What do u think about religion?

  • I do not believe in religion. In past, yes it was needed. But now people do blindly anything in the name of religion and I see cult behavior from people who follow them. I could have easily accepted my religion if they are ready to accept the change and progress with their rules but no, whatever the shit that was written in the name of religion has to be followed without doubting the creator.

  • I hate ppl that be tryna force they religion on somebody else

    But I respect all religions even tho I might not respect some of the ppl in a religion

    As long as ppl dont be mockin my religion then im fine

    I was born into my religion but it was my choice to stay it aint like my parents forced me to stay

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  • I don't have one but I find the whole Christian culture so beautiful. Idk if I can call it "culture" but idk what to call it either lol

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  • My family were never particularly religious. I don’t believe but do have some Christian views. I also believe in heaven. Sometimes religion can be the cause of the world’s issues particularly in the Middle East.

  • I consider myself quite religious, although I'm not a member of any church or world religion out there. But I do believe in a higher power, I do pray, when I'm in distress, because it comforts me, and I do have some religious teachings I follow. Especially one: One Love. It means to respect everyone and everything around you unless it looses the right to be respected. I don't differentiate between muslim, christian, buddhist or something else. For me there are only two types of people out there: Good people and bad people. And they come in every shape, color and religion. And they use everything for their own goals, especially religion. Although all religions in their core are the Faith in something more powerful and more peaceful than us.

  • I believe only communist will say that. Or at least my country's communist

    Anyway, religion is a way of thinking and acting. You can have religion religion, science religion, evolution theory religion, or atheist religion. Not all religion have a god to worship, but definitely have something they believe even when not proven true

    Lol, what communism have to do with my statement?
    BTW, religion is a system of beliefs organized around the worship of an all-powerful deity. Atheist is the lack of belief, i dont see how Atheism can be a religion.
    In my case i dont believe in any God because the evidence of its existence is insufficient.
    Now, why i say religion is poison. Simple, because religions makes good people do bad things.

    Religion is a set of dogmas, and the thing with dogmas is that you have to accept them without any doubt, any questioning. And that ends with people believing things written thousands of years ago that dont make sense now. People who denied scientific evidence because dont go with their beliefs. Believers hating innocent people just because "GoD" said so. they dont even contemplate being wrong, because "How they can be wrong if they are in the side of God?
    Mmmm. Comes to my mind how the Catholic Church sabotage the use of condoms in Africa resulting in alot of deaths that may have been preventable using a simple condom. Or now, with the euthanasia. Catholic church is against because "only God can end a life", ignoring the suffer of many people with terrible diseases. You have the genocide of the palestinians by Israel, when you can find people who is in favor of killing this people because "GOd gave them those lands many years ago" is "Gods will"
    they are many examples like this. Yes, religion poisons everything.
    PD: Sorry my english, is not my native language.

  • it's fine as long as people keep it to themselves. Religion should be a guideline to life; Not a way to cross the line of someone else's life.

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  • When I was religious (started with Korean Presbyterian), it was a big part of my life. I had phases of being very tolerant toward others while having less tolerant phases.

    However, I became atheist. From @@@16caf7c1-d1ce-4cf6-82a0-87da9b8161d2@@@ horsemen level of anti-religion to more accepting phase. I still have a back and forth opinion on religion.

    My current opinion is religion is fine as long it is kept for itself, don't focus on harming ideas, and more importantly don't get involved with politics. As long it serves the communities instead of the other way around, it is fine and can be beneficial as having a community can be nourishing experience.

    At the same time, I don't have any belief in the spiritual or faith idea. I think they are bullshit and just a quirk of our evolution we need to iron out. I get the idea of awe, but explaining it in some metaphysical concept is mostly a waste of time for me.

    I don't believe it is needed to be a good and moral person. If someone needs it as a clutch for that, I think that person needs to reevaluate their position first.

  • My country's communists said, "Religion is drugs". Kinda similar to poison

    That's what you think, the OP ask what do I think about it

    But there are bad people who do good thing after joining a religion

    Did you know there is a religion that tells the follower to think, question about nature, and do science? And most of their claims about today world is still make sense

  • Did you know there is a religion that tells the follower to think, question about nature, and do science? And most of their claims about today world is still make sense

    Which one? I only know the ones who tried to "fix" their believes so they could match with the science. But they always fail
    See, the thing with religions (The most popular atleast) is that are based in an infallible God. What kind of God make mistakes or fail in delivered their message right? If God made the religion, it cant be any error.

  • being Mormon growing up stunted emotional growth and sometimes I feel like I was a part of a cult.

    But as long as you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else I believe it is all well and good.

    I like alot of things.

  • Religion is fine just like no religion is fine.

    I'm Catholic myself but I'm like...weird Catholic lol. I don't take most of the old teachings seriously but I do believe in the Saints and Mother Mary because I find comfort and hope in them.

    But I would not judge anyone else based on their beliefs.

    ~ ω

  • I don't believe in anything, I really think religion is just a device to make people feel better about failing at life and the fact that we are all going to die. But I don't care if people have religions, we all need something to make us feel less pathetic but I hate it when people are like 'repent for your sins cuz your going to hell' and stuff.

  • I'm not personally a fan of the concept of religion, but everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want to as long as it doesn't negatively impact others. Although indoctrination is a complex issue that doesn't really sit right with me.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


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