Do you care about the chart success of your favorite groups?

  • Yes, I do.

    I want my faves to have a song or two get on the Melon 100 chart, that way they can get a little fame, get booked for some festivals and make a some money to pay their debt.

  • Only for nugu groups. I think too much importance is often placed on charts.

    For established groups already, it's one of those where if they do then great, if they don't then it's whatever.

    But for small groups, the time I obsessively checked charts the most was when I stanned Dreamcatcher. I so badly wanted them to do well and charting was the only way I felt they would have gotten noticed. Unfortunately it never happened. After that, I no longer believe chart is a measure of how good a song is but more how popular or trendy a group is. Of course there are exceptions

  • Of course.

    I want to hear more music from my group. One of the ways I can hear more music is they're successful = if they're successful, they have more opportunities for comebacks and better budgets. They are tapped on the shoulders for more OST's, the members have solo options. I'd expect 4 of the 5 members of my group to have solo debuts/comebacks, and that's helped in part because their group music is very successful and they generate profit.

    That's all it boils down to. If you want your groups to continue on, you support them and hope for them to be very successful. That way you know they are guaranteed to continue doing what they do.

    Anyone not caring about their chart success of their group almost uniformly would be a BG/big 4 fan. Not saying you have to obsess over it, but you should want it.

    Ever wanted to hear more of a small label group? IF the group doesn't make money you can't get more of them. How many promising nugu groups can disbanded/disappear because they just don't have the numbers to make money? Too many.

    So yeah, everyone should care, at least a little. Not for bragging rights or to obsess over it, just so they can see their group do well, find more fans, and thus have a longer career.

  • I care because I know they get happy about it and it means the fandom will probably grow, but it doesn't impact my opinion of the song (well not too much anyways) for better or worse. Probably I'm a little biased towards the less popular songs because of like an underdog mentality if anything. But it really is so heartwarming seeing all the group members get so thrilled about chart success.

  • Honestly, no.

    Not to mention there is obviously too much competition.

    So, while I wish my groups were more popular, I know it's not going to happen.

    But, who knows? Maybe at least one or two will garner and sustain more music popularity down the line and hit the charts more.

    "Whoops.... " ~ Homelander / Mortal Kombat 1 - Winging It Fatality

  • I do care in the sense I'm aware they need a minimum level of success to keep getting quality content and budget, and I'm also self aware companies have certain expectations that need to be met, not meeting such expectations the group will just be quickly replaced or becoming a non priority inside the company

    But otherwise I don't give a damn about my favorite groups being the top sellers or anything alike. If my group is popular enough to have long term stable careers with a good influx of quality content I don't really care whether or not other groups sells more

  • I voted yes cause I think when I was a super big army and getting into other groups the people I surrounded myself with always talked about charting, even if I didn't know what it was I wanted those groups to do well on things like melon.

    I used to attend streaming parties for a lot of people, and voting threads. Took part in different fandom events and stuff like that.

    But if I had another option to vote on, I would also vote no for now. I view it really differently and just can't find the time to do it anymore.

    Sure I'll vote on M Countdown now and then, but some of the fandoms I am in now are so small it truly doesn't matter or won't get over 3% of votes. 😅

  • Yes I do

    Because them being successful is rewarding for my faves

    I want my faves to know that fans love them and people love listening to their music

    Everytime Young K goes in his DJ show fans watching outside the studio would signal to him like "10 10" to hint that their song breakthrough the No. 10 spot on the chart and this makes them feel happy

  • Yes, because I first got into KPOP way before I stanned a group with the motivation and hope to see better Asian representation in fields like entertainment. Growing up part of the "model minority" was stifling for me. Of course, this also means I want my fave group's so-called rivals to chart too.

    People say ARMY want to claim BTS paved the way, but don't want anyone else to use that road. Not in my case. I say they paved a dirt road, built a highway and several bypasses off it, then let others run across it. Some have found their way, others are still trying, no ones gotten as far yet :pepe-toast:

  • I want to hear more music from my group. One of the ways I can hear more music is they're successful = if they're successful, they have more opportunities for comebacks and better budgets. They are tapped on the shoulders for more OST's, the members have solo options. I'd expect 4 of the 5 members of my group to have solo debuts/comebacks, and that's helped in part because their group music is very successful and they generate profit.

    That's all it boils down to. If you want your groups to continue on, you support them and hope for them to be very successful. That way you know they are guaranteed to continue doing what they do.

    So yeah, everyone should care, at least a little. Not for bragging rights or to obsess over it, just so they can see their group do well, find more fans, and thus have a longer career.

    Somewhat, for the reasons above. Doesn't have to be a chart topper every time.

    Also, enough success to avoid the usual 'they flopped' narrative.

  • I voted no because tbh BTS have already cemented their name as the biggest korean artist ever internationally and one of the biggest and most influential in their own country. Even if they flopped for the rest of their career (extremely unlikely), still no one would be able to surpass them, something that we've actually seen during these 2 years they've been on hiatus. So i don't really care anymore about their charting.

    Then I read your post and changed my mind. I remember how happy BTS were whenever they achieved something huge, like when Dynamite topped the hot100, and I'd like to see them that happy again, so i went to change my vote but I can't :pepe-sad:

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  • Everyone cares, but not everyone is crazy about it. It's good to see your faves perform well on charts, even better if they win big Awards (not Melon and MMA, sorry :melon_think: ), but for me the quality of the songs is more important. Sure, it's sad to see when real artists don't have the same success, but I don't really care about that anymore. That's why I don't vote on Music Show apps, just buy their albums and go watch them live if I can. 90% of the groups can't be on TOP10 anyway. If they manage to do it, that's like a miracle.

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