Why are periods handled so badly in Kpop?

  • I just read a article about a former idol Tina about how female idols deal with their monthly periods, and it's really awful.

    “There was one day where we had to go to practice, but I had such bad period cramps. I remember asking the company, ‘Is it okay if I rest a little bit?’ And they would be like, ‘Do you think other K-Pop idols would rest?’”

    ''Tina admitted that she was once forced to wear white outfits by the company when she was on her period. This made her feel extremely scared, worried that something would happen. Although Tina suggested wearing dark colors, the company did not care or have any support. During the rehearsal and performance, Tina constantly asked her members to make sure that she hadn’t leaked.''

    ''Her group members also felt uncomfortable during their period because their teachers and managers were all men.''

    ''Many female idols even do not get their period for months or be late developers due to extreme dieting or having immense stress. ''

    This is terrible :( We really don't know what happens behind the scenes

    The article if you want to read it yourself

  • It's like that in so many places. I will never forget the comment I saw once where a woman was in the middle of a multi-hour lecture and realized she had probably started her period. She asked to be excused to go and check and the professor gave her shit about it so she told him she was getting her period and he told her to just hold it. :facepalm:

  • It's like that in so many places. I will never forget the comment I saw once where a woman was in the middle of a multi-hour lecture and realized she had probably started her period. She asked to be excused to go and check and the professor gave her shit about it so she told him she was getting her period and he told her to just hold it. :facepalm:

    I had that happen to me in just a regular class! Since mine were so heavy the seat was covered in blood because of him

  • It's like that in so many places. I will never forget the comment I saw once where a woman was in the middle of a multi-hour lecture and realized she had probably started her period. She asked to be excused to go and check and the professor gave her shit about it so she told him she was getting her period and he told her to just hold it. :facepalm:

    Believe it or not, I have heard that before. Reproductive health for everyone should be taught in basic biology. There are way too many guys who have no idea that we can't actually hold it. Also, it's dumb as hell that they get so freaked out about a perfectly normal bodily function that happens to half the population.

  • It's like that in so many places. I will never forget the comment I saw once where a woman was in the middle of a multi-hour lecture and realized she had probably started her period. She asked to be excused to go and check and the professor gave her shit about it so she told him she was getting her period and he told her to just hold it. :facepalm:

    i won’t forget my P.E. teacher in high school. i had started my period and felt like utter shit, was in so much pain i could barely move. told her how much pain i was in and she just told me to stop using my period as an excuse (and even told me i was being “lazy”)

    i straight up ignored her and rested for a bit but overheard her talking to the other girls about “how periods aren’t an excuse to not do anything” :rolleyes:

    the worst part about this is that the P.E teacher was a woman :|


    october 17th

  • It's like that in so many places. I will never forget the comment I saw once where a woman was in the middle of a multi-hour lecture and realized she had probably started her period. She asked to be excused to go and check and the professor gave her shit about it so she told him she was getting her period and he told her to just hold it. :facepalm:

    How the hell is a woman supposed to "hold it" for hours???

  • Why are periods handled so badly EVERYWHERE? Why is women’s health placed second generally?

    Don’t get me started on this. The lack of knowledge, support, assistance, research etc into gynaecological health has wrecked my life - and sadly countless others’ lives just that I know of personally.

    I'm so sorry to hear that :( I have had issues in my life too and it's hard just finding help and getting taken seriously.

    I'm surprised to hear this about SK though, cuz supposedly they are one of the better ones with regards to periods. They have laws about period leave there!


  • I'm so sorry to hear that :( I have had issues in my life too and it's hard just finding help and getting taken seriously.

    I'm surprised to hear this about SK though, cuz supposedly they are one of the better ones with regards to periods. They have laws about period leave there!


    I didn’t know that about S Korea, but I’m just eternally unsurprised by general bad attitudes to ‘women’s problems’. :cursing:

    I’m sorry you have had difficulties too.

  • How the hell is a woman supposed to "hold it" for hours???

    it’s not about the length of time, it’s about the fact that periods are NOT the same as pee and you cannot “hold” it once it comes, even if for just 10 seconds. It’s a misconception many men have bc period blood and pee both come from a vagina and so to them that must mean they function the same, when they actually don’t lol. For your further health education, to put it simply, unlike the penis which only has 1 hole for both semen and pee (the urethra), the vagina has 1 separate for pee (the urethral opening) and 1 separate for periods (the vaginal opening), hence why women can “hold” pee but literally can’t for periods even if they want to. It’s impossible lol

  • i am sitting here going...i feel bad for you ladies

    'cause i get nothing like this lol

    I used to have heavy ones...i have 0 anything

    never had the pain some get, i get absolutely nothing.

    i guess i'm lucky in that field.

    expecting us to hold it, or not be able to take care of it the moment we get hit with it, which aunt flo loves to show up unannounced at any given time the bitch feels like it, is just incredibly asinine.

  • That's horrible.

    I hear irregular menstrual cycles being highlighted a lot when it comes to women's health issues. There are a myriad of other health issues so for it to be highlighted it's gotta be pretty bad.

