Do I have to care abt Israel Palestine?

  • I know this is bad to say but whenever I see protests at my school or around my city I just don’t see how that does anything to help anyone?

    I mean isn’t this the case for most of those faraway conflicts you hear about?

    Like what do these people expect random commuters to do, we are just normal people, with little power to change things in the world.

    I’m not entirely in the loop with this situation but I can already see and hear people everywhere talking about this and everyone has an opinion. Is it wrong if I just… don’t?

  • If you say you don't care people might come after you badly. But I do think it's important to keep up with what's happening in the world. You don't have to have a firm stance if you are ignorant to what's going on, but at least you could have sympathy for innocent lives being taken during times of war.

    Protests bring light to the situation. If there's war in the world and injustice you want to go out and fight for justice and peace as well as make people more aware of what's happening so they can donate to the cause. Yes, we are normal people, but that doesn't mean as a whole we don't have power. Protests all around the world spark change. That's our power, our voices.


  • I If you say you don't care people might come after you badly. But I do think it's important to keep up with what's happening in the world. You don't have to have a firm stance if you are ignorant to what's going on, but at least you could have sympathy for innocent lives being taken during times of war.

    Protests bring light to the situation. If there's war in the world and injustice you want to go out and fight for justice and peace as well as make people more aware of what's happening so they can donate to the cause. Yes, we are normal people, but that doesn't mean as a whole we don't have power. Protests all around the world spark change. That's our power, our voices.

    I do have sympathy for people. I have lots of Jewish friends and I’ve met Palestinians at school too. But really no offence PR doesn’t really do anything and it doesn’t win military battles lol.

  • I’m so happy people like you exist. I keep stumbling upon the “silence is violence” types lol.

  • I do have sympathy for people. I have lots of Jewish friends and I’ve met Palestinians at school too. But really no offence PR doesn’t really do anything and it doesn’t win military battles lol.

    I don't know much about that but like I said before you don't have to care if you don't want to. That's okay. Nobody should force anyone to care about something. That'll just make them not want to care more.


  • I think if you are in capable position to access information and be critical with media reporting it’s good to do that because civilians on the ground depend on people like them to bring light to their situation. i.e. protests in EU countries prevent the EU to stop humanitarian aid for the ground. this week people protests to demand governments stop supporting IDF financially until they hold ceasefire in hope there will be no more victims (they already asked US$ 10bill to DC)

    Like you said, PR works from both side are muddy so keeping facts afloat and not washed by media is half the battle.

  • I think if you are in capable position to access information and be critical with media reporting it’s good to do that because civilians on the ground depend on people like them to bring light to their situation. i.e. protests in EU countries prevent the EU to stop humanitarian aid for the ground. this week people protests to demand governments stop supporting IDF financially until they hold ceasefire in hope there will be no more victims (they already asked US$ 10bill to DC)

    Like you said, PR works from both side are muddy so keeping facts afloat and not washed by media is half the battle.

    I guess this is a EU specific thing. In America , it doesn't matter how much people protest for or against something, politicians will just push stuff through banking on peoples short attention span. So maybe it's less democratic than the EU? idk.

  • People are trying to exert pressure on their complicit governments to stop supporting and funding an apartheid state that's openly calling for genocide. That's why they do protests, that seem pointless to you, in faraway places.

  • It's understandable to feel that way sometimes. Not every form of protest or demonstration directly leads to immediate change, and it can be challenging to see the impact in the moment. However, these events often serve as a way for people to raise awareness about issues and, over time, can contribute to larger movements and change.

    You're right that not everyone can influence global conflicts directly, but expressing empathy and awareness can still make a difference. It's not wrong to have moments when you choose not to engage in discussions or protests. What's important is finding your own way to contribute, even if it's through educating yourself or supporting causes that matter to you in your own time and capacity.

  • I guess this is a EU specific thing. In America , it doesn't matter how much people protest for or against something, politicians will just push stuff through banking on peoples short attention span. So maybe it's less democratic than the EU? idk.

    eh, i mean the large outcry did change Biden's statement from "israel can do anything to gaza in the interest of self defense" to "israel have to leave civilians alone" and even retracted his statement about beheaded babies when people asked for hard evidence, which is quite significant for me because afaik US president never back down their support to israel's press release ever in my life.

    we're living in the time where people are given tools to challenge official governments' propaganda and act swiftly massively, for better and for worse.

    also organizing such protest is usually how citizens create network for possible help and donation directly to people in need and create safe space for people affected by media propaganda (i.e. preventing physical assault, defending people being doxxed for protesting, etc.)

    like i said, not everybody in capable position and not everybody has the privilege to set aside some of their resources (time, mental load) to tune in foreign policies. but the ones that do is never too insignificant if it helps a single livelihood.

