You can't complain about a group's lack of success or promotion if you don't purchase their album.

  • Simple premise really.

    I see lots of people fretting recently, about x/y/z, or how this group didn't go so well, or this group needs support etc etc. Yet very few of those people have put their money where their mouth is, quite frankly.

    Interaction the other day where a person, blaming a label for "not promoting a group properly" - when asked, mentioned they'd purchased absolutely nothing for the group. How are the labels meant to get these groups into promos and variety and appearances, if no-one buying their albums or listening to their songs?

    Simply put, you've got no leg to stand on if you complain about a groups sales, or needing promos etc, if you don't actually have any actions that can back up your statements.

    If you are fan, and you want them to succeed, you buy the album. One is fine, no-one is saying you have to buy 10-15. But there's a minimum threshold of one. If you don't like the label, or don't want to buy an album - perfectly fine. But then you don't get to complain about lack of promo, lack of sales, a group flopping or failing etc.

  • So I only buy albums for a couple of groups, but I support more then who I buy for, but I still get to have an opinion on them, if I feel their company is not pushing them enough then I still get to say it, it does not mean my opinion is wrong or invalid and if they do push them and I feel like buying then I will.

    "We're always with InSomnia, we can spend more time, beyond limits together!"

  • Op got a point, people will buy 20 albums for a group to help them break a record but wont even buy 1 from a group they like as much musically if they re less popular

    It would be a different story if they didnt buy any albums at all and just supported everyone by streams.

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  • People crying shaking throwing up at CLC disbanding but didn't even buy their album which is the main source of profit for a company along with touring. Like they barely made any money for the company and GIDLE was bringing in more cash what else were they supposed to do

    Although I don't agree with the way they went about it y'all just do alot of talking and dont do anything and then act shocked when companies disband groups that arent profitable

  • I don't agree with you at all bc you are generalizating a whole "supporting your fave" by simply just buying albums when this isn't the only way to support. And voicing your opinion and discontentment about how a company promotes their groups shouldn't be just for the ones who buy albums.

    When a company fu-ks up a group do you know who are the loudest and reach the company? Yes, sns stans where majority can't buy albums (financial problems) and they do their all to help the groups.

    So complaining about how shitty a company is while promoting their groups have nothing to do with buying albums, having common sense is the only necessary thing.

  • Why is it always gidle fans speaking on clc damn, they already disbanded give it up

    Honestly like :pepestare: And they might as well have tagged me fjhfjh

    And to answer their question even further : I have not bought their albums, i have never bought ANY kpop albums. You dont know me, or my situation in life and neither do u know of other people's and why they might not buy an album and that is absolutely not the only way u can support a group. You can stream, you can vote, you can go to their concert if they come to ur area. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on a group, especially when there's clear mismanagment for a group you like.

    And yeah everyone expected them to disband but it doesnt suck any less that Cube had no idea what they were doing with them. Like getting pressed because fans of a disbanded group wished better for them is just..weird lol

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • Honestly like :pepestare: And they might as well have tagged me fjhfjh

    And to answer their question even further : I have not bought their albums, i have never bought ANY kpop albums. You dont know me, or my situation in life and neither do u know of other people's and why they might not buy an album and that is absolutely not the only way u can support a group. You can stream, you can vote, you can go to their concert if they come to ur area. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion on a group, especially when there's clear mismanagment for a group you like.

    And yeah everyone expected them to disband but it doesnt suck any less that Cube had no idea what they were doing with them. Like getting pressed because fans of a disbanded group wished better for them is just..weird lol

    Imagine trying to gatekeep complains :pepe-peaking:

    Kpop companies are shitty, everybody knows it, but wait!! You can't complain!! :pepe-just-smile:

  • Why is it always gidle fans speaking on clc damn, they already disbanded give it up

    I own 1 Copy of Black Dress, 2 copies of No 1, all three purchased simultaneously. Do you own any albums of CLC?

    I really enjoy CLC. I was also there for a fair bit of their career. But I'm also fairly practical about the multitude of reasons they succeed or didn't succeed, the past issues and problems, and how their musical journey went. What I found was, mostly after the fact, people who came and did nothing for their career, would turn around and go "oh why didn't they promote harder", or my favourite in 2019 - "CLC should have gone on Queendom instead of Idle". Yes, that was the argument back then. These people didn't buy any CLC albums, didn't purchase any CLC songs, weren't there for most of their career, but come in late in the piece and then try to explain to people who'd actually bought albums what occured. The other favorite falsehood, mainly perpetrated by that silly Mera video back in the day, was "Hobgoblin" was a success. It flopped in Korea, and didn't move the needle at all. The group, Hyuna and Label invested alot of effort into that song/promo and they went nowhere.

    Fairweather fans were partly CLC's downfall. Liked enough, but not supported. Hence the thread creation.

    Cube have done many many things wrong. But there's also just things that didn't work out for CLC. Pressing a magic button that is labeled "promote" doesn't magically make a group successful. And if you aren't buying any of the groups albums or financially supporting them, your opinion can be disregarded in the matter.

