Ravi is leaving VIXX + prison

  • JiminieKookie

    Changed the title of the thread from “Ravi is leaving VIXX” to “Ravi is leaving VIXX + prison”.
  • It was expected. He was dropped immediately as soon as everything was confirmed. He knows just how serious our country is about the military, yet decided to do this anyway, such a dumb thing, I'm beyond dissapointed in him, as a Korean and a man this is very disappointing, he should have just taken the service and did ot like everyone else. This hurts VIXX more and is embarrassing because all the other members went and served yet he does this. I bet you leader N aka hakyeon likely wants to kill him.

    Now his career is over for good and he's going to prison,such a waste.

  • It was expected. He was dropped immediately as soon as everything was confirmed. He knows just how serious our country is about the military, yet decided to do this anyway, such a dumb thing, I'm beyond dissapointed in him, as a Korean and a man this is very disappointing, he should have just taken the service and did ot like everyone else. This hurts VIXX more and is embarrassing because all the other members went and served yet he does this. I bet you leader N aka hakyeon likely wants to kill him.

    Now his career is over for good and he's going to prison,such a waste.

    I wonder what will hapen to GROOVL1N now, since he had some artists signed and it was also said that the company has trainees

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • Reading the articles is just sad. Apparently he was the only money maker for his label so he was worried it would go belly up when he went to the military so he tried to delay it. Looking at who he had signed at the time I do see hints of money troubles. IDK much about the krnb scene but I don't see huge melon streams from any of them and he said the issue was mainly thanks to covid postponing the timings for contracts he had signed and huge cancellation fees he couldn't afford.

    He signed Ailee and Wheein back to back late 2021 (after getting the postponement early 2021) and then Wheein was on every show that would have her and pushed her solo for Jan 2022 (despite the issues it caused within the fandom and between her and byul) but since the fanmeeting in April 2022 I've barely heard anything about her solo stuff, her YT channel was pretty consistent but even thats been silent for the a couple months.

  • Reading the articles is just sad. Apparently he was the only money maker for his label so he was worried it would go belly up when he went to the military so he tried to delay it. Looking at who he had signed at the time I do see hints of money troubles. IDK much about the krnb scene but I don't see huge melon streams from any of them and he said the issue was mainly thanks to covid postponing the timings for contracts he had signed and huge cancellation fees he couldn't afford.

    He signed Ailee and Wheein back to back late 2021 (after getting the postponement early 2021) and then Wheein was on every show that would have her and pushed her solo for Jan 2022 (despite the issues it caused within the fandom and between her and byul) but since the fanmeeting in April 2022 I've barely heard anything about her solo stuff, her YT channel was pretty consistent but even thats been silent for the a couple months.

    Yeah and he also used to have some artists signed, but besides Xydo everyone left allready and he did barly anything for Xydo after he debuted. I lost track on everything since of how little that guy was making music. A couple of months ago Ravi than said he had trainees for a boygroup he was planing. I forgot how many but he said he had at least 3 and 1 of them was revealed last time I looked at his company some months ago

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • This mandatory enlistment sucks tbh, if only North Korea wasn't so volatile

    We have tried to step away from mandatory service but unfortunately we are literally surrounded by enemies both China and north Korea. China despite its " kindness" is a actual enemy and has fought on North side in the war and continues hostilities towards us. The only way we would have peace and abolish military service is if both China and north Korea cease to exist

  • It's sad but if you have an obligation which is respected by everyone else but you then you can't be surprised that you will get consequences. And now because of his fraud others will have a much harder time to prove their illness. :( He made a bad decision, now he has to face it.

    * * * * * * •×• * * * * * *

  • Haven’t followed vixx in years. This is shocking :wow:

    To get you up to date

    • Hongbin left VIXX in 2020 after the scandal he had where a fake edited live stream went all over the internet. Yes he may drunk a bit too much on Twitch but someone used it to make him look like as if he was the biggest douchebag of all time by letting him look worse than the case actually was like and at the end he left VIXX cause everyone hated him (one fake translation from the edit for example was letting him looking like as if he would hate EXO and other KPop-idols and than fans said "why is he a idol if he hates KPop?" and people even wondered how he was going against his own idol-friends, but he actually wasn't, someone just fake edited one of his drunk live streams) I forgot how the total case went like but this is what I remember from it. He first went off of the internet for some time and than had left VIXX
    • After Hongbin's case Ravi decided to leave Jellyfish but wanted to still be part of VIXX and than opend his own company GROOVL1N. In 2021 he than got Ailee and MAMAMOO's Wheein to sign to his company and some months ago (I forgot if it was in 2023 or allready in 2022) he said he had some trainees. He at first hat 3 soloists signed to his company when he opend it but 2 of them left allready. And after he had opend his own company Ravi eas extremly active as soloist since all other member of VIXX were literally in the army at that time.
    • I forgot what year, but N also left Jellyfish, but since he is the group's leader he still stays with VIXX. However he didn't participated in the last single of VIXX.
    • After comming back from the army Ken was more active as stageplay actor and Leo released solo music.
    • I forgot what Hyuk did in the time where everyone else was in the army. Last time I really payed atention was when he droped his first solo-music around 2019-ish
    • In 2022 it was than revealed that also Hyuk left Jellyfish but stays with VIXX
    • After not releasing music in 5 years VIXX released 1 single earlier n 2023 that was only containing Hyuk, Ken and Leo.

