Be the CEO, if you were Hybe, what would you do about Garam now?

  • What would you do? 90

    1. Remove her from the group (49) 54%
    2. Put her on hiatus until everything is settled (40) 44%
    3. Publicly apologize (36) 40%
    4. Try to reach a private settlement with NDA (14) 16%
    5. Double down and start filling lawsuits (5) 6%
    6. Keep her promoting until everything is settled (4) 4%
    7. Stonewall until hopefully the public finds a new scandal to talk about (3) 3%

    Because random akp users couldn't possibly make worse decisions than what hybe already has done...

  • publically apologize after settling privately with an NDA

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  • It's already too late. Even if after a year it would be revealed that she was innocent people in the meantime would still hate on her and group and HYBE so much that at some point it will hurt other members for sure

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  • i would have put her on hiatus from the start and let other debut normally. Than try to resolve the situation whether that proving her innocent or contacting the victim and working some deal out behind the scenes.

  • She should have already been on hiatus until things were settled. Then give the victim what they asked for and apology and clarification.

    I'm not even pro-kicking everyone out of the group for everything no matter what... people fuck up. They make mistakes. They hurt people. If the claims by her other classmates are true and she changed friend groups the next year then she obviously realized that she was on a bad road and tried to make changes to be better which is all she could do. She can't change the past, she can only take responsibility for her actions. We've seen plenty of other idols make amends for their actions and settle things with victims. It doesn't have to be a career-ending thing... unless you mismanage things this badly.

  • I need the rest of the facts about the severity of her actions if she is guilty. I would continue with presenting evidence from both sides in court to determine what the full truth was and place Kim Garam on hiatus while legal proceedings were ongoing. The group can continue to promote fine without her.

    If she's guilty and her actions were truly awful- she would need to leave. If she's guilty but her actions have been exaggerated- public apology and hiatus for 3 months. If she's innocent and things were a misunderstanding- continue to promote and keep it movin'.

    At least it's not as bad as the Glam situation. :pepe-peek:

  • Oh goodness, I logged off for 12 hours y'all. MissBehave my EXO babes, cliff notes PLEASE I am lost

    Not an EXO babe but tldr from my non reading

    - Victim's side whose fake name is Eunseo lawyered up

    - Eunseo didn't release the rumors, a 3rd party did, but somehow people found out her real identity and started threatening her as well

    - Apparently Eunseo's side which has LAWYERED UP reached out to HYBE, saying that they are lying and ask them to retract the statement that they first made, and also to post an apology

    - HYBE said fk you bish hell naw

    - The whole incident made Eunseo really stressed out mentally, she even attempted to take her own life (not sure from this incident, or from Garam's alleged bullying incident). Now she stopped school, the mother is taking care of her at home.

    - Eunseo's side lawyers threaten to release proof and make it public I think?

    - HYBE responded, basically saying you bitches spoke to journalists and make a one sided story, screw all you bitches for trying to paint Garam in a bad light, we are still investigating stay tuned for more

    If I'm wrong let me know, anyone

  • She should be kicked out, I think its more on Hybe for handling this so badly. Victim tried to contact them, they should have responded to that properly instead they ignored it and now the victim attempted suicide which seal the deal for her career. Like can you imagine her still being in the group when there's a suicidal victim of hers? I don't know the role of Garam in the victim's bullying that happened back then but the current situation of the victim is due to her and Hybe's doing so they can't escape the responsibility anymore.

  • :rv5: You might not be an exo babes but you are still one of my babes <3 On more serious note, jesus flipping crap, :rv14: WTF HYBE saying nothing would have been better.

    Micah Forever

    Benny's Smoll Bean


  • Too late to handle this now

    they didn't just damage the reputation of one idol or one group, they literally damaged themselves as management.

    The damage done to the victim bc of company's response was greater than what happened to her in school.

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  • Bare minimum is hiatus, with an end view to removing her.

    Publicly acknowledge the pain they've caused the victim and pledge support for her recovery

    Behind the scenes, make sure Garam also has access to counselling and support, because even though she may very well be a bully, she's still a minor herself and may still be vulnerable herself.

    End current promotions for the group, give them a few months to settle things down.

    Re-debut them a few months later with Yurina from GP999 as new 6th member

  • I wouldn't let it go that far.

    If they failed to do a research on her before debuting, they should've resolve this when the allegations started.

    It was irresponsible towards other members if the company really lied to protect an image of someone that didn't even debut yet.

    At this point it does not look good for Garam and if she wasn't guilty, the company should've give a lengthy/detailed explanation what really happened in her school to convince people she didn't do any harm to anyone.

    I guess the other side did give more detailed explanation, that's why people are starting to believe the other side more.

    At this point, when it already came too far, they should still give an explanation, to regain trust in the company.

    If Garam is guilty she should also explain herself and apologize. And in this case, they should also let her go. (it's already pretty late, but it'll be worse if they don't do this at this point).

    If Garam really didn't do what she's accused of, then the company should really step up immediatelly and explain everything what happened with the alleged victim.

    (although at this point it's hard to believe that)

    Edited 2 times, last by keaji ().

  • So true, the company itself seems like bullies now

    There was a path to redemption for KG, she could have made amends. Not just for sake of her career but also for her own moral, mental health and life.

    Company took that away from KG too

    No one can convince me that KG, a 16 year old was behind her actions of the company. She shouldn't be getting the Lion share of the blame.

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  • You mean at this point of this shjtty situation? Well, I would try smth like this:

    1. I'd release an apology from company to victim for all troubles she got into due to situation and due to it taking so long for the company to 'investigate deeper to understand the situation better'. Maybe it'll be good to say that company will compensate any inconvenience for a victim and her family regardless of how situation will be solved. Also apologize to fans and public for making such mess cause it took so long for the company to 'investigate deeper to understand the situation better' and ask for time and patience.

    2. Put Garam out of any sort of promotions (not even allowed any group or solo pic on any social media, even on weverse). Forget that she even exists for now.

    3. Work closely on private with victim, her lawyer and her evidence to get a solution to this situation. If Garam is indeed so guilty then kick her out of the group for good. After making a solution with the victim and her lawyer regardless of Garam being guilty or not make Garam apologize to the victim, public and fans.

  • There was a path to redemption for KG, she could have made amends. Not just for sake of her career but also for her own moral, mental health and life.

    Company took that away from KG too

    No one can convince me that KG, a 16 year old was behind her actions of the company. She shouldn't be getting the Lion share of the blame.

    True, this could have been easily settled given the victim and her family didn't want to get revenge but just an apology, its more on the company for turning it into such a tragedy for the victim. I hope things can go normal for the victim again, she would be in a spotlight for a while.

    As for Kim Garam, she's facing the consequences of her past even if its more on her company for handling it wrong.

  • Companies are always so desperate to not apologize in these situations (mostly GGS), because apologizing is basically the end for an idol. You're admitting to being a bully and there's no coming back from that. So HYBE has gotta cut her loose or die on this hill.

    And I know some idols have been fine with bullying accusations, but they've got big established fans. Garam doesn't.

  • As for Kim Garam, she's facing the consequences of her past even if its more on her company for handling it wrong.

    All the victim wanted was an apology after their first statement. No revenge, no compensation, no removal from the Group. This was literally the best thing that could have happened to them to restore her image and come clean with her past. How could they mess up this opportunity. :pepe-shame:

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