  • There's so many warnings about the unprecedented level of misinformation spread especially on social media. Most of the people "caring" (including on here) are merely carrying out the will of Russian bots.

  • no one's expecting you to have a strong opinion. but if you can't even talk about it when asked, then go read some news to not look like you are living in a cave. no need to feel guilty about not caring about it too much. not everyone cares about it as much as you think. but i think it's naive to think protests don't help. If done right and be organized, it can put so much pressure especially with how easily it can be spread through social media. you are already witnessing its power with your own eyes, people with no relation to conflict and in a different country standing up for a just cause.

  • On top of being powerless to do anything about it. Most of the people protesting and demanding someone do something, they themselves are usually cowards or hypocrites. Oh how do you stop a war? Regardless of which side you back how do you stop them when talking doesn't work? Well obviously you have to fight one. Most of these people would run the moment you told them you'd have to get your fists up and go fight or pick up a gun. Or they would demand their government to keep their military out of it

    So why are you protesting if you won't actually do something about it or allow your nations military do something about it? It's all hypocrisy once the issue actually affects them suddenly they want nothing to do with it.

  • Protest do work if they didn't countrie like Russia and others that don't allow a lot of freedoms wouldn't be against them. Protests have also help a lot of causes. As for the question if you don't know shit of what is going on then just go throughout your day without caring, you don't have to take part in it.

  • I mean there are a lot of bad things happening in the world. You can't care about them all. I care because I have friends whose family members have been killed by Israel, and I have friends from Syria, Jordan, and Palestine. So I care. But at the end of the day, we are witnessing a genocide happening that the world is allowing to happen so like...maybe just notice? If you have friends who are from countries affected by this maybe reach out to them?

  • On top of being powerless to do anything about it. Most of the people protesting and demanding someone do something, they themselves are usually cowards or hypocrites. Oh how do you stop a war? Regardless of which side you back how do you stop them when talking doesn't work? Well obviously you have to fight one. Most of these people would run the moment you told them you'd have to get your fists up and go fight or pick up a gun. Or they would demand their government to keep their military out of it

    So why are you protesting if you won't actually do something about it or allow your nations military do something about it? It's all hypocrisy once the issue actually affects them suddenly they want nothing to do with it.

    Agree, if they are so passionate about their cause, they should go there and fight instead of living comfortably in a wealthy western country and engaging in armchair activism.

  • There's so many warnings about the unprecedented level of misinformation spread especially on social media. Most of the people "caring" (including on here) are merely carrying out the will of Russian bots.

    It's funny that you are talking about misinformation but use good old russian bot argument lol

    Nobody can take you seriously

  • Protest do work if they didn't countrie like Russia and others that don't allow a lot of freedoms wouldn't be against them. Protests have also help a lot of causes. As for the question if you don't know shit of what is going on then just go throughout your day without caring, you don't have to take part in it.

    why are people pretending people can freely protest in eu? dutch police literally shoots at their protestors; french police beat the shit out of their protestors all the time, we don't report it anymore; they even banned pro Palestine protests. Bbc said that pro Palestine protests are pro hamas protest, that was do disgusting. Somebody obviously told them that was over the top and they had to apologize. Spanish police is also brutal. And so on, so on.

    The world isn't like you think, what you idealize doesn't exist anymore

  • Agree, if they are so passionate about their cause, they should go there and fight instead of living comfortably in a wealthy western country and engaging in armchair activism.

    dude, why do you assume we are westerners? there's more to world than the west. At least half of the people here aren't from the west, including the person you were talking with

  • why are people pretending people can freely protest in eu? dutch police literally shoots at their protestors; french police beat the shit out of their protestors all the time, we don't report it anymore; they even banned pro Palestine protests. Bbc said that pro Palestine protests are pro hamas protest, that was do disgusting. Somebody obviously told them that was over the top and they had to apologize. Spanish police is also brutal. And so on, so on.

    The world isn't like you think, what you idealize doesn't exist anymore

    that is true I'm sorry for not wording that sentence right. What I meant to say was that why are countries so against protests and I meant most of them shit look at the U.S too, and it's literally on the constitution. the point that I was trying to make was why if protest are supposedly so useless why do governments try to stop them.

