Simple premise really.
I see lots of people fretting recently, about x/y/z, or how this group didn't go so well, or this group needs support etc etc. Yet very few of those people have put their money where their mouth is, quite frankly.
Interaction the other day where a person, blaming a label for "not promoting a group properly" - when asked, mentioned they'd purchased absolutely nothing for the group. How are the labels meant to get these groups into promos and variety and appearances, if no-one buying their albums or listening to their songs?
Simply put, you've got no leg to stand on if you complain about a groups sales, or needing promos etc, if you don't actually have any actions that can back up your statements.
If you are fan, and you want them to succeed, you buy the album. One is fine, no-one is saying you have to buy 10-15. But there's a minimum threshold of one. If you don't like the label, or don't want to buy an album - perfectly fine. But then you don't get to complain about lack of promo, lack of sales, a group flopping or failing etc.