Loona Chuu leaving the BBC and Loona?
i hope this isnt true
that's surprising but not a shocker considering how much she worked and how small amount of money she made
but also there is information about december in that article
and we are basically in april already
so what has taken so long for journalists to find out about it?
or maybe... it was spread right now with a purpose?
Nooo! Can't be huhu
Was not expecting this!!
so both sides made their counters
Chuu filling that lawsuit because she was working way too much
and now BBC sayin, ok girl you don't want to work so we will trademark your stage name, that if you leave one day you will need to go by different name, or buy naming rights from us
from business perspective it's all understandable
but from person to person relation, that's yikes
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This poor girl.. I have worried about her for a while. It cannot be nice to be doing all these schedules, overworking to pay the group's debt while she sees 0 of that money due to BBC's mismanagement and incompetence.
I do not believe in group debt repayment. It's serfdom
holy shit stop spreading lies
last day people spread "lies" about red velvet and everyone countered it
why is everyone crying over this now without checking credibility
all chuu did was take her scheduling into her own hands because she was tired from work which everyone knows since she took the break from Chuu Can Do It
That’s definitely not true
she can just go by "chu" or "chuuu" lol
she can just go by "chu" or "chuuu" lol
Or "Ji-chuu" which would be cute af, just saying.
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