Make A Wish

  • MV5BZGNhYTc1N2ItNzNiZi00N2IzLTk2OWItZDcxNmM3NGFlZjUyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTE2MDU0NzAw._V1_.jpg

    I. Introduction

    Make A Wish is a 2021 Chinese romantic comedy series which is a part of iQIYI's Sweet On dramas, directed by Gao Peng &, written by Chen Tong. It starred Ren You Lun, Gia Ge, Anna Hollen, Wang Tian Yu & more. Filming took place in Qingdao, lasting three months from July 17, 2020 to October 3, 2020. It's currently available on iQIYI.

    II. Synopsis

    Yu Chi Yan, a typical buddhist youth who simply goes with the flow saves a white cat by chance, who turns out to be a cat spirit from Meow Planet located in a parallel world. Taking on a human form, Xiao Xiu must repay Yu Chi Yan's kindness before returning to her own planet. A series of hilarious encounters ensue as Xiao Xiu moves in with Yu Chi Yan. Thus beginning an unconventional romance.

    III. Trailers

    IV. Episodes

    V. OSTs

    VI. Reception

    The drama has gained the favorable scores of 6.1 on Douban, 7.2 on IMDB, 8.1 on Mydramalist &, 9.3 on iQiyi.
