The thing about NCT and Stray Kids......

  • Is that they get way too much hate in general.

    Especially since users here and on twitter, attack them for their music, insult them, calling it "Noise/Construction Noise".

    The hate is way too normalized.

    Let me make one thing clear :-

    "Their music sounds like Noise or construction music" is a HATE STATEMENT. There is no constructive critism found in that type of statement. Do not use it.

    If you don't like their music, Fine. Nothing wrong with that, Just don't insult their artistry.

    With that being said,

    Listen to these good songs :-

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    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • I don't remember NCT getting that much hate for their music, but Stray Kids for sure get a lot of hate...

    I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea, idk

    A popular user here said

    "A NCTzen shouldn't even talk about music"

    That was the first time me seeing NCT hate and then lot of users here com forward and say the most stupid shit you can imagine

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • I don't remember NCT getting that much hate for their music, but Stray Kids for sure get a lot of hate...

    I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea, idk

    NCT definitely has been called construction music/noise music by many people, particularly 127.

    Also noise music is an actual genre that makes Kpop EDM sound like Mozart.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • The think is: someone who give these kind of statement don't exactly have a bases, since It's clear they didn't listen to these groups' whole discography, most of the times. And give an opinion about what you don't have anything to contribute is pedantry.

    If they actually listened, they would see both maybe have one of the most diverse discography in K-pop.

  • The think is: someone who give these kind of statement don't exactly have a bases, since It's clear they didn't listen to these groups' whole discography, most of the times. And give an opinion about what you don't have anything to contribute is pedantry.

    If they actually listened, they would see both maybe have one of the most diverse discography in K-pop.

    So true.

    Who Has The Most Diverse Discography? - an in depth review from kpop stuffs

    This list doesn't even include the other NCT units.

    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • The think is: someone who give these kind of statement don't exactly have a bases, since It's clear they didn't listen to these groups' whole discography, most of the times. And give an opinion about what you don't have anything to contribute is pedantry.

    If they actually listened, they would see both maybe have one of the most diverse discography in K-pop.

    When i seriously gave NCT a chance during Neozone era, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the album. I liked it.

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • nct's music isn't even noise music considering sm is super experimental with nct's music. i can say only gimme gimme and maybe chain has been noise music but that's it. nct as a whole group offers way more - peep wayv's discography, nct u's 7th sense, 90's love, make a wish, dream's discography, nct 127's regular, etc

    as someone who does not listen to skz, i personally dislike their music. it makes sense for me that the group self-composes bcs their songs are mostly very noisy trap bangers. god's menu was probably the only well made composition. everything else is just unpleasant to the ears imo. but if anyone enjoys their music, then enjoy it. i just personally think they put out similar things to what every other 4th gen boy group is doing. comes to show you that just because a group self-composes, doesn't mean they produce quality songs.

  • NCT 127 only have like one song that could be described as.noise music which is chain in a way its suprising these smart netizens who listen to critically acclaimed diverse discographies base their opinion on the whole of NCT based on one Japanese title track.

  • Another stereotype successfully created by Kpoppies. Words like overdancing, noise music,IT girl, etc are created to uplift or downlift groups.

    Noise Music is a genre and the way people try to use in the context of insulting shows how much hypocrite can a bunch of Kpoppies be. I hope this thread actually educates those people who need some kind of reality check in genres because NCT and SKZ have different genre.

  • nct's music isn't even noise music considering sm is super experimental with nct's music. i can say only gimme gimme and maybe chain has been noise music but that's it. nct as a whole group offers way more - peep wayv's discography, nct u's 7th sense, 90's love, make a wish, dream's discography, nct 127's regular, etc

    as someone who does not listen to skz, i personally dislike their music. it makes sense for me that the group self-composes bcs their songs are mostly very noisy trap bangers. god's menu was probably the only well made composition. everything else is just unpleasant to the ears imo. but if anyone enjoys their music, then enjoy it. i just personally think they put out similar things to what every other 4th gen boy group is doing. comes to show you that just because a group self-composes, doesn't mean they produce quality songs.

    SKZ's discography is a lot more diverse than just their intense EDM/trap title tracks. If you like 7th Sense, you might be into 19 and 3rd Eye, which I find to be a very similar vibe (especially 3rd Eye).

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    N Ξ O C I T Y


  • I won't speak on Stray Kidz since I don't know anything about them.

    For NCT, it's beyond ridiculous how normalised the hate against them is. It only goes to show the power of narratives and bandwagons in kpop. Certain parts of the kpop community act like it's their birth right to insult NCT and mock them, it's abhorrent.

    That being said, NCT is the best and most talented current generation group and just last year they released the best & most iconic title tracks AND best albums.

