The pinks don't care about blinks

  • Would u say the pinks don't care about blinks?

    Personally I've been thinking about this lately (that time of the year)

    Sometimes I come to the conclusion that the pinks are not really fond of blinks these days like they purposefully avoid interacting directly with blinks

    I mean can u list how many times the pinks have directly or indirectly interacted with their fans this year?!

    They say K-pop is heavy on fan service while western music scene is not but hell I'm pretty sure Dua lipa at this point interacts more with her fans than BP lol

    Maybe they saw the ugly side of the fandom & decided to cancel the whole fandom...

    It's hard to confirm how much of that is YG's influence or the pinks own influence

    So personally ima blame both lol

    I remember during THE SHOW days, both YG & the pinks were super active promoting the concert especially during the last days before it happened, Jennie wrote something like go buy the tickets, u won't regret it on IG lol

    Let's not even talk about the travesty that is their 5th anniversary, the whole thing was trash

    I just don't get why they only make effort when they have something to sell us lol

    It's hard to separate the pinks from YG when they don't really seem to mind the status quo lol

    What are y'all views on this?

  • They're maturing and doing their own thing, it's not a big deal lmao ;(;(;(;(;(

    I don't know why some people think (this isn't directed to you HardcoreBlink but people in general) idols need to grovel visibly at the feet of their fans now.

    I mean I want something!!

    The music is slow af

    Honestly if only they will release music & dip but like do it more frequently, threads like this won't happen

    But yeah the music is only a factor when they're about to release it which is YG's fault definitely cause they love releasing their music lol

  • lol i've been ranting on this for years it seems like. I got into BP because of BP House and Boombayah and then KTL and the rest of their discography.

    But they just dont move like a Kpop group anymore. They dont do any fanservice content at all, like at all. Armies get constant videos, Onces get Time To Twice, Wizones got Enozicam/IzoneChu. It's hard to connect and remain engaged with a group that releases almost no music and does nothing during hiatus that we can fanboy or fangirl over.

    Adidas ads, fashion pics, model covers, none of that shit remotely resonates with fans. It sad to see Blinks bragging about them or arguing amongst themselves over these scraps (who got the best makeup and hair, whose pics were promoted more, etc).

    BP is a loose collection of soloists at this point. I mean, Wizones have gotten 100x more content than BP the past seven months, a literal DISBANDED GROUP with members from 30344324 different labels has more fanservice content than an active 5 year old group. :rolleyes:

  • Jisoo always interacts with blinks though but I can't blame them the fandom is very divided. I'm sure they are aware how messy they can be sometimes.

    So I've never used Weverse even tho I signed up

    Correct me if I'm wrong but she only interacts with korean fans right?

    Cause on Twitter I always see translated stuff from her interactions with blinks

    Blinks are definitely Hella messy & huge at this point, so that's why I'm thinking they just don't want to stick their foot into it

  • They interact enough for my taste, but that might bc I'm not into parasocial relationships unlike a lot of kpop stans. They seem grateful enough with the fans and for their efforts supporting their music.

    And also we know YG has always liked having this exclusive aura around their artists so they are likely the reason. I think that's one of the main charms about bp and why they have so many fans, they genuinely feel like unreachable world stars lol

  • Ahh you understand what I mean

    Exactly there's nothing noteworthy at this year for BLACKPINK (the group)

    The fan service is none existing

    The music is nowhere to be found

    The tours are not possible yes

    The interactions are none existing (liking fans stuff & actually coming online on IG or Twitter to post a comment, joke or even movies/music recommendations would be super appreciated lol)

  • They interact enough for my taste, but that might bc I'm not into parasocial relationships unlike a lot of kpop stans. They seem grateful enough with the fans and for their efforts supporting their music.