    Like I know it's a bad thing but I'm not sure why....can someone enlighten me why...


  • Sorry if this sounds dumb but, why did they not take period cramp pill? The cramp pain should turn mild within an hour. It is available at any drug store and no prescription is needed to buy. In high school, the nurse at infirmary let students took the pill freely.

    First before all, I wonder why did not they take contraceptive pill. Is there a stigma against the pill in SK? It is commonly used to delay period in my country, even widely used as acne treatment.

  • Sorry if this sounds dumb but, why did they not take period cramp pill? The cramp pain should turn mild within an hour. It is available at any drug store and no prescription is needed to buy. In high school, the nurse at infirmary let students took the pill freely.

    First before all, I wonder why did not they take contraceptive pill. Is there a stigma against the pill in SK? It is commonly used to delay period in my country, even widely used as acne treatment.

    Periods are not one size fits all. I don't know what magic non prescription pill you're talking about but I never had a non-narcotic med that could touch the dehabilitating pain I used to have with my periods.

    Similarly, contraceptive pills are not a panacea either. Some women have issues with the hormones, some women still have tremendously heavy and ferocious periods despite trying many different kinds of contraceptive pills (I'm speaking from personal experience here) and had to go on additional meds just to stop a heavy never-ending period.

    I agree with commenters upthread about how women's health issues and periods in particular get handled shittily. One of the most wonderful things about being a female manager (and yet heartbreaking things) is the visible relief and the thanks a female employee has when she needs to run home and change because of a bleedthrough and so is happy to have an empathetic female manager (and not feel embarrassed just talking about it.) Or when you are known as having the secret supply store in the office.



  • That's horrible.

    I hear irregular menstrual cycles being highlighted a lot when it comes to women's health issues. There are a myriad of other health issues so for it to be highlighted it's gotta be pretty bad.

    Like I know it's a bad thing but I'm not sure why....can someone enlighten me why...

    When you are irregular you don't have a set cycle like a normal woman will expect their menstrual cycle to happen at the same time every month, irregular people don't therefore you may or may not ovulate. You also can have polycystic ovarian syndrome.

    PCOS is a very common hormone problem for women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS may not ovulate, have high levels of androgens, and have many small cysts on the ovaries. PCOS can cause missed or irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth, acne, infertility, and weight gain.

    Irregular Periods can also cause other severe issues such as uterine cancer, cervical cancer etc.

  • Sorry if this sounds dumb but, why did they not take period cramp pill? The cramp pain should turn mild within an hour. It is available at any drug store and no prescription is needed to buy. In high school, the nurse at infirmary let students took the pill freely.

    First before all, I wonder why did not they take contraceptive pill. Is there a stigma against the pill in SK? It is commonly used to delay period in my country, even widely used as acne treatment.

    It took me years to find a birth control pill that didn't give me awful side effects. Why would an idol want to risk things like gaining 20 pounds or terrible acne when it'd only bring them major hate?

  • Sorry if this sounds dumb but, why did they not take period cramp pill? The cramp pain should turn mild within an hour. It is available at any drug store and no prescription is needed to buy. In high school, the nurse at infirmary let students took the pill freely.

    First before all, I wonder why did not they take contraceptive pill. Is there a stigma against the pill in SK? It is commonly used to delay period in my country, even widely used as acne treatment.

    What works for you doesn't work for someone else. I have an irregular cycle i literally need ot use an IUD or i will bleed for 6 months straight. No joke it's happened twice. I'm on my 2nd IUD, i'm afraid to rip the bitch out because i don't want to spend my life bleeding every day. No pill is going to stop that, the only thing that works for me is an IUD or rip my shit out.

    Don't assume that one little measly pill is going to work for every single person, everyone's body is different. you should know that.

  • I know there are other women on this forum who suffer with endometriosis so I’m going to highlight this here as well.

    This is a disease which affects a staggering 1-10 women, but generally takes seven years to diagnose, is frequently dismissed and sidelined as ‘just bad periods’ in spite of being a debilitating whole body disease, has often catastrophic effects on woman’s lives and is still not taught as a medical or surgical speciality at any point. There is no currently no cure. For me, after five surgeries, countless types of contraceptive prescription, being forced into pseudo menopause for months (with a drug btw that is used as a PUNISHMENT for sex offenders in places to cause chemical castration!) I face the bitter truth that even a full hysterectomy is unlikely to give me relief from the debilitating pain I face daily. Not to mention that hysterectomies come with a host of other potential side effects and rest of life risks.

    I cannot explain how much difference it has made to work in an environment with only other women, so I least get some f*cking *empathy* in the workplace.

  • Many men can’t understand period pains because they don’t experience it. They often think it’s an excuse to skip work etc, especially if you’re the only female who seems to have massive cramps.

    That’s why more female managers or women in leading positions are needed. If you work with women this is necessary. Many Guys have more understanding towards issues regrading men because they are men themself. That’s why many GG‘s are often mismanaged. Either in cases like this or issues within the Group itself because male managers can’t understand their problems.

