what did you major in when you were in college + what job do you have now?
Management bachelor degree + Accounting, tax and finance masters. I work in the finance and accounting sector for a little over 2 years.
Don't stress too much over it before hand. Try casually looking for opportunities or internships in your field in the meantime. Going into the job market fresh out of college is definitely scary, but just try to focus on finishing your degree first. We all need to start somewhere. And you're still super young, you have plenty of time.
Management bachelor degree + Accounting, tax and finance masters. I work in the finance and accounting sector for a little over 2 years.
Don't stress too much over it before hand. Try casually looking for opportunities or internships in your field in the meantime. Going into the job market fresh out of college is definitely scary, but just try to focus on finishing your degree first. We all need to start somewhere. And you're still super young, you have plenty of time.
thank you so much for taking the time to answer. it means so much.
i have the issue where i'm so far along with pscyhology and criminology that i just can't change it now. i'm a junior but this is my first year on campus. i'm supposed to be a sophomore rn but i overloaded on classes and worked my ass off but now i realize maybe i'm not that into this, but it gets me a govt job. plus i still have zero clue what to do if it's not a govt job.
and i need a govt job because of the benefits + my disabilities will be supported.
thank you so much for taking the time to answer. it means so much.
i have the issue where i'm so far along with pscyhology and criminology that i just can't change it now. i'm a junior but this is my first year on campus. i'm supposed to be a sophomore rn but i overloaded on classes and worked my ass off but now i realize maybe i'm not that into this, but it gets me a govt job. plus i still have zero clue what to do if it's not a govt job.
and i need a govt job because of the benefits + my disabilities will be supported.
It's never too late to change your plans and try something different. If you're not into what you do, lack of motivation and burn out will start to hit you after a while. But I understand it can be risky to apply for a less stable job.
Once you start working the priority is gaining experience. Your first job will probably not be your permanent one. Maybe there are other fields you are more interested in that get you a govt job?
Either way, I hope everything works out for you.
I'm actually a superstar irl but ya'll will never know
It's never too late to change your plans and try something different. If you're not into what you do, lack of motivation and burn out will start to hit you after a while. But I understand it can be risky to apply for a less stable job.
Once you start working the priority is gaining experience. Your first job will probably not be your permanent one. Maybe there are other fields you are more interested in that get you a govt job?
Either way, I hope everything works out for you.
thank you
i wanna work on finding internships before i graduate but i really need to focus on school
I went straight from high school to college, what did I think? A LOT OF SHIT
First, I ended up getting into a course that I thought I liked, but actually it wasn't what was good for me. I spent 2 years studying something I didn't like and suffering from anxiety because I hated what I did. Dropping out of college was the bravest attitude I've ever had, today I study something I like.
wAe gUerEoji mOlLA
So i leave in a third world country so getting a job in your field is almost impossible because of nepotism so i after i got my degree it took me two years to get a job in my field and i found that job thanks to my dad's connection and now I'm going back to university to get a second degree and this time I'm studying in a first world country so wish me luck
Figure out the demand for interships that might be useful for you. I would prioritize school if I were you, but it wouldn't hurt to start becoming familiar with how interships work and what they offer.
I'm taking mostly art classes in college. My very first job was part time at a pet store. Took months to get my first job. Nobody would give me a shot due to not having past job experience. After that I took a risk and left that job to become a temp at a company. Luckily I got hired full time from them after busting my ass to prove myself. I left there for another position in the same company.
I still do art stuff on the side and take art classes but my job is very active and takes up all my energy it seems. -
this is the only time when I will say that I'll keep what I studied and what I do a secret...
good luck my friend
Economics degree in college, and I currently work for a bank. I got the job originally by joining a temp agency, getting my foot into a new team that was starting on the night shift, and five months later, applied for a day-side job in the same department. I've moved around a lot internally since then, because you'll find that the only way to make more money is to pursue those opportunities for yourself. Stay in the same position and your pay will stagnate.
I don't know what your field is, but don't feel any shame about how you may come across your job. If it's a temp agency (there are many that target specific industries), through a friend or parent's friend, the job listing at your college, just picking up contract work... It's all valid, and it's all experience you can use to propel you forward.
The first few weeks/months after college are unnerving, because it's like you had to take a step off the ledge, but you'll find your path. Have strength.
this is the only time when I will say that I'll keep what I studied and what I do a secret...
good luck my friend
in my past life i obviously had to have majored in astrophysics and discovered the sun
I studied Information Technology and other related fields in college, but never finished my degree
That's also what I do for a job, but have acquired skills for it outside of college as well.
I actually got my current job because the office I am working in expanded and needed a local IT department, so my background got me in the door and I got the position, even though it was vastly different from the job I was currently doing for the company.