  • You have more power than you think.

    Puma is allegedly pulling out of Israel's sports, some franchises of other products are closing permanently in some countries because of the power of people like you and me.

    But you don't have to join anything that you don't want.

    However it's very sad because many innocent lives are being taken because they were born on land owned by their ancestors for decades. Those kids and innocent people did not choose to be in that position, it's heartbreaking to watch them suffer and die in so much pain helplessly.

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  • This unfortunate tragedy ultimately is hamas fault. They purposely use civilians as shields.and unfortunately a decent amount of people there seem apathetic to them, meaning they seem to show no willingness to dissuade them from having their forces close to or around them.

    This has been a tactic used by many Islamic jihad forces from iraq,to Afghanistan to Pakistan,yemen syria and beyond.

    The lands of Judea is Israel ancestral home and Israeli's have been there for centuries and still traveled there annually until the land was given back to them, and they and others lived there for many many years before they were formally a nation again. The people there were given the choice of their own nation and prosperous and plentiful land far more than the land Israel was given. But time and time again the leadership of other groups refused any type of peace and only wanted war. That's why this current situation is what it is today. That's the reason Gaza has a wall around it on the Israel and Egypt side because not even the Egyptians want that terrorist stuff on their land. Also the west bank and Gaza were once governed by Jordan and Egypt and neither gave the people any freedoms. The only reason Israel "controls" the area is because those nations started a war with Israel and lost. This happens in every war, you lose the victory chooses the consequences. We saw it in ww2 and everything afterwards. If Hamas gave up today, all of this would end overnight.

  • This unfortunate tragedy ultimately is hamas fault. They purposely use civilians as shields.and unfortunately a decent amount of people there seem apathetic to them, meaning they seem to show no willingness to dissuade them from having their forces close to or around them.

    This has been a tactic used by many Islamic jihad forces from iraq,to Afghanistan to Pakistan,yemen syria and beyond.

    The lands of Judea is Israel ancestral home and Israeli's have been there for centuries and still traveled there annually until the land was given back to them, and they and others lived there for many many years before they were formally a nation again. The people there were given the choice of their own nation and prosperous and plentiful land far more than the land Israel was given. But time and time again the leadership of other groups refused any type of peace and only wanted war. That's why this current situation is what it is today. That's the reason Gaza has a wall around it on the Israel and Egypt side because not even the Egyptians want that terrorist stuff on their land. Also the west bank and Gaza were once governed by Jordan and Egypt and neither gave the people any freedoms. The only reason Israel "controls" the area is because those nations started a war with Israel and lost. This happens in every war, you lose the victory chooses the consequences. We saw it in ww2 and everything afterwards. If Hamas gave up today, all of this would end overnight.

    I don't know why you quoted my post but, we all know that Hamas didn't just use Gazans to get what they want. Israel has been committing a genocide for 75 years. Palestinians have been in an open prison for 75 years. Hamas are trying to do to Israel what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for 75 years.

    And you are wrong. Israel wants all Palestinian land, Hamas is an excuse. If Hamas stops fighting, Israel will silently kill all Palestinians just so they can have all that land without any Arab living on it.

    History talks about the promised land but never about it's location.

    The Nazis found Jews in different parts of Europe and started killing them. They were not in the current Israel. Palestine was never their home, Jews aren't Arab, Palestine is in Arabia. Palestinians felt sorry for jews who were being put in gas chambers and welcomed them into their homes only for the Jews to grow stronger, ally, and connive with Britain and America and they started the genocide of Palestinians which is still ongoing today.

    That is what I know and it's the truth.

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  • If it were a genocide they would have killed them all off decades ago. Not play politics with peace etc. Palestine was never a country to begin with. 25% of israels population is Arabic of that 10% is "Palestinian" and all of these people live equal lives in Israel there's plenty of Arabic people who work in the IDF and hold higher positions. There's even a Arab judge who literally sentenced a Jewish minister to prison.

    Gaza is an open air prison from Egypt side too, they could have had a open border but they too erected the same type of border Israel has with them, tell me why they did that?

  • If it were a genocide they would have killed them all off decades ago. Not play politics with peace etc. Palestine was never a country to begin with. 25% of israels population is Arabic of that 10% is "Palestinian" and all of these people live equal lives in Israel there's plenty of Arabic people who work in the IDF and hold higher positions. There's even a Arab judge who literally sentenced a Jewish minister to prison.

