo men and women who joined the military and fight deadly aliens for month. They should act like that.

    That last nerd scene was ridiculous too. I could have accepted it if they would have executed the scene more realistic. :(

    Honestly idk what you're perceiving from this post but when I talk about visuals it's mostly along the line of "who would I like to look like the most?"

    Not anything else

    im perceiving im to old to consider their visuals. post is about me. since thats what you asked for.

    so dont missunderstand. you pls feel free to do whatever you do. Im not in your shoes nor do i know you. i have no intention nor am i in any position to judge you. i just watch what kpop fans do cuz im curious about kpop.

    If the most successful groups had multiple strong vocalists at the Ailee/Hyolyn caliber, all big 4 groups would have multiple strong vocalists. These companies have 1000s of applicants and they can pick of whomever they want, including having a group where all members as strong vocalists. It is just not a requirement for success in Kpop.

    True, its not a requirement anymore. 8-9 years ago it was more important. It was a good trend but trends come and go.

    Majority of groups with “great vocals techniques” are not that popular. You need more than just great vocals to be an entertainer. You also must have an it factor, great dancer, charismatic, amazing stage presence.. I also see that vocal colours are more important than great vocal techniques, as well as the ability to convey emotion while singing. Most normal people don’t go “ah that’s amazing vocal technique”, they go “ah I can feel the emotions!” When they hear music. So being great as singing is just one of the basic requirement, it’s not enough to stand alone.

    Hyolyn is floping all the time. You can have everything and still go nowhere. But if you're from a big company you can lack in some parts and will still do well.

    I guess have a big company is more important. And if your are a women you also shouldnt age.

    Fan girls collect idols like shoes or bags or any other brand.

    Just a big company doing sns make it trend and people buy it. Kpop is not that deep.