I'm LSM and running SM OBVIOUSLY
in my past life i obviously had to have majored in astrophysics and discovered the sun
Love your answer
i majored in biology and i currently work in quality control taking microbiological samples around a food manufacturing plant for inspection purposes. i got my job through submitting my resume on indeed.com and the company reached out to me and i accepted.
i think you should rlly look around at different job listings, government and non government, to see what kind of jobs you can get with your degree and what kind of work they entail. you'll be surprised how many super specific jobs there are out there that you probably never considered. and there are definitely companies with benefits that are nearly as good as government jobs. all i can say is keep looking and dont give up! there are also jobs that will accept someone with any sort of degree so that would definitely be a way to get into another field if you're still not loving psychology and criminology
I majored in philosophy during my bachelor's degree and international studies during my master's degree.
I'm currently working in the marketing and business field, lol, it's totally different. From 1,000 pages books, I started to manage websites, do SEO optimization and do business reports. It's crazy, but I love every day at my job.
To be honest, I also struggled during my third year. I graduated during the pandemic and for one year I applied like crazy for jobs, I prepared my resume and even what to answer during interviews, but no one called or they asked for work experience. How to have experience when I studied all day? Crazy.
I met my boss when I translated some documents for the company and he offered me a job, without any experience, so don't lose hope : ) you never know where your life will go.
My advice is to take every opportunity that you have. My boss didn't even ask for a resume. You have to actually have practical skills, not only theoretical skills. Maybe if you find an internship or a part-time job for the begging it will make your life easier in the future.
I majored in English so I'm a teacher. I'm currently in grad school trying to survive my master's.
Advice: Don't rush. I also graduated from college when I was 20 and I was so eager to find a job I was willing to accept anything. Find a job that you think you will actually enjoy. If your job makes you feel burned out, it's okay to resign.
Also, first jobs are always "scary". Try to find someone who can guide you without taking advantage (of you)
I was pretty good in English.
I majored in Web graphic Design and now I'm the Lead Patient Access Coordinator for the Neurosurgery Department at my University Hospital which is just a fancy way to say Supervisor of Admin stuff.
I got the job by applying as an entry level position of just scheduling and worked my way up to where I am now. It's easy to make connections that'll help you work your way up as long as you stay true to yourself and can be empathetic. But it doesn't hurt to also talk to people and put yourself out there.
Business. I'm a corporate trainer.
Applied Physics
still a student (pain)
Industry Management in college,
and its been 15+ years been working as Illustrator, Art director, 2D artist,
so.. its totally unrelated -
When I was in college, I wasn't so interested in my studies, although of course I understood that they were important because they gave you insight and education. I had an entrepreneurial sense, I always wanted to have something of my own, some kind of business. During training I tried to go to training courses to specialists who told me how to run a business. The most interesting thing was the name of your business. Ideally, it is better to locate your business in the state where you live. how to start an llc in oklahoma this was my biggest question and I spent a lot of time talking to people. Now I have a small business that makes me a lot of money. I am very happy that through all the difficulties I got it done.
When I was in college, I was constantly studying the topic of investment. I sincerely believe that you can earn a lot on the stock market. But to do this, they needed knowledge and experience in investments, which, unfortunately, Meyan did not have. Therefore, when I was studying, I read a lot of literature about how and where it is more correct to invest. I've always been following the news. Therefore, the first hype about cryptocurrency appeared. This is also a very interesting area, which I also climbed into. Now I am engaged in investing my money in stocks or cryptocurrency. To do this, I constantly compare investment applications https://www.playlouder.com/aco…-vs-webull-vs-m1-finance/, and I use the more profitable application.
I think it’s a topical question. You won’t believe how many of my group-mates now work in a completely different sphere far from our major… I graduated from https://iunajaf.edu.iq/en/.. It’s quite a decent university in the south of Iraq. I was majoring in technical engineering and frankly speaking I liked it. But not all of my peers there actually enjoyed it. Some of my friends were forced to that specialty by there parents. Now they work all in different fields, some in restaurant business, some decided to obtain a second major in IT engineering… Looking at them, I’ve become confident I would never force or limit my children’s choice of their future profession.
I am just finishing my degree in computer science (thesis hand in Sunday) and i currently intern as a artificial intelligence engineer
Don't worry so much. If you get a college degree, you shouldn't have problems finding a job. Moreover, as soon as you finish your studies, you can rest for a few months and only start looking for a job; there is no need to hurry so much, I know what stress is like in college, and I have passed it, almost. I once entered the Faculty of Law because my parents wanted me to. I dropped out of this university after half a year. I decided to fly to Prague myself to start studying at a film school -- praguefilminstitute.cz. So you will find a job and everything will be fine, the main thing is to think positively!
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