Apparently GGs don’t deserve sh*t cause they aren’t as self-producing as BGs and therefore their achievements can be discredited and downplayed.
It has never been an issue in Kpop that Groups had songs written for them, even BGs, but for some reason (especially with BP) it’s such a @@@f6050ab8-bada-4435-94ab-228da44f62e1@@@ that they don’t even deserve any achievement cause it’s unfair for the “ real players “
It’s also surprising how casual slut-shaming has become. Knowing that the majority of Kpop fans (especially for BGs) are female, i wonder where it started to go downhill.
This is one of the reason I’m pro gender split categories when it comes to achievements, cause if a GG wins over a BG these days the first thing you read is that they probably slept with the CEO or it was bought. I really thought we left that type of thinking in 2010!