    Gaza is an open air prison from Egypt side too, they could have had a open border but they too erected the same type of border Israel has with them, tell me why they did that?

    Whatever :suure:

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  • 75 years ago the British left the land. The jews declared independence in the part they lived. You can google it everywhere. It was the arab countries surounding the jews who declared the war 1948. But they lost.

    Anyway. It was 75 years ago that 700.000 palestinians got displaced. What do you think. how many of themy are still alive?

    In the last few years 20 milion arabs got displaced and milions murderd by other muslims like syrians, turks and jemenits. Nobody cares. Nobody cares that 40 milion kurds also dont get their free state. Why? because people dont care about palestinians or arabs. This movement is run by people who hate jews.

    Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs are both native to the land. Nobody will go away.They are forced to live together. 2milion arabs live in Israel with full citizenship. Israel have left Gaza in 2005 so the Palestinians can have their own state. But many Palestinians refuse to accept the jews and keep shoting rockets into israel. Those who support hamas and are against any peace deal needs to be eliminated so peace can be aranged.

  • Such a joke.

    Israel is committing a genocide, ethnic cleansing and killing children, women and the elderly like it has done for the past 75 years and the whole world now sees it all.

    I'm not brain washed so don't bother quoting my posts coz' I won't answer you.

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  • Such a joke.

    Israel is committing a genocide, ethnic cleansing and killing children, women and the elderly like it has done for the past 75 years and the whole world now sees it all.

    I'm not brain washed so don't bother quoting my posts coz' I won't answer you.

    they occupy territory that is heavily defended. They left gaza in 2005 so palestinians can have their own state. now they are forced to invade since gaza keeps attacking israel. whoever rules gaza is fully responsible for whatever happens.

    the war and the killing and dying can be over as soon hamas release the hostages and lay down its arms and promise to not attack israel anymore.

  • I'm not brain washed so don't bother quoting my posts coz' I won't answer you

    You are brainwashed 🤡. When someone comes with facts or to even debate your claims what do you do? Tell them you'd ignore them or reply with whatever. 😂😂 You will never convince anyone you are right with that attitude, people are only proven right or wrong by engaging with each other be it debating or bringing real FACTS that cannot be refuted. Running back to an echo chamber doesn't help you doesn't help the cause you are fighting for and sure as fuck doesn't help you with convincing those who are neutral or those who are against it. Hearts and minds are won with facts and words not bullets and bombs and sure as fuck not with sticking your head in the sand the second someone says something you don't like.

  • Israel has been committing a "genocide" for 75 years, yet Palestine's population increases steadily each year. I think it's very safe to assume you don't know what that oh-so-trendy word even means.

    Fun fact of the day: Approximately 20% of Israel's citizens are Arab. So your crazy conspiracy theory that they're trying to cleanse the land of Arabs can also be thrown right out the window. It has zero merit, just like the hyperbolic claims of genocide.

    Suggesting that Israel was never the home of the Jews is frankly one of the stupidest attempts at historical revision I've ever seen. You know the world's most popular book, that Bible thingy? It would not exist if it had not been written by Jews hailing from Israel. If Israel were not the home of the Jews, none of the Abrahamic religions would exist, including Islam, the ideology which Hamas and their ilk so thoughtlessly kill scores of people over. Ironic, isn't it? But yeah, Hitler found Jews living in Europe, so that must be their place of origin. :facepalm:

    Your "truth" reeks of unbelievable ignorance.

  • Double post.

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  • It's easy to know who is zionist and who is not here.

    I blocked all their a**es.

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  • It's easy to know who is zionist and who is not here.

    I blocked all their a**es.

    I never seen that one user say any logical sentence in all my time of akp. Everytime they speak its the most atrocious fallacious bullshit.

    And encouraged by the words other dumbasses come and say even worse shit thinking they are spitting facts lmao.

    Imagine if the intellectual world depended on their asses to speak seriously on issues.

    narcissistic, my god i love it


  • I never seen that one user say any logical sentence in all my time of akp. Everytime they speak its the most atrocious fallacious bullshit.

    And encouraged by the words other dumbasses come and say even worse shit thinking they are spitting facts lmao.

    Imagine if the intellectual world depended on their asses to speak seriously on issues.

    The moment someone says they don't care that people are speaking up for millions of voiceless people being killed day and night, it shows just how evil they can be. If they can't sympathize with babies being killed and families destroyed for forever, nothing can pump sense into you.

    I just hope that the supporters of the genocide never get to experience what Palestinians are going through around the world especially in Gaza.

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