  • I’m shocked things are that bad in a lot of places honestly.

    I remember in high school we were encouraged to let them know if periods got that bad and you could usually go home. Also to call ahead and let the school know if you were going to be absent for that reason. I’ve also never seen any teacher refuse female students permission to leave the room. Pretty sure lecturers don’t even have that kind of power over anyone.

    I remember in 8th grade I got my period on the day we were having p.e and we were supposed to be swimming. I was scared out of my mind in case I got exposed in the water and I guess my teacher could see my reluctance to go and change. I was too embarrassed to tell him about it but he must have guessed because he told me to just sit this one out and told me to take notes for him. I was so shocked because he was known as a hard ass and terrified all the students because he was so strict and unapproachable.

    Even in work places women are entitled to a Mother’s Day every month even though it’s only one day. It doesn’t affect their pay in any way.

  • I know there are other women on this forum who suffer with endometriosis so I’m going to highlight this here as well.

    This is a disease which affects a staggering 1-10 women, but generally takes seven years to diagnose, is frequently dismissed and sidelined as ‘just bad periods’ in spite of being a debilitating whole body disease, has often catastrophic effects on woman’s lives and is still not taught as a medical or surgical speciality at any point. There is no currently no cure. For me, after five surgeries, countless types of contraceptive prescription, being forced into pseudo menopause for months (with a drug btw that is used as a PUNISHMENT for sex offenders in places to cause chemical castration!) I face the bitter truth that even a full hysterectomy is unlikely to give me relief from the debilitating pain I face daily. Not to mention that hysterectomies come with a host of other potential side effects and rest of life risks.

    I cannot explain how much difference it has made to work in an environment with only other women, so I least get some f*cking *empathy* in the workplace.

    I'm so sorry you have gone through this.

    It is scary how our health issues are regularly dismissed or misdiagnosed. Then the lack of empathy when it comes to pain..

  • Periods are not one size fits all. I don't know what magic non prescription pill you're talking about but I never had a non-narcotic med that could touch the dehabilitating pain I used to have with my periods.

    Similarly, contraceptive pills are not a panacea either. Some women have issues with the hormones, some women still have tremendously heavy and ferocious periods despite trying many different kinds of contraceptive pills (I'm speaking from personal experience here) and had to go on additional meds just to stop a heavy never-ending period.

    It took me years to find a birth control pill that didn't give me awful side effects. Why would an idol want to risk things like gaining 20 pounds or terrible acne when it'd only bring them major hate?

    LMFAO. You used rare odd to negate the general usage of the drug. Your arguments were just the same as answering "Why is not aspirin widely used in some countries?" with "Coz they are very extremely rare cases where it is not effective".

    Period cramp pill is NSAID, not at all addictive. From rough reading on the drug, it is safe unless taken in high dose or for several days or the person has underlying disease/symptom (bad kidney/liver, bad gastritis , allergic to NSAID etc.). From what I've seen, usually, a girl has bad cramp only 1 day per each cycle so, the pill should be safe to use. NSAID is a very commonly used drug family and aspirin is a member of NSAID despite a weak one.

    Contraceptive pill may be used to heal acne.

    Many men can’t understand period pains because they don’t experience it. They often think it’s an excuse to skip work etc, especially if you’re the only female who seems to have massive cramps.

    That’s why more female managers or women in leading positions are needed. If you work with women this is necessary. Many Guys have more understanding towards issues regrading men because they are men themself. That’s why many GG‘s are often mismanaged. Either in cases like this or issues within the Group itself because male managers can’t understand their problems.

    Lol. Sympathy is genderless. One needs not to experience migraine to understand if a migraine colleague need a rest when his/her disease acts up.

  • If you're a man which I'm guessing you are maybe you should not try to mainsplain things you don't know or understand to women who are trying to explain the truth to you?


    usually, a girl has bad cramp only 1 day per each cycle

    Also that's so immensely wrong

  • that's pretty universal unfortunately, period pains/problems have never been taken seriously anywhere.

    Exactly. It's not only idols and not only Korea. It's around the world...

    My cousin periods were so bad that every month she needed to have drip for 3 days when it lasted or she would be severely dehydrated

  • which country

    i'm booking my flight :pepe-notes:

  • Lol. Sympathy is genderless. One needs not to experience migraine to understand if a migraine colleague need a rest when his/her disease acts up.

    There has been scientific evidence that there is a difference in the capacity of empathy between males and females that are biological rather than societal.

    Females do have a slightly better emotional intelligence. Apart from that sympathy is biased and often needs the ability to understand someone’s pains and struggles despite not going through it yourself.

    This ability can be achieved to shared experience (or similar shared experience) or a better research on that matter.

    You have less sympathy for things you don’t understand. Your example with migraines is bad cause migraines is something everyone can get regardless of the gender.

    So again, for certain things it’s better to have people around that can understand your struggles better. So if you work with a lot of women, it’s important to have women in managing positions.

  • You sound like a boy :/

  • you sound like a complete joke right now, Sit the fuck down.

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