    And also we know YG has always liked having this exclusive aura around their artists so they are likely the reason. I think that's one of the main charms about bp and why they have so many fans, they genuinely feel like unreachable world stars lol

    Sigh just give us music then lol

    I personally wouldn't care about interactions or fan service or whatever if they would just focus on giving us constant music releases

    I want the music to be a priority but it's not so u look elsewhere... That's not available either at this point lol

  • its funny when all their insta updates are just brand deals and sponsored posts, says a lot. not that im blaming them, its their choice whether they want to interact with the fans or not and fans aren't entitled to it either i guess :pepepizza:

    jisoo is the only one I see actually taking time and effort to interact with blinks though.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • I mean if I had their akgaes and hate...I'd be scared to

  • Yeah that's how I was sure it's not some YG strategy

    It's a choice

    They limit the music & limit their accessibility too lol

    Lisa never been accesible btw

    Jennie was the first 2 years then close up and rosé been less accesible the last past year so the last one standing is jisoo

    I knew when YG announce Lisa solo a group cmb could not be possible so next year it is. They love touring so let's hope they can do that while pulling an album (not mini) and it will be good imo

  • Lisa never been accesible btw

    Jennie was the first 2 years then close up and rosé been less accesible the last past year so the last one standing is jisoo

    I knew when YG announce Lisa solo a group cmb could not be possible so next year it is. They love touring so let's hope they can do that while pulling an album (not mini) and it will be good imo

    Jennie stopped after all the hate she got from both the blinks and antis, her own comments would be filled with hate so I can understand why


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Sigh just give us music then lol

    I personally wouldn't care about interactions or fan service or whatever if they would just focus on giving us constant music releases

    I want the music to be a priority but it's not so u look elsewhere... That's not available either at this point lol

    I have already said it I think yg don't care about music industry nearly as much as before, that would explain why even treasure and their other bgs don't get comebacks often.

    At this point they are probably venturing on more profitable business while giving bp a comeback once in a while. They can easily rack up 100m usd for their next tour. Why even make an effort when you are also your own distributor and have a partnership with hybe for bts albums lmao, they already covered

  • I don’t agree…

    I do believe they care about Blinks, they just aren’t forced to do all this extra fan service/interacting 24/7 and do it when they feel like…btw Jisoo is on it very often. Also GG’s aren’t as excessive with fan interactions compared to BG’s in general.

    The only thing I have to admit here is that we got an akgae problem, and the Pinks have definitely noticed it by now. Which definitely makes certain things more complicated.

  • I do believe they care about Blinks, they just aren’t forced to do all this extra fan service/interacting 24/7 and do it when they feel like

    I agree with this but a lot of fans seem to think that YG is preventing them from interacting with fans when its obvious that the pinks just don't feel like doing that.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • its funny when all their insta updates are just brand deals and sponsored posts, says a lot. not that im blaming them, its their choice whether they want to interact with the fans or not and fans aren't entitled to it either i guess :pepepizza:

    jisoo is the only one I see actually taking time and effort to interact with blinks though.

    Yeah that shit is annoying too lol

    It is what it is at this point

  • The lack of music OT4 releases is why I stan other groups and not just the pinks like i used to. I'll always be a stan of OT4 but im glad i multi stan. other wise i'd be miserable. We have more magazine covers than music.

  • its funny when all their insta updates are just brand deals and sponsored posts, says a lot. not that im blaming them, its their choice whether they want to interact with the fans or not and fans aren't entitled to it either i guess :pepepizza:

    jisoo is the only one I see actually taking time and effort to interact with blinks though.

    Lisa been posting more causal pics, maybe it's jisso influence

    The only group I Stan are they and a member from other group who has way to much content (that I really never check) so it doesn't bother as much anymore. Touring may fix that like I said before

  • Lisa been posting more causal pics, maybe it's jisso influence

    yep, the only time lisa has been on vlive this year(other then her solo countdown) was when she was with jisoo.


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Lisa never been accesible btw

    Jennie was the first 2 years then close up and rosé been less accesible the last past year so the last one standing is jisoo

    I knew when YG announce Lisa solo a group cmb could not be possible so next year it is. They love touring so let's hope they can do that while pulling an album (not mini) and it will be good imo

    Yeah Lisa was never about that life lol

    They all went through something specific with some "fans" & they folded lol

    Jisoo is strong but even her she stick to reasonable korean