What songs are considered national hits is a hot topic - sometimes - and while there are many ways to decide it Ive always belived ul count is the clearest indicator. While melon is just one music service in Korea it has long been the biggest and most influential - when a group mentions they want to be #1 on a digital chart they are usually talking about melon. Going off history Melon uls are a great way to gauge if a song is a hit or is mass streamed by fans and with melon becoming transparent in their ul and stream totals we can now see this easily now. The ul count for what a national hit would be isn't set in stone but a comparison of how many hit above a certain number , say 5 million, is rare and can show which groups can lay claim to that statement. With that in mind, here are the 3rd gen groups with National hits.
3rd gen BGS have 8 songs while GGs have 9 - and it wouldnt be unfounded to address BTS, Twice, and BP as the biggest among 3rd gen groups digitally.
With this list is there any group you thought would have more songs or are missing from this list that suprises you? Discuss