    Other kpop groups can only wish to release construction music like

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    And bside of the year

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  • I do not think NCT and stray kids make similar music. NCT is experimental but still melodic - would not describe it as "noise music" in the vein of what a lot of 4th gen boy groups are making. Also, I think when people complain - the issue with the music described as noise is not the genre/loudness but moreso how poorly made/constructed some of them are. NCT music is majority very good - the attempted imitations by other company producers is the problem..... I don't want to name names but yeah.....

  • I do not think NCT and stray kids make similar music. NCT is experimental but still melodic - would not describe it as "noise music" in the vein of what a lot of 4th gen boy groups are making. Also, I think when people complain - the issue with the music described as noise is not the genre/loudness but moreso how poorly made/constructed some of them are. NCT music is majority very good - the attempted imitations by other company producers is the problem..... I don't want to name names but yeah.....

    Imagine coming for the technical quality of SM entertainment's music production :S bandwagon kpop fans never stop astonishing me.

  • For me as a kpop stan, I stan groups based on their discography, of course visuals attract me to them but their music makes me stay (if that makes sense to anyone). NCT (all units) have an amazing discography which is slept on by most people. I think many people are put off by nct because of their group concept and unlimited members but that shouldn't be an excuse. The concept is easy to understand.

    Anyways, NCT music isn't noise. I'm not a stay and i dont know stray kids that well so i cant comment on that.


  • Aha, You forgot

    Sit Down

    Love Me Now

    Mad Dog

    The best B-sides in Neozone

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • I feel like their music is super catchy. But not noise.

    I am tired of cute, innocent, or love songs, really. For me, SKZ and NCT have some of the best songs, the instrumental is on point, everyone has the chance to shine and it fit their voices. We need diversity in music, if everyone would produce the same songs, it would be boring.

    There is no point to argue with this kind of people. They aren't fans, they just want to drag other groups, because, in their head, they think that's the way to make their group look better.

  • Who are you to judge people what words they should use?

    So long they don't attack them directly or insult them in a bad way they can choose the words they want.

    Their music is mostly noise and some people like it and some not.

    You can't tell me they have similar music style like winner or BTS.

    Because its an extremely negative statement. The same thing said about any other group will start a fanwar.

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • I feel like their music is super catchy. But not noise.

    I am tired of cute, innocent, or love songs, really. For me, SKZ and NCT have some of the best songs, the instrumental is on point, everyone has the chance to shine and it fit their voices. We need diversity in music, if everyone would produce the same songs, it would be boring.

    There is no point to argue with this kind of people. They aren't fans, they just want to drag other groups, because, in their head, they think that's the way to make their group look better.

    They aren't my style, really, but I can appreciate them. If people don't like their music, just don't listen. No need to drag the group. Just like how if you don't like rap or something, don't listen. No need to criticize what you probably don't understand.

  • it says they are new so....newbie needs to learn some stuff

    I don't think you understood my post. I wasn't targeting them but commenting on the behaviour they described in their post (people calling the music noise because of the way it's produced/constructed). I was supporting their point.

  • I have to be honest, I checked out some Stray Kids tracks and it just wasn’t my thing (really liked Back Door tho), so I can’t speak to it. Maybe like NCT, there’s a hidden bside majesty I don’t know about. But with NCT, I think to some degree, this stems from the initial marketing of the group by SM, who wanted to position them differently than EXO, thus choosing a very different style in the initial singles, esp for 127.

    I know that certainly at the time, I was like “naw” to songs like Fire Truck and Cherry Bomb (although their energy and talent was impressive live). Empathy is what got me on the NCT choo choo, with a broader range of styles. (I still don’t care for Fire Truck but grew to adore Cherry Bomb.)

    Then that label stuck. Now it’s just an excuse to shade them, just like every thread that says no one knows them.

    I love the fact that 127 can swing from a crunchy dark track like Gimme More to a swirling synth dreamscape like Day Dream to a sexy r&b groove like Love Song.

    I also think they were very ahead of their time in style - reminding me of the way different producers like Timbaland or the Neptunes/Pharrell Williams were ahead of their time in the 90s-00s, but you can hear a lot of their music today and it still feels fresh or contemporary. If you dropped Cherry Bomb today, it would likely be a hit..

    EDITED TO ADD: I think also that the “noisier” songs were more distinctive and stood out more as they were more ear-catching. For example, I went back to look at the set list from the first time I saw them (not feeling it.) I remember Fire Truck and Cherry Bomb but don’t remember that they also also performed Limitless. (I kept thinking there was another song but couldn’t remember so I went to look.) And I really like Limitless, but it goes to show what stuck in my head before I was an NCTzen..



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