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • To get you up to date

    • Hongbin left VIXX in 2020 after the scandal he had where a fake edited live stream went all over the internet. Yes he may drunk a bit too much on Twitch but someone used it to make him look like as if he was the biggest douchebag of all time by letting him look worse than the case actually was like and at the end he left VIXX cause everyone hated him (one fake translation from the edit for example was letting him looking like as if he would hate EXO and other KPop-idols and than fans said "why is he a idol if he hates KPop?" and people even wondered how he was going against his own idol-friends, but he actually wasn't, someone just fake edited one of his drunk live streams) I forgot how the total case went like but this is what I remember from it. He first went off of the internet for some time and than had left VIXX
    • After Hongbin's case Ravi decided to leave Jellyfish but wanted to still be part of VIXX and than opend his own company GROOVL1N. In 2021 he than got Ailee and MAMAMOO's Wheein to sign to his company and some months ago (I forgot if it was in 2023 or allready in 2022) he said he had some trainees. He at first hat 3 soloists signed to his company when he opend it but 2 of them left allready. And after he had opend his own company Ravi eas extremly active as soloist since all other member of VIXX were literally in the army at that time.
    • I forgot what year, but N also left Jellyfish, but since he is the group's leader he still stays with VIXX. However he didn't participated in the last single of VIXX.
    • After comming back from the army Ken was more active as stageplay actor and Leo released solo music.
    • I forgot what Hyuk did in the time where everyone else was in the army. Last time I really payed atention was when he droped his first solo-music around 2019-ish
    • In 2022 it was than revealed that also Hyuk left Jellyfish but stays with VIXX
    • After not releasing music in 5 years VIXX released 1 single earlier n 2023 that was only containing Hyuk, Ken and Leo.

    I was aware of Hongbin’s incident thought not group, but not Ravi’s avoiding military.

  • He took a gamble and got caught.

    Hearing his circumstances of him owning a failing company that needed him, I get it, but now your company is sure to fail.

    He made the wrong choice.



  • He's one of my favorites in VIXX but i'm astounded he would pull something like this:

    not only because he has a label and actual artists below him who depend on him but he's friends with Taemin who struggles with real issues and even Leo has major issues. They both were able to complete their service to the best of their ability. It's like a slap in the face to fake something. He should have gone while the pandemic was at it's peak and gotten it over with instead of screwing himself, his career, his group, and his artists over. I don't think he deserves jail...he's been enlisted since october, but i think he should be moved to the regular military service and given a longer length.

  • "Leaving VIXX" shouldn't even be the title, that group doesn't exist, They are male After School, active on paper only. Their last comeback was 5 years ago, one member who also happened to be the main visual, already left the group, another 2 members left the agency. Like the chances of this group ever coming back together were slim af to begin with.

  • Their last comeback was 5 years ago

    Ah yes, this song dosn't exist than ...

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    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • Ah yes, this song dosn't exist than ...

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    Oh nooo, an official VISUALISER song pepe-ooh I didn't know you had such moves, I am totally owned now, I am gonna go and cry about the size of this L that I took :drown-in-tears:

  • "Leaving VIXX" shouldn't even be the title, that group doesn't exist, They are male After School, active on paper only. Their last comeback was 5 years ago, one member who also happened to be the main visual, already left the group, another 2 members left the agency. Like the chances of this group ever coming back together were slim af to begin with.


    there were 6 members of VIXX. "N" is inactive due to working on dramas. now Ravi has left so there is 4. Hongbin left because of a controversy. Hyuk, Ken and Leo are the ones currently promoting as VIXX, due to "N"'s scheduling.

    No VIXX isn't gone and because the three of them are ACTIVE they have been promoting the recent release, Gonna Be Alright with ACTIVE promotions.

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    So no your claims that they do not exist are wrong, VIXX does exist. kindly accept this fact.

    you can see here that N is working on a drama

    Cha Hak Yeon (차학연) - MyDramaList

    Hyuk is the ONLY member who has yet to enlist. It doesn't matter how many members of a group are active, if they are promoting, doing fan signs etc. they are still that group. Idk what take you were trying to have here...but it's wrong.

  • I was expecting that. Our nation takes this very seriously. Thr last person to evade service got exiled and can never return to Korea

    And as a korean man, he knew it as well. Whatever his reasoning was, he shouldn't have done it. I assume most of korean men aren't estatic about being away from their ordinary life for 18 or more months. But you do it because it's your duty. Like you said, you are surrounded by enemies and you have to be prepared.

    I somehow missed the info about how the news got out but because he got caught instead of serving as active duty solder he's going to "serve" it in prison. He's so stupid, jeez

    Will he have to serve in the military eventually or will the prison sentence be enough?

    Is there a way for him to stay active in entertainment industry or is this the end of his career? Is there a possibility that people will eventually forgive him and give him another chance?

    Changing your citizenship last moment to evade your military service is another level lol. I can understand why he got exiled from the country. In foreigners' eyes it's harsh but korean society agrees that's the right punishment and I respect it

  • Is there a way for him to stay active in entertainment industry or is this the end of his career? Is there a possibility that people will eventually forgive him and give him another chance?

    Nope it's game over. This is 1000x worse than dui or drugs nobody will forgive him. He's basically Seungri'ed, new term for people that get killed in the industry lol

  • Nope it's game over. This is 1000x worse than dui or drugs nobody will forgive him. He's basically Seungri'ed, new term for people that get killed in the industry lol

    Everything he's worked for for years got ruined by this decision. How could have been this stupid? It's really sad.

    A celebrity using money to bribe officials to get his own way, that's not easy to forgive, i get it

    You didn't tell me if he'll have to serve eventually or prison sentence is enough. It would be kind of hilarious if he'd have to serve lol

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