Posts by moonlightelle

    Let me tell you why, because a child cannot legally sign a contract without the permission of their parents/guardians. I can 100% assure you that all terms and clauses were written in the contract, both the parents and the child/children were fully aware of what their trainee journey would be. The parents basically sign off their children to an entertainment company to do as they wish, but they also have full authority to terminate the said contract.

    Any decent parent would terminate the contract at the first sign of mistreatment and abuse if they really cared about the well being of their child, but I guess the promise of fame and money is greater for some.

    I had long suspected NJ's parents to be stage parents...

    I also believe 100% there should be clear laws limiting the power these entertainment agencies have over the idols/trainees, no one should be forced to live in a dorm, be separated from family, or overall have so much control and influence over their personal life.

    I can say this because I do have a bit of experience in this field, if you think Hybe or any other entertainment company can dictate what a luxury company worth billions of dollars can or can't do with their contracts you must be delusional. Brand deals or ambassadors are chosen by a team of marketing experts and researchers based on influence, reach and popularity within certain demographic, geographical location and so on. They always have several options lined up, for example if idol A is not available, they'll reach out to idol B and so on. In conclusion it's always the brand making the choice and up to the celebrity/company if they want to accept it or not.

    I don't know how they're going to survive in this industry by being so naive. Taunting the hand that feeds you is one thing but publicly supporting someone that only cares about the money they make off you and talks badly behind your back is another, well good luck from now on.

    Wait till they grow up a little and start expressing their own opinions instead of saying yes to everything MHJ says and see how much they'll love her then

    This is going to backfire on them so badly. They're basically closing the door to any other career opportunity or collaboration not only between them and Hybe but anyone else except MHJ, and she has nothing currently. I said in a different thread that she's not going to take down Hybe but NJ, and looks like she is dead bent on doing so. I'm all in for parents getting involved but please don't be stupid. I already have the feeling that in 1 month max people will begin to change their tune, not necessarily in favor of Hybe but against MHJ. Their careers won't be the same after this mess no matter how it ends.

    Did people suddenly forget how problematic and a piece of trash MHJ really is? I've never understood the 'I'm rooting for MHJ just because Hybe is evil' camp, especially since both parties are problematic as hell in their own way.

    I've worked in the music industry and this case has been clear for me from the beginning.

    What people fail to realize is that MHJ is not going to take down Hybe with her, she's going to take down NJ.

    So? Take the girls and leave. Hybe will recover, BTS has faced far worse smear campaigns by almost everyone kpop stans and western stans, but still are standing perfectly fine. They created this giant beast of annoyance and it will still stand until they return. The doom posts about Hybe being "cooked" LMAO yall letting this very temporary victory of "public" opinion sway yall like we didn't see what happened to Fifty Fifty.

    NJ cannot leave Hybe without going to court and asking for contract termination, which will most likely end very badly for them. I know kpop stans romanticize the concept of going independent and creating their own agencies and but many of you don't realize just how much money is actually involved in that. Regardless if MHJ is fired/demoted etc., ADOR and NJ was basically built from the ground with Hybe's money.

    What exactly NJ parents want?....they are not happy with the 4 billions that each of one got? they dont like their luxury dorm? they dont like that their girls are the most promoted ones or the ones who got massive funds for their projects or the hundred deals or the platform or the connections that they were offered? and just after one year?

    maybe its not enough for them, idk...

    I give a fuck about Hybe but stanning BTS since the beginning and seeing what they had to pass through just to these people throwing a tantrum , allegedly, because other group copied their girls when their work is not even original, and on top of that supporting someone who wnet to a shaman to ask her to do something to send BTS to military because it was benefitial for NJ... when she should thank them for providing them with the connections, the platform, the funds, the treatment , that BTS started to get after braking their spine for 6 years, because it's BTS the one who did this not BH/Hybe.

    Honestly, you all are very ungrateful

    Trusting MHJ regardless if she's guilty or not (personally I suspect that Hybe had genuine reasons to be concerned given her statements at the press conference) is the biggest mistake the parents can make. I understand your point, I believe they should hear the both sides then consult a lawyer that's independent from both.

    NJ is contractually bond to Hybe not Ador, the girls can't leave even if MHJ does. Contract termination would be close to impossible to achieve unless they're ready to lose everything from money to their brand. As far as we know Hybe/Ador have not mistreated them unless there's something we don't know. Pride isn't worth losing it all, the parents better be smart about it otherwise we'll see a fifty-fifty type of lawsuit all over again.

    Every time I come back here there's always a scandal, but this is on a whole other level. I wish kpop stans would think more with their brains instead of feelings. This is all business and money. I'm not a hybe stans in any shape or form but what she's accusing them of is basically just typical corporate staff.

    If Hybe has genuine evidence of her working behind their backs and leaking private info, then their actions are more than valid. Watching this, she's definitely not in her right mind, just comes off as extremely narcissistic and self-centered. I hope the NJ girls and their parents will seek some independent lawyers that have nothing to do with Hybe or her, otherwise I can definitely see this turning into Fifty-fifty 2.0

    I need to be honest: it's sounds way too pop for my taste. I don't listen to that kind of music

    Closer to you, Standing next to you, and 3d are my faves. Yes or no and Hate you are fine too. And that's it for me

    I'm on the same boat, I want to love this album but it's way too western pop for my taste (I don't really listen to any pop music nowadays). I wish I would have seen more of JK's personal touch or maybe even some of the BH' producers.

    But congrats to JK on his album release, I'm sure it's absolutely going to smash and he deserves it :borahae: !

    He knows all Armys jokes so well, his new username now is

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    :pepe-narrow-eyes: he knows too much

    Wow, some of you hit a new low. I bet if BTS dropped names you'd be calling them liars and opportunists anyway. Looks like you're more concerned about your faves potentially being labeled as shitty people rather than the disgusting behavior of some celebrities towards their younger colleagues.

    I'm glad they're speaking up about it, they have every right to. I've never once believed in the narrative that kpop idols are all buddy buddy with each other and all that glam.

    BTS are most likely far from being the first artists bullied by their seniors. I hope karma will come hard for all those abusing their authority and seniority.