  • Not you indirectly trying to defend Cube :pepe-peek:

    All this essay bc of 3 albums? All this gatekeep bc of 3 albums? :lighter-pepe: kpop fans sure are a mystery...

  • Imagine trying to gatekeep complains :pepe-peaking:

    Kpop companies are shitty, everybody knows it, but wait!! You can't complain!! :pepe-just-smile:

    Just smells like hypocrisy to me. "I want this group or label to do this and that".. but absolutely no support to back up the words.

    It's why I appreciate people who purchase, or on the other hand, choose to boycott (who had previously purchased) because they were unhappy. At least these people have integrity.

  • Not you indirectly trying to defend Cube :pepe-peek:

    All this essay bc of 3 albums? All this gatekeep bc of 3 albums? :lighter-pepe: kpop fans sure are a mystery...

    3 Albums isn't much, 100% agree. Would have loved to have been there earlier and purchase more.

    But I at least did what I could at the time, and have purchases and financial support for the group whose music I enjoyed. How ironic that you said "you can't gatekeep", and then try to judge the quantity of album purchases as not enough. Sounds you like agree with me then, but just think the threshold should be higher. Hypocrite much?

  • Just smells like hypocrisy to me. "I want this group or label to do this and that".. but absolutely no support to back up the words.

    It's why I appreciate people who purchase, or on the other hand, choose to boycott (who had previously purchased) because they were unhappy. At least these people have integrity.

    Now you are using those words just bc you saw people saying Cube fucked up (which they did) and you are hurt bc little Cube is being blamed? Bc right now you look like a Cube fan.

    But anyways, you don't gatekeep people's behavior just bc YOU think a way. Just accept that people have different ways of supporting their faves instead of trying to feel superior over it.

  • Why do you think ? Gidle is smashing while CLC is flopping when they’re both from the same company.

    Cube can give Gidle a good song while CLC were inconsistent music wise.

    Congratulations you bought 3 albums from clc did it help them to not disband?? :pepe-just-smile:

  • 3 Albums isn't much, 100% agree. Would have loved to have been there earlier and purchase more.

    But I at least did what I could at the time, and have purchases and financial support for the group whose music I enjoyed. How ironic that you said "you can't gatekeep", and then try to judge the quantity of album purchases as not enough. Sounds you like agree with me then, but just think the threshold should be higher. Hypocrite much?

    I don't agree, i just thought you were a cbar to be speaking in a way of dismissing others just bc they don't buy albums, which leads to a big view of some not having the conditions (money) to it, which leads to you acting like an insensitive person. But you do you.

  • Why do you think ? Gidle is smashing while CLC is flopping when they’re both from the same company.

    Cube can give Gidle a good song while CLC were inconsistent music wise.

    Congratulations you bought 3 albums from clc did it help them to not disband?? :pepe-just-smile:

    That's because the one in charge of Gidle is Soyeon rather than Cube lol, Cube is fucking up Lightsum the same way they were fucking up CLC, literally going round and round with concepts and leaving them with zero identity as a group.

    #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn  #**mygifs from Heart Burn


  • That's because the one in charge of Gidle is Soyeon rather than Cube lol, Cube is fucking up Lightsum the same way they were fucking up CLC, literally going round and round with concepts and leaving them with zero identity as a group.

    Cube's most successful groups are the self producing ones... Beast, Btob, Gidle

    Maybe theres a reason


  • I fully support that anyone can give an opinion on anything. I personally am more likely to give credibility to an opinion based on being in the thick of it vs being a bystander. A stan is more likely to support the group with money than a fan. A stan is also more likely to know more about the group and anything that affects them than a fan. You don't have to support any group with money, time, or effort to call yourself a fan but talking over dedicated stans doesn't make you right either. The bottom line is that if you didn't help in making the group profitable then why are you blaming others when the group is predictably disbanded?

  • There's MANY ways to support a group than buying albums...

    Streaming, Voting, Watching their content, Joining their fan cafe's, Even if you purchase their song on apple/i-tunes.

    Just because a person may not be able to afford an album, doesn't mean they don't support the groups they love. Your narrative about that is wrong.

    Buying albums, sure it helps as far as hanteo and circle charts, if you buy from a place that it counts towards, but that's not the only thing they can get achievements on. Streaming brings them views, listening to their albums, watching their content, being supportive, voting for them. That all adds up.

    So, if a fan who supports a group they love in whichever way they can, wants to complain about a company and how they treat their idols whether positive or negative, that's well within their right. You can't dictate how people feel because they didn't buy albums.

    I stan 30 + groups I can tell you I don't own albums for all of them. So, am I no longer allowed to enjoy my faves and talk about how I feel because of that? makes 0 sense. And believe me, I stream, vote, watch content, boast about them, etc. I only buy albums for certain groups.

    I'm sorry but while you may have SOME valid points, you don't have the right to dictate how people should feel and what rights they have.

  • Buying albums is not the only way to support a group. What if the person doesn't have money for it? Lbr most stans are streaming than buying.

