BTS 군 복무 입장 밝힌 하이브… 이진형 CCO “병역법 개정안 조속히 결론 나야”
BTS 군 복무 입장 밝힌 하이브 이진형 CCO 병역법 개정안 조속히 결론 나야
since like 2019 i think
Hybe never pushed for anything.
They requested for a final decision, they didn’t demand for exemption.
If they get granted exemption, they will take it like a sane person 😅
Just get it over with. If anyone deserves an exemption they do.
Time to become a fanfic writer!
since like 2019 i think
Never seen a more wishy washy government than this. Either give it to them or don’t. Stop dangling the carrot. Bts done more than enough for Korea.
since like 2019 i think
I started being an army in late 2018 to early 2019 so I concur, I've never not seen talks and articles about it
I'm tired of this subject, let alone them. I don't blame Hybe for putting their foot down, they most likely want to make sure that if the members have to serve, they'd have enough time to take care of things, be it in their personal or professional life.
Tbh, both the members and the company have been put in many uncomfortable situations where always had to clarify whenever a politician couldn't keep his mouth shut and use BTS's name for their political agenda. This has been going on for almost 4 years now.
They 100% deserve an exemption, my only worry as a fan is that, if they ever do something that the gp/knetz don't agree with they might hang it over their heads.
They 100% deserve an exemption, my only worry as a fan is that, if they ever do something that the gp/knetz don't agree with they might hang it over their heads.
Pretty sure they'll do that anyway...
Fingers crossed they get exempted. They've earned it.
Me searching what CCO stands for
Me searching what CCO stands for
Chief Compliance Officer
The Chief Compliance Officer deals with overseeing compliance within an organization, and also ensuring compliance with laws, regulatory requirements, policies, and procedures.
So it sounds like Hybe's compliance department told Bang PD that they need get this figured out sooner rather than later.
Chief Compliance Officer
The Chief Compliance Officer deals with overseeing compliance within an organization, and also ensuring compliance with laws, regulatory requirements, policies, and procedures.
So it sounds like Hybe's compliance department told Bang PD that they need get this figured out sooner rather than later.
Already googled it lol
Btw I still should be sulky to you
Gonna preface this with saying i think that bts definitly deserve exemption considering the exemption laws that already exists, they have done more than any athelete or classical musician whatever has ever done for korea.
But anyone believing HYBE is not lobbying with everything they have for the exemption behind closed doors is just naive. They have been smart with pr, not saying or getting involved publically and letting other companies take the heat for it.
But its clear they are getting morge urgent as time is closing in on them. This is why theres suddenly a tone change.
Theres uncertainty? Why does the exemption ammendment even matter if they really wanted to enlist?
Suddenly its up to the company to decide enlistment instead of the members themselves who up until now have said they are ready to serve when the time comes. Of course a company will do whatever it can to maximise its profits, its what they do. Its obvious if the exemption laws passes now, they will use it to their advantage, theres millions on the line for the company.
This whole pr thing with flying out media to the usa, saying that a grammy win shouldnt be a critiera for exemption (bet that would have sounded different if they had won) but at the same time emphasizing that they are growing in usa and there are many markets around the world left for them to expand in...All this while at the same time dispatch releases their own polling thats positive on the matter, is no coincidence.
They are doing their best PR to get what they want. And who can blame them?
You want to talk pathetic? You're the one spreading misinformation to try to put the blame on BTS when it's been proven that they are not the ones who've been campaigning for this - it was other companies who tried to use them as a front and then complained en masse when BTS were the only ones to get exempted.
My akorns from the hunger games. Where?
I died horribly shouldn't there be a funeral fee? Lol
Yes, you made it while chatting with us!
What the fuck are some of the comments here? Literally stfu if you know nothing. If you want to write fictional stories go to wattpad. Hybe asked the officials to come to a decision on whether they are passing the draft amendment by the upcoming assembly because it takes 6 months for a law to pass. This is so they can prepare their artists acc to the time they have left. Literally some of you are so fking dumb it hurts to read your dumbass comments.
Salty ass kpop stans mad about your faves not getting exemption maybe think about the qualifications they need to have one. I’m trying my best to not respond to hate comments so don’t make me drag your faves
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