Posts by moonlightelle
Disappointed but not surprised, I'm so proud of them and everything they've achieved. I'm positive this won't be their only grammy nomination, cheer up armys!!!
I'm so nervous I'm gonna cryyyy, it's getting close
The main problem that I've noticed with some kpop stans is that they think endorsing luxury brands (Chanel, Gucci or any world famous designer you name it) is a personality trait when in fact it's not. Business wise, you're promoting a brand that 90% of your audience cannot afford it. Yeah, it looks pretty in a CV but that's it. Trust me when I say that endorsing a "smaller" more affordable brand is making them more bank than any luxury brand could.
Image wise, I don't see any issues, I think BTS are quite smart in choosing the brands they want to endorse, especially when they combine promoting their own image and music at the same time like that Samsung ad did, that was one of the smartest business decisions I've seen.
I don't know why for some people is so hard to fathom that kpop idols could be sh*tty people irl, the entire industry is build on a facade. Maybe it's because I'm losing interest in kpop but I'm so tired of excuses like "unnie/oppa didn't do it because they smile so prettily on tv" , least we could do is be neutral, let victims share their stories instead of bulling them.
which companies artists will be affected by this?
Tbh it makes sense, Naver invested in Weverse and has shares in YG, we should have seen this coming. I don't know why both sides of the fandoms are so fired up, it has nothing to do with the artists but with the distribution of their content.
i can already see how it could end bad for BTS. because the giant companies tend to be verry profit oriented and very commercial.
Who are less interested in the artistic side.
the co-ceo of big hit has already hinted at it several times - referring to fans as consumers and viewing BTS as a source of revenue and making barely any accents on their artistic side.
Big hit is already doing it with bts, they only publish profit oriented content and profit oriented music .
I guess it could end very bad for bts music, and BTS could walk away from big hit because they can't follow their artistic goals there.
This has literally nothing to do with BTS or they artistry. It's about content distribution and merchandise, stop with the fake concern
They had impact but mostly in Asian countries, I mean kpop is still a niche now here in Europe but back in 2007-2012 it was basically non existent. I understand the frustration but let's stop pretending they invented music because they did not, there were so many other successful acts before them, what makes you think that kpop would have been nonexistent if 2nd generation groups had not been successful?
If you ask me, I think the 3rd generation and especially BTS made kpop so accessible in the west. I can see the BTS effect in my country, we have now several kpop shops that exist simply because there's a huge demand for albums, and I'm pretty sure they're not of TVXQ, BB or any other 2nd gen groups.
This is adorable
, the quality tho, BH is not playing.