    But here is the thing clc never had anything called as stans. Neither to buy nor to stream. People only had pity but never gave support. Cube definitely made a mistake in understanding the market. Their ever changing image didn't help. Also the girls too never had stan attracting power.

    🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸

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  • Commenters are right that buying albums is not the only way to support a group, but OP is also correct that it is a very important metric that I think Kpop fans tend to underplay its significance to the companies in everything from promotions to prioritization.



  • Commenters are right that buying albums is not the only way to support a group, but OP is also correct that it is a very important metric that I think Kpop fans tend to underplay its significance to the companies in everything from promotions to prioritization.

    It is important, but in CLC case Cube is totally to blame in their early years tbh.

    They aren't a nugu company neither was CLC their first group, they should've done better.

  • Kpop does not come cheap. Everyone rags on the genre, but compared to the cheap local acts that just stand in front of a mic with maybe a backup band if we're lucky, Kpop is miles ahead in terms of effort and expense.

    Just think of how much money goes into the visual aspects of it, all the money spent on backup dancers, costumes, makeup and hair, plastic surgery, all the money for choreo and training, then on top of all this the companies pay for almost all the living expenses too. Then you have to hire tons of managers and security staff, drivers. Expensive music videos, stage props and sets for special performances. Money to buy songs or pay inhouse producers.

    Shit is expensive, that's why most companies operate on tiny profit margins, unless you're JYP who cuts his staff to the bone or overworks his idols to save money and drive more profit for his shareholders. Or unless you're ginormous like BTS who are literal dollar printing presses.

    That's why i think album sales are paramount, they're probably extremely lucrative for a label, you're paying 10-50 bucks for a piece of plastic (CD) and some paper (box, cards, posters, etc), the profit margins are probably tremendous and very necessary to pay for all the expenses i listed and to secure the financial viability of a typical Kpop group.

    Bottom line, if you're a fan of a nugu group that is struggling financially, streaming them for free on YT will not help them. Download songs for a buck, use premium paid services to stream and buy an album or two, those are probably the best ways to help them.

  • They aren't a nugu company neither was CLC their first group, they should've done better.

    Cube almost went bankrupt in 2016. They were in a more precarious situation then some Nugu companies. They survived mainly due to BTOB popping off with Missing you the following year and Pentagon's success.

    Nugu or not, no-one was buying CLC albums and they still gave them 7 minis. Pray tell, in a cash-strapped situtation, where albums aren't being sold, what does "better" mean other then giving them the best songs possible?

    Do you think CLC's discography is weak?

    Voting, Watching their content

    Voting? Watching videos on Youtube?

    You think they can finance the next comeback then that. You think your group, who have 5-10 members, who get their 15-20% cut of royalty/income are getting any money from you voting on a music app?

    Voting is for a fandom's self-importance only. And the fact you think that's any form of support says it all really.

  • first of all i dont give a rats ass about cube. They are a horrible company pentagon and beast will tell you themselves. I dont listen to ggs but yes there are ways to support artists when you can't afford an album. Even spending 1.99 to download the song in itunes adds up 1.99 vs 40+ doesnt make a person less of a fan/stan. You can try to preach your shit to me but im sure my collection of "nugus" can speak for itself.

    You have no right to claim that people can't bitch about a company because they didnt buy an album. You dont know their personal life or reasoning. Especially shipping to the u.s. is pricey. Luckily more stores are in the u.s. getting these albums and while shipping is cheap the price of albums are double that of what theyd be in korea.

    So yeah good try trying to preach to me. I know exactly how expensive of a collection i have. How much i paid and the costs.

    Voting and streaming helps artists chart, charting gets them noticed, even awards or on award shows. On variety shows etc, im sure they get paid to do that. Not just album sales.


  • I didn't even reply bc op stans Cube above anyone else so even with the artists themselves "complaining" i think they'll go and say "but did you buy your own album????"

    You are right. Some fans can support their faves through album sales, others through streams, others votes and the list goes on. Trying to gatekeep it just bc op is hurt bc people complain about Cube is just dumb, like, i thought this thread was more logical, but seeing op replies I'm pretty convinced they are just "omg, poor Cube"....

  • I didn't even reply bc op stans Cube above anyone else so even with the artists themselves "complaining" i think they'll go and say "but did you buy your own album????"

    You are right. Some fans can support their faves through album sales, others through streams, others votes and the list goes on. Trying to gatekeep it just bc op is hurt bc people complain about Cube is just dumb, like, i thought this thread was more logical, but seeing op replies I'm pretty convinced they are just "omg, poor Cube"....

    Cube sucks hui says it himself. The way they treated beast was hella fucked up and to insinuate restarting beast with the only member left at cube who never agreed was bold of them. As you can tell that didnt happen. Its no surprise why cube artists arent doing well. Btob sure they really dont give a fuck anyway lol

    Op is clearly clueless

  • Well not everyone has the money to do so

    People support in their own ways yknow

    Like promoting them on social media or IRL, listening on Spotify or watching vids on Youtube

    You wrote a long post for such a poorly thought out point :ak_key-observing:

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