IU's Celebrity surpassing Taeyeon's WDICY views in one day made me realise...

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    9.7 M in one day.

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    7.3 M in 1 month and a few days.

    This isn't shade. I'm a TAEGANGER(Taeyeon fan)...But...i remember how before Taeyeon used to have more views and people used to say "Taeyeon has more views cuz she is more popular internationally than IU"

    I think SM is playing too safe with Taeyeon. I know My baby Taeyeon is more dedicated to music than Getting Youtube views , But artists should always get new fans,otherwise... You know.


  • Taeyeon pretty much stopped promoting her music for years now and in recent years has been virtually non existent in the usual kpop scene (TV, music shows etc) all due to her health. Without any exposure it's hard to appeal to a wider audience outside her core base.

  • IU's international fan base have grown since then. The consistent good music plus her hit dramas really propelled her international popularity massively. Not to mention, taeyeon is already past her prime

    :!: :!: :!:

    Not sure what you mean by Taeyeon is "past her prime" but I surely hope it isn't a reference to her age. She's still young and is fully capable of continuing her idol career, it's just that the songs she has been given lately don't stand out. They're good but it's nothing different than what we're used to hearing from her.

  • what....?

    not her heart on her recent songs? nothing different? :whatr:

    what are people honestly listening from Taeyeon to think like this lmao

    girl just puts out quality music continously, has been starting to be more involved in writing her own lyrics, and all her realeases are different one to another...like how does WDICY sound similar to Happy or to Spark or even Girl Speak Out lmao

    and vocally and performance wise she just keeps getting better

    if she is not getting any more popular is because of lack of promotion and her not being very active anywhere

    IU is not only a great artist and Korean's favourite, but she's constantly putting content out for her fans, and her last dramas were a massive hit, so of course she's been getting even more famous

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  • The last promo on music show for Taeyeon was fine, on 2017 and for like 3 days, no show on TV till 2020 November, and a lot of shit in her life in the last years. So it's normal that she stop growing her fanbase.

    But if this is the price for her to start recover her Health Well i'm glad she did it.

    What is better? Being n. 1 and famous everywhere but completely unhealthy or recover yourself and find a way to live in peace with yourself?

    People like to talk about love yourself but when someone try to do that is a loser that is surpassed by her "competitor"

    I'm glad she did that, on 2015 - 2017 at her PEAK she was at her worst.

    Now she is so happy doing amazing saturday, and i 'm more happy for her NOW than that time

  • IU's international fan base have grown since then. The consistent good music plus her hit dramas really propelled her international popularity massively. Not to mention, taeyeon is already past her prime

    :!: :!: :!:

    Lee Jieun is now trying to push herself to the overseas. She even used foreign composers, practically the first title song she ever did. Taeyeon seems to be content about what she has now

  • Iu really is a marketing genius if you actually track her career. She started out as this indie solo artist making music akin to those arthouse films, then started to get more pop and blew up mainstream, then dabbled into acting to grow her domestic public awareness, then released more diverse music products to grow her artistry and attract listeners from a wider range of demographics, then secured hit dramas to gain a bigger international audience, then collabed with a member from the biggest boy group with the most dedicated fanbase in the world atm and gained even more fans from it.

    Every move she made paid off and there was always something to gain for her benefit and her brand, literally. It’s quite incredible to watch lol

    Edited once, last by whipped ().

  • Iu really is a marketing genius if you actually track her career. She started out as this indie solo artist making music akin to those arthouse films, then started to get more pop and blew up mainstream, then dabbled into acting to grow her domestic public awareness, then released more diverse music products to grow her artistry and attract listeners from a wider range of demographics, then secured hit dramas to gain a bigger international audience, then collabed with a member from the biggest boy group with the most dedicated fanbase in the world atm and gained even more fans from it.

    Every move she made paid off and there was always something to gain for her benefit and her brand, literally. It’s quite incredible to watch lol

    Her next movie is filmed by a director whose last film grossed 120M$ (2nd biggest gross in history of SK)

    Also she is rumoured to play in Koreeda's new film. His "Shoplifters" won Palme d'Or in Festival de Cannes!

    IU World Domination :pepe-excited:

  • iu knows how to play her cards. good songs + her acting career + youtube channel + collaboration with a member of the most popular group has helped her to grow her international fanbase

    That is because , unlike everyone else, she is her own boss and dictates her own activities to her maximum benefit

  • Iu really is a marketing genius if you actually track her career. She started out as this indie solo artist making music akin to those arthouse films, then started to get more pop and blew up mainstream, then dabbled into acting to grow her domestic public awareness, then released more diverse music products to grow her artistry and attract listeners from a wider range of demographics, then secured hit dramas to gain a bigger international audience, then collabed with a member from the biggest boy group with the most dedicated fanbase in the world atm and gained even more fans from it.

    Every move she made paid off and there was always something to gain for her benefit and her brand, literally. It’s quite incredible to watch lol

    Lee Jieun knows very well about what people expect from her, although that was not always true (Eunhyuk, Zeze, etc) before.

