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Posts by krell
nytimes.com/gaza-war-briefing ... *AUDIO Reporting* (MON-FRI , PM , NYTimes) = ISRAEL vs HAMAS War Briefing ... You *Click* the big 'Arrow Button' at top-left and it plays audio ... The latest from the Israel-Hamas war ... Weekday Afternoons with Times journalists on the ground (in ISRAEL).
Please post any messages about this topic
in the *different* AKP THREAD here that already
has a LOT of messages in it.
Click for TOP Message this Thread ; Bump.
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youtube.com/GD_Center_of_Mind ... Journey to the Center of the Mind ; Amboy Dukes (Ted Nugent) ; Year 1968 ... (G-Dragon 'inspired' song recall) ... youtube.com/watch?v=JWpa6TqdTK0
(G-Dragon) --> 'Welcome , to the Hotel HAIR and PEE Test (Police Building) ...
... What a Nice Surprise (illegal drugs usage?) ... Bring Your ALIBIS ???' ...
--> (GD) = 'He Can 'Check Out' any time He likes , But HE CAN NEVER LEAVE' <--
G-Dragon & Lee Sun Gyun officially banned from leaving Korea
due to drug investigations (PASSPORT suspended) ; 2023.10.27
G-Dragon gets (Police) Booked on (illegal) drug allegations ; 2023.10.25
G-Dragon releases an official statement
claiming he did NOT take (illegal) drugs ; 2023.10.27
Observation -->
IF that G-Dragon takes and *passes* the URINE test ...
And in particular the illegal drugs *HAIR* test ...
Then I would be inclined to believe what GD says it ...
IF you FAIL the illegal drugs *HAIR* test ...
It is about *100%* certain that you are a repeat chronic user
of illegal drugs (that are detected in your HAIR follicles).
Drew_B <-- Your Chance to say you *like* the AMBOY DUKES song ...
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Mike Johnson, a staunch conservative from Louisiana,
is elected House Speaker with broad GOP support ; 2023.10.25
Yes , it could be ... *ME* = SPEAKER , if I get enough votes ...
I have been meaning to contact them ...
... IF made SPEAKER , then
I would be willing to change my legal name to 'BLIND SQUIRREL' too ...
I believe you have to be USA citizen , NOT sure on an AGE restriction.
You need to be Age 25 to be USA House Rep. (voting) ... But that
AGE RESTRICTION may NOT apply to 'just anybody' as SPEAKER
who is NOT a voting House Representative ... There has never been
But , it is LEGAL to have that situation (say TRUMP = SPEAKER = Now).
I believe SPEAKER has to be human , your CAT is disqualified.
trump for speaker of the house?? lol
Actually , is *legal* (possible) to elect TRUMP as USA HOUSE SPEAKER (Leader).
But , TRUMP then would NOT be able to *PARDON HIMSELF* for his crimes ...
So , to do that (PARDON) , TRUMP must be USA PREZ in Year 2024 ...I believe , *early* , before TRUMP *said* he did NOT want to be SPEAKER ...
That a couple (Republican) USA HOUSE Reps. members *voted* for TRUMP
to be SPEAKER (fairly sure) ... That stopped (votes for him) when TRUMP said
that he did NOT want the SPEAKER job. -
They should just pick a name out of a hat at this point.
They already did that = *TRUMP* ...
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Even a BLIND SQUIRREL who only Satisfies the ACORNS now and then , would be better than NO SPEAKER at all ??? ... (*Fake News*) GEORGE SANTOS changes his name to BLIND SQUIRREL + JETS to KATHMANDU ... SANTOS's 'friends' then upload a video of him dancing to 'Dave Clark 5' group = 'Catch Me (Us) If You Can' -->
(*Fake News*) Ms. AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) observed -->
'WHAT A CATCH !!!' ...
Added Later: I suppose the 'debate' has now evolved into IF that say -->
I see GEORGE SANTOS gets to *keep* his USA HOUSE of Reps. Seat ...
The hand of BLIND SQUIRREL (GOD ???) moves in mysterious ways.
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apnews.com/biden-xi-meeting-usa ...
BIDEN + XI in USA (APEC Summit = Nov. 12-18) ??? ; 2024.10.24
Observation --> Personally (USA citizen) , I do *NOT* want (PRChina) XI = 'TYRANT for LIFE' (Murderer?) ever to set foot on USA soil again ... And vice versa = For a USA PREZ to visit PRChina = *NOT* anything that I want to see it ... And *sickening* to see those like ('Majority Leader' , BIDEN Party) USA Senator NY 'Chuck' SCHUMER to visit XI in PRChina ... And do a grinning PHOTO OP with XI = Someone who *PRISON Disappears* common PRChina citizens for *5 to 10 YEARS* if they 'digital post' *anything* 'negative' about XI (TYRANT) ... There is NOTHING to 'like' anymore about XI and PRChina ... Rather , time for USA and Allied *DEMOCRACY NATIONS* to *prepare* for eventual MILITARY CONFRONTATION with PRChina (and PUTIN = RU) ... XI has stated that , words as PRChina MILITARY needs to be ready for *ALL OUT CONFRONTATION* now ... Hopefully , JAPAN and S.KOREA (Vote for Leaders) see it that way ... XI and PUTIN are *not* their 'friend' in any way now ... XI (PRChina) is just a TYRANT MENTALITY BULLY looking to *intimidate* other ASIA located nations (Phillipines = example).
(USA Sen. NY) SCHUMER with PRChina's XI during Beijing visit ; 2023.10.10
--- Begin ---
I feel the same way about (Leader) Prince MBSlime of Saudi Arabia , as I do about XI (PRChina) and PUTIN (RU) ... I do NOT care to see them on USA soil ever again ... The MUSLIM nations (S.A. , U.A.E , QATAR , et cet) are increasingly *proud* to be abusive TYRANT nations.
As for the UNITED NATIONS (NYC , USA located) , let some *other nation* than USA host the TYRANT nations visiting and spouting nonsense ... How about move the UNITED NATIONS organisation to the *Pedophile Island* of Jeffrey Epstein (deceased) ... They can chatter on *uselessly* there , and work on their suntans ... Stream Video of say XI (PRChina) and PUTIN (RU) pounding a (Nikita Khrushchev = RU) SHOE on a TABLE and shouting as 'WE WILL BURY YOU !!!' = (USA and Decadent Western Nations that actually VOTE to elect their leaders) ... Just 'pack up' ALL of the UNITED NATIONS , let them find a New Host Nation for their useless chatter.
--- End ---
Santos = the GOP version of the Squad.
Again , I was (AM) hoping that Ms. AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez = Squad member = Originator of 'Squad' name) would nominate GEORGE SANTOS for SPEAKER of USA House , and then he would get a few BIDEN Party votes.
Not to mention the *Nominating Speech* , as how about -->
'And YOU thought that you got *conned* over the *Weapons of Mass Destruction* in IRAQ ??? ... Have I got a SURPRISE for YOU ... GEORGE SANTOS !!!' ...'Republican' Party = Frugal Morons (?) = (T)rump (T)rash (T)raitors = TTT Party
George Santos Swore He’d Never Talk to Me.
Then the Phone Rang ; 2023.10.22
Ending months of silence, the politician began
an unusual dialogue with a reporter he had long avoided.
Observation --> *Wondering* IF that the GEORGE SANTOS *BAIL* current situation might be revoked , as he seems *much more* a FLIGHT RISK now ???
The next NY *Federal* COURT event for SANTOS is soon = October 27th.
The People Who Broke the House ; 2023.10.23
*** LOL = Begin Quote about SANTOS ***
George Santos --> This one was personal. Congress’s most notorious fabulist declared himself an “Anyone But Scalise” voter. Why? He has groused that Mr. Scalise has ignored him all year and so did not deserve his support. Forget ideology or policy or politics — or the *23-count indictment* (Prison duration likely) against him. Hell hath no fury like a House member with hurt fee-fees.
*** LOL = End Quote about SANTOS ***
The only thing this chaotic Speaker selection is placing in danger is the steady flow of taxpayer cash to defense contractors and foreign tyrants.
There’s Still No House Speaker. What Happens Now? ; 2023.10.23
Observation --> This above URL Article explains well the situation.
My understanding , with NO SPEAKER as of *November* 17th ...
then a USA Government 'Shut Down' takes place ... Also , those who wantedto give MONEY to ISRAEL , with NO SPEAKER , they cannot do that (New Laws).
Quite a few *Republicans* of USA HOUSE of Reps. want a *new* SPEAKER
as soon as possible for these (and other) reasons.
A threat to their Democracy is independent sovereign Countries. Seen the global elite actually weeping about the dangers of independent Countries.
Are you opposed to NATO as a Political and Military Organization ???
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