Physical sales are inflated due to Jewel case version?

  • Noticed recently that most of the 4th gen GGs are releasing jewel case or light versions (some with member versions) which is priced extremely low. These versions basically explain why the sales of 4th gen GGs like NMIXX, IVE are so huge. StayC has jewel case verison also. Le sserafim is releasing the jewel case too.

    This makes the physical sales not comparable. aespa has 3 versions but none of them are priced extremely cheap. Their jewel case i.e. synk dive is very expensive too. Kep1er also didnt have jewel case version.

    Edit: Any way to split the sales by versions so that the 4th gen GGs sales are more comparable?

  • Noticed recently that most of the 4th gen GGs are releasing jewel case or light versions (some with member versions) which is priced extremely low. These versions basically explain why the sales of 4th gen GGs like NMIXX, IVE are so huge. StayC has jewel case verison also. Le sserafim is releasing the jewel case too.

    This makes the physical sales not comparable. aespa has 3 versions but none of them are priced extremely cheap. Their jewel case i.e. synk dive is very expensive too. Kep1er also didnt have jewel case version.

    Edit: Any way to split the sales by versions so that the 4th gen GGs sales are more comparable?

    What's the price of jewel cases, $8 and below?

  • What's the price of jewel cases, $8 and below?

    I bought all 4 recently at the following prices


    Love dive USD12

    Le sserafim USD8

    Stayc USD12

    Nmixx light version is actually SUPER cheap considering it is not jewel case, it comes with the same thick photobook as the blind package without the box and lenticular card only. Perfect to bulk buy for photocards and preorder benefits (i have 30+ new ones need to get rid of them..)

  • Not really. I don’t think the number of ppl I.e casual fans who won’t buy an album if it’s a few dollars more will affect sales as much as you think they would. But mine is as much a speculation as your stance.

    Also why will you split sales lol. Jewel case is valid album sales.

    Next why don’t you argue that some groups albums are more easily available in target and wallmart while others aren’t hence they’re sold more. All of this is extremely silly because those are the choices a company makes.

    Since everyone operates differently you’ll never be able to compare anyone to anyone else so just quite doing so I guess lol.

  • No one doubt the sales volume. Each copy sold is a sale.

    BUT to those people who drag aespa for selling lesser than IVE, imo is not a fair comment at all.

    It is very fair. (Not the dragging part but it’s entirely valid to say someone sold more if the numbers are there) It was SM’s choice to price albums higher.

    You can’t argue based on some random speculation that aespa will sell more IF they had done this and IF they had done that.

    In the end they didn’t. The end numbers matter.

  • I mean you could argue also about how many version an album has too but who has the time to track the sales of each version.

    U dont get my point,is okay. The effect is mostly seen with fanbase bulk-buying. When fanbase / c bars bulk buy, they have a pool of money to use. With the cheaper versions available,obviously majority of the pool of money will be used to buy this.

    More units can be bought and hence sales higher

    I noticed most top 4th gen have been doing this since NMIXX explosive sales with ligh version. Just want to point out that AESPA did not have a cheaper version of their albums. They have 3 versions but all 3 are expensive as hell

  • 4th gen Stan’s are something else. They will fight for the smallest distinctions so they can make the next thread HIGHEST SELLING 4TH GEN GIRL GROUP FOR $12 ALBUMS EVER :angryr: :angryr:

    IFPI actually take into consideration album $$ like someone pointed out above. It is a valid point to look at price and not only on volumes.

    Either way, my fave will sell the most for GG no matter how many versions or jewel case other groups put out.

    Edit: and in the forum, you can never voice out any observation, cause you will be deemed as dragging another group OR fighting. Thought the purpose of a forum is to discuss but nowadays is just to boast about your fave only and no opposing voice is allowed

  • sale is sale

    price is price

    same way you can say that we should count BTS albums two times more because there were available for 25-30USD when other groups have albums for just 13USD.

  • where did you get the price? A quick search on Ktown gives me this.

    NMIXX 8.84 USD

    LOVE DIVE 8.87 USD

    Lesserafim 6.29 USD

    StayC 9.94 USD

    Anyway, a sale is a sale. Maybe it does contribute to selling more because cheap version does not deter buyers from buying for collections or fan-sign. But, I don't think it's the cheap version that affect sales this much in 2022.

    I seen most GG hanteos sale double their previous released. They do improve. however, I think it's mostly have to do with the way Hanteo recorded their sales this year. Wait for next Wednesday to see Gaon confirm my suspicion.

  • Pricing in my country may be different due to import tax & exchange rate. But yea, lesserafim's still the cheapest

    What's the change for Hanteo?

  • Pricing in my country may be different due to import tax & exchange rate. But yea, lesserafim's still the cheapest

    What's the change for Hanteo?