  • Her next movie is filmed by a director whose last film grossed 120M$ (2nd biggest gross in history of SK)

    Also she is rumoured to play in Koreeda's new film. His "Shoplifters" won Palme d'Or in Festival de Cannes!

    IU World Domination :pepe-excited:

    Actually, the director Lee Byunghun (no relation to the actor of the same name) had directed a drama which was quietly buried, after his great success

    Koreeda is not known to be a hit director. It might be acclaimed, but it is not going to be a great hit. He can't find backers in Japan anymore so he first tried France with Catherine Deneuve's help, but the result was not too great.

    It is not know whether Lee Jieun will play an unwed mother there, but whyknock thinks at 28 (when the movie will be released), she will be a little bit too old for that role. It appears Bae Doona recommended Lee Jieun for that role , whatever it might be, but if I were the director, I would be using a lesser known face., instead of using a singer who is Senior enough to be a grandmother to most of the 4th gen of KPop.

  • Dude, she’s 28, not 65!

    yES but

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    Her entire career was catalogued and inventoried and she was given the Lifetime Achievement Award at the age of ...21.

    So she has been a Senior Singer of Kpop since then.

  • https://onehallyu.com/topic/21…=comments#comment-9770810

    IU's Good Day(2010), which might be more enduring in Korea than Gee, only has 1/10th of that views and will probably never crack 20 mil.

    Good Day already has 48M views :siptear:

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  • Good Day already has 48M views :siptear:

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    Because at that time her fame was dying and she only did become relevant in the overseas after My Mister in 2018

  • Well, she's talented as hell.

    from her debut 2008 til now, she's still in the front.

    Anyway, everyone should know she has a song called Friday. It's never getting old. lol

    소엘가새 ✞ 리밍스피릿 로하로디 베럽이유 믿
    Tomorrow X Together

  • Well, she's talented as hell.

    from her debut 2008 til now, she's still in the front.

    Anyway, everyone should know she has a song called Friday. It's never getting old. lol

    Friday (2014) was the song which defeated Exo , led to her campaign against the SM flagship act and eventually ended up giving her Lifetime Achievement Award at the ripe age of twenty-one.

  • IU international popularity is rising whereas Taeyeon is promoting less and less. She also had a complicated year in 2020. Her releases were also a bit underwhelming last year. Yes, her songs were good but not to the level of Purpose or My voice for example. Happy is not on Four seasons level either.

  • Because at that time her fame was dying

    How come her fame was dying at that moment? You wrote your post on 29th August, 7 days before, IU released Leon that broke the two most relevant digital records in SK:

    -the highest number of Melon ULs (1.4M)

    -the highest number of Perfect All Kills (136)

    and she only did become relevant in the overseas after My Mister in 2018

    My Mister wasn't that popular internationally...

    IU became relevant overseas after Scarlet Heart in 2016.

    You are WhyKnock, you should know that better than anyone else! :angryr: Are you OK?

  • exactly, that's one of the things i love of her

    Lee Jieun is her own boss, and she gets to claim all the income she makes, unlike even the most successful acts from major companies whose owners claim a lion's share of their income. (For example, SM as a company is not doing great because all the income flows into a bunch of entities Mr. Sooman Lee set up for himself and his family members.)

  • :shyr: I love them both and could care less if they are the most popular, however I must agree SM is failing Taeyeon promotionally.

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • It was her last hurrah before the Zeze fiasco sank her, which is why she did not release any new songs on 2016

  • IU has always been the bigger name then Taeyeon, even with the brief spart in 2019 IU showed higher physicals

  • IU international popularity is rising whereas Taeyeon is promoting less and less. She also had a complicated year in 2020. Her releases were also a bit underwhelming last year. Yes, her songs were good but not to the level of Purpose or My voice for example. Happy is not on Four seasons level either.

    Taeyeon seems to be too dependent upon SM to map her journey. Also her father had passed away so it might have affected her.

  • Because basically you can see IU everywhere. She's active promoting herself on variety shows, acts in dramas, not just releasing music.

    Meanwhile Taeyeon doesn't seem to be in a wide variety of things. She only released music (with lack of promotion) and then call it a day. I also wonder if it's bc SM that's hindering her from getting more success. By now we knew SM's history of neglecting their senior acts, this included Taeyeon ofc. Only a couple months ago she got a permanent gig as Amazing Saturday (a pop culture quiz game show/variety show) cast member but that show has small ratings, so it didn't do wonders to her career/music release. I wonder if it's SM fault of not giving her proper promotions? Or is this is just Taeyeon being herself? -a homeboy introvert who doesn't like fame that much and prefers a laid-back celebrity life?

  • I just think SM is just so bad at marketing their senior artists overall this includes Taeyeon ofc. Whereas IU has more freedom around 90% to do what she wants and is smart at marketing herself through various activities.

    IU effectively owns her own company while everyone in SM has to answer to Sooman.

    In other words, while Taeyeon and others have to wait approval from Sooman to do anything , IU can approve her own actions.

    Which makes all the difference since Sooman's priority is on male acts , especially NCT now, while IU's priority is herself.

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