The most serious injury I got in my life was when my forehead was bleeding and made a hole by a sharp corner after being pushed by someone when I was little. After the doctors stitched my forehead, I've had some serious side effects where I needed to be hospitalized after several days. Seeing the scar on my forehead does remind me that the most important thing is to be safe.

What is the most serious injury you got in your life?
I got second and third degree burns on my foot when I was in elementary school. My aunt was babysitting me while my mom was at work and we were outside playing in the sprinkler and I was trying to run to avoid her spraying me and I ran through a spot where they had burned some branches and stuff several weeks before. Well apparently the ashes had formed a pocket and there were still embers going. I was wearing flip flops so my bare foot was basically submerged in burning embers.
pneumonia when i was very young that put me in the hospital for weeks
me fainting because of my postural orthostatic vasovagal syncope and cutting my head on the corner of the wall in my bathroom, woke up in a pool of blood with chipped teeth and shattered ribs, the EMS carried me out of there pretty quickly but it was a disaster. got stitches and did months of PT after.
My mom had a lot of problems with me during birth and pregnancy because of brain problems, I also was born with my tear duct obstructed or something so I had to go under surgery.
broke my arm
As a toddler I ingested a considerable amount of wood cleaner while my mom was cleaning, and had to go to the ER.
that sounds rough, i wish you a full and very speedy recovery
we had drianed our inground concrete pool and i had been hosing something off when we noticed a baby bird stuck in there i went to go "rescue it" when i slipped fell hard on my ass and compressed my spine...aka i broke my lower back. I now have arthritis in it. I had to have a shot and wear a brace for awhile.
Thank you, I have been cancer-free for 4 years now
we had drianed our inground concrete pool and i had been hosing something off when we noticed a baby bird stuck in there i went to go "rescue it" when i slipped fell hard on my ass and compressed my spine...aka i broke my lower back. I now have arthritis in it. I had to have a shot and wear a brace for awhile.
holy shit i'm so glad you're okay! back injuries can leave someone paralyzed or worse, scary ass shit. i hope you're doing better now!
I smashed both knees to the point where just walking could dislocate them. It took from 9th grade till my freshman year of college to be able to run on hard surfaces again. They still bother me at times especially if I have to stand for long or if the weather is bad but they're worlds better than they used to be
Probably my bike accident when I was sixteen. I got hit by a car and was nearly killed. Despite this, I only suffered concussion, a cut to my arm which needed stitches and massive muscle damage to my leg which is now 3mm shorter than my right. I had to have physio for six weeks and even now nearly forty years later the area is still numb.
I've been pretty lucky throughout my life that I've always been healthy, never had major surgery (touch wood) and no broken bones either.
when i was younger i had a bike that had back breaks and not handbreaks and I was relatively inexperienced and went down a steep hill and there was an intersection but i didn't stop for whatever reason and luckily there was no oncoming cars otherwise I'd probably be dead so I just sped right down and slammed into a brick wall...
a broken leg when I was 7, a biker hit me
One day in the summer 10 years ago I walk on the sidewalk with hands in my pockets. Due to heat and dehydration that day I faint and fall on my face, hands still in pockets. Three teeth out, concussion, swollen tongue, heavily abraded skin on half of my face, shoulder injury, three days in Intesive care unit and other 14 days in regular department in hospital. Supposedly some road worker pull my tongue out and probably save my life.
I love riding motorcycle. That's how the accident happened when I was pregnant (6months), I rode around 50km/h to school, suddenly a truck came from my right and hit my motorcycle. I fell on my back thankfully to protect my baby in my womb. The injury isn't that bad, just a few scratches and I really can't feel the pain because the fear I will loose my baby is the scariest part. Thankfully she's okay....
When I was 3 or 4, I was fighting with my brother for a toy and he hit me with his elbow on my nose by accident.
My nose started bleeding from both nostrils. It was so bad that I swallowed a lot of the blood and then I threw it up. My nose used to bleed a lot after that for years.
I am also vaccine 'injured'. It took me months to recover after my only dose of the vaccine. Hands down the scariest time of my entire life.
cut on my head which needed stiches when I was 3, broken collar bone when I was 4
I remember the pain when I broke the collar bone, it was pretty bad but still it's not a fresh memory as I was too young
my brother spilled boiling water on my foot when I was 16 though and that is still very fresh on my mind because as I was wearing socks my skin went with them when I pulled them off ugh
Some other broken bones too but nothing life threatening
Since my back is all achy tonight I'm reminded of maybe not the most serious injury but the most pain I've ever felt in my life. I have no idea what happened with my back since I can't remember anything that would cause it, but it ended up with me bedridden and unable to sleep for a week to where I started getting hallucinations. I can't thank my chiropractor enough he is a godsend
Since I have a lot of hypermobility I often get pinched nerves and other issues but nothing to that extent and I hope it never happens again
I fell down these huge concrete stairs when I was younger, face planted the edge of one of the steps, knocked my front tooth out, and split my lip open
Fell off a seat and smashed my head on the concrete floor. Was in hospital for a few days
I'm quite lucky because I haven't really had any major injuries
Chronic stress
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