    I suspected they recorded close to Gaon. The gap is way closer in 2022 unlike any other years. Maybe more stores sign up for Hanteo affiliation. We will see.

  • U dont get my point,is okay. The effect is mostly seen with fanbase bulk-buying. When fanbase / c bars bulk buy, they have a pool of money to use. With the cheaper versions available,obviously majority of the pool of money will be used to buy this.

    More units can be bought and hence sales higher

    I noticed most top 4th gen have been doing this since NMIXX explosive sales with ligh version. Just want to point out that AESPA did not have a cheaper version of their albums. They have 3 versions but all 3 are expensive as hell

    And? Unless the album costs $50 fans will still buy their albums no matter how much it costs.

    All the companies are doing some tricks to inflate sales. SM is no different it’s just JYP is smarter.

    Also Aespa is a one year old group with a national hit, they had a solid fanbase who had enough time to purchase.

    The physical markets grew up so much in 7 months. It’s pointless to drag aespa‘s Salss anyway.

  • not just the ggs, bgs do the same or use individual member digipacks to inflate sales and it obviously works since - for example - NCT Dream has sold 1.66 million on hanteo for Glitch mode and their digipacks ver sales make up nearly 600k of that total

    How to track sales of digipacks?

  • I thought this was common knowledge by now. Cheaper versions do make a difference. K-pop fans do bulk buying so they setout a budget before pre ordering. If the budget is $100, you can buy only 6-7 regular priced versions but you can buy 12-13 cheaper versions.

    More often than not these also tend to be individual versions so that let's akgaes get to do their own thing for bragging rights.

    These cheaper versions are also beneficial though for some fans who want to have something from their faves in their collection but don't have enough money.

  • Love Dive is a single, isn't 12 USD quite normal for a single?

    edit: i actually saw cheaper singles too, is not cheap at all

  • Some day you dummies will stop caring about who is selling what because unless you are personally getting a cut of the profit there's really no reason to be so damn invested.

  • Why is this 4th gen? Gfriend had jewel cases in the past? BlackPink the Album had 2 jewel case version also that retailed for about 9.99.

    It's not unique to 4th gen so why is it okay for certain groups to use it but when others do it's inflating sales?

    Best answer

    It's been a thing since a while so why people are whinning about it just now? :pepe-slash:

    Edited once, last by sorecer ().

  • So now is it time for us to do a microeconomic analysis on the price elasticity of demand on how the extent to which a price change will affect the quantity demanded of Kpop albums?


    excellent wanna join professors @keaji and I in this endeavor?? ;-)

    our last paper on

    Really Really Top Big Hit Song based on Korean data and metrics was a decent success

  • excellent wanna join professors @keaji and I in this endeavor?? ;-)

    our last paper on

    Really Really Top Big Hit Song based on Korean data and metrics was a decent success

    Sounds interesting 🤓🤓

  • im revitalising this thread. I was dragged left and right for saying that jewel case/digipacks boost sales.

    A thread in Anon section seems to agree with me.

    See aespa, 5 digipacks - going from 600k to 1 million (not to say all contributed to digipacks but to certain extent)

    Ive - also 6 members version jewel case

    Lesserafim and nmixx - light version which is super cheap

  • Looking at aespa's numbers if they aren't overblown you were right. Digipack and jewel case are doing their job in inflating sales for many groups.

    Hope YG does it for bp for individual members.

    🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐀 🌸ꗥ~ꗥ🌸

    b0d472d54da9cb9b3ea4a9d2b6eba38a11a0e46a.gifv a76f21bc55ad49c6bf08efb4d26a2932761a8d94.gifv 7b5a0ea2d7459fe89ba8ce337ac131802e07cbf3.gifv

  • this is thin line

    you would need to explain what is 'super cheap' for you etc.

    because many times you can pre-order mini album for 12-13 USD on ktown4u

    so what's super cheap? is it just 2-3 USD less, or by your measurement it's half price less

    for me jewel cases are best things for new fans

    there are some groups which will have normal version of album for 20USD or even more

    but most fans are teenagers, so they would rather pay that 20USD including shipment

    and many times bigger version of album (comparing jewel to normal) is heavier and shipment costs more as well

    also sale is sale no matter of album 'type' if we want to count number of album sales

    but in same time if we want to measure it from economic point of view then it's different,

    it's like when someone would say to you to measure/compare price of beer, wine, vodka, and whiskey in same table

    they are all alcohol, but they are not all the same.

  • Correlation is not causation tbh. People were saying for example EXO only had increased sales because of multiple versions and this was “proved” comeback over comeback and then they stopped having multiple versions and the sales never went down.

    The real truth was sales was increasing comeback over comeback regardless of how many versions were printed.

    Such arguments are silly unless there is a situation where they stop with the digipak and sales goes down.

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