What the Lisa France Performance made clear about this forum...

  • While lots of people were disappointed and bashed Lisa in other places online, people here were respectful even though some didn't support it which showed one of the important purposes of this forum.

    I joined this forum just so I could peacefully interact with people with whom I share love for Kpop. It may not always be peaceful but I love that Lisa isn't hated on here for her decision regardless of whether people agree with her or not. I feel like there's a lot of maturity on here lately and I'm loving it.

    Clap for yourselves everyone <3

    Edit: In first title, I used the exact words that were used to describe Lisa in articles on other platforms not because of anything else. Lisa is a symbol of love so lets share and spread love as well. ❤️

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    Edited once, last by sonemariam: My message is being misunderstood. ().

  • I’m glad people (for most part) kept it civil on here. I’ve seen some grossly misogynistic and slut shaming comments on twitter.

    I had to close the app because it was making me too stressed. Some K-pop fans are just huge prudes tbh, and many of them have a huge double standard towards male and female idols…I’ll leave it at that.

  • Akgae of the other three, especially one of them, have been saying the nastiest things about her.
    Lisa breaks out of the Kpop mold and I can't wait for her to leave that group behind her.

  • Are you really buying this OP’s act 😭😭😭😭

    Lisa participated in an artistic performance the people who call it a strip show are the pathetic incels and haters and trolls. The OP has always been a troll who has insulted anyone not an SM act so I hope people can clearly see this thread for what it is : shade from a troll OP.

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    Closed the thread.
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    Changed the title of the thread from “What the Lisa idol to stripper moment made clear about this forum...” to “What the Lisa France Performance made clear about this forum...”.
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    Opened the thread.
  • I was naive once...

    probably lasted one week of me lurking pre-revamp lol

    I relate.

    It can be (used to be) tough especially if your favs are top performers and you are very passionate about them. But if put personal feelings aside, it's a lot easier to express yourself here than anywhere else.

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  • what I learn is that people really don't know the difference between burlesque and a strip show there is a big difference

    It’s just like when people call my mom a whore. I get really upset and tell them she’s only a prostitute.

  • It’s just like when people call my mom a whore. I get really upset and tell them she’s only a prostitute.

    fail to see any similarity with what you are saying you need to be informed more about the burlesque culture in France

    A Brief History Of Pariss Dazzling Cabaret
    Cabaret a frivolous form of entertainment involving various musical dance and theatre acts being performed to an audience whilst they drink and dine is a...

  • It’s like AKP users have no qualms admitting they are the problem 😭😭

    Sorry some of us don’t nut at the sight of imagery of breasts.

    You're supposed to. That's the entire point. I'm sorry you're trying so hard to make this place out to be something it's not and failing so badly. I think that's your problem, not me.

    Le Crazy Horse


  • It's not as classy as you'd like to think.


    I also find all the indignation over terminology kind of funny when she did literally perform a striptease.

    I don't understand the desire to deliberately refer to it as something it isn't.

    A burlesque dancer is a burlesque dancer.

    A stripper is a stripper

    You might find them similar

    You might find them low class

    But they're different jobs with non-interchangeable titles

    If terminology didn't matter, you all wouldn't be so eager to call her a stripper while imbuing a negative connotation to it



  • You're supposed to. That's the entire point. I'm sorry you're trying so hard to make this place out to be something it's not and failing so badly. I think that's your problem, not me.

    Le Crazy Horse


    Not really. This is not your scene or a scene for someone with let’s just say backward sensibilities like you.

    Sexual imagery is very much part of art. Who is making it out to be something it’s not?

    Being sexual doesn’t negate something from having artistic value. The point of a strip club is not to be artistic that’s the difference.

    Intention matters. You can’t say this is as sexual as a strip club so this is a strip show that’s not how this works.

    People can be fully naked in a movie, that won’t make it a porno.

  • Unfortunately kpop is not educated enough to differentiate between nude and porno. The internet can only teach you so much. Cultural bias and upbringing also hinders understanding of this concept…

  • But I CAN say this is as sexual as a strip club, because it absolutely is, and their shows literally involve striptease (including Lisa's.) This is not debatable. It is factual. If you want to talk about intentions, I think the tacky decor alone says everything I don't need to.

    Art is entirely subjective. You can't just dictate what is art and what isn't. If you want to claim this place is art, someone else could just as easily claim a sleazy strip club is art. Neither of you would be objectively right or wrong, leading the discussion nowhere. This is why I find the "it's art" defense to be particularly lazy.

  • I never said terminology didn't matter. I just find the splitting of hairs to defend Lisa amusing. Burlesque involves striptease, does it not?

  • But I CAN say this is as sexual as a strip club, because it absolutely is, and their shows literally involve striptease (including Lisa's.) This is not debatable. It is factual. If you want to talk about intentions, I think the tacky decor alone says everything I don't need to.

    Art is entirely subjective. You can't just dictate what is art and what isn't. If you want to claim this place is art, someone else could just as easily claim a sleazy strip club is art. Neither of you would be objectively right or wrong, leading the discussion nowhere. This is why I find the "it's art" defense to be particularly lazy.

    Lisa was never naked either way so this argument is useless it does seem like you have never been to a strip club

  • I never said terminology didn't matter. I just find the splitting of hairs to defend Lisa amusing. Burlesque involves striptease, does it not?

    Yes but it's not all it does. And that's not all a stripper does either lol

    A similar components do not equal the same thing.

    Even burlesque dancers, strippers and those who do both say the jobs are very different.

    Cereal and ice cream both require milk



  • Lisa was never naked either way so this argument is useless it does seem like you have never been to a strip club

    Many strippers can't get naked either. A stripper in my city isn't legally allowed to wear less than Lisa did. So what's your point?

    I have never been to a strip club. Again, what's your point?

  • Many strippers can't get naked either. A stripper in my city isn't legally allowed to wear less than Lisa did. So what's your point?

    I have never been to a strip club. Again, what's your point?

    I live in New Orleans where we have a Burlesque festival. Ive attended and for the most part the strippers try to place fans and other props to block out the goods. Doesn't always work.

    It's just stripping with more of a tease.

  • But I CAN say this is as sexual as a strip club,

    Great do so.

    But glad we agree that only strip clubs are strip clubs and nothing else can be called that unless they advertise it as so. If Lisa or any idol openly went to a strip club that claims itself as so, I will fully support it.

    Calling things by names they aren’t to invoke a negative response which was clearly the case here, is the whole problem.

    You(in the general and not specifically you) are calling it a strip club because you associate a negative connotation to striping it’s not out of the goodness of your heart where you think strip tease is artistic. So don’t act obtuse. You’re not fooling anyone.

    The issue is with the title because it’s meant to raise a negative response associated with stripping. This is such an easy concept to grasp and only people who have malicious intent won’t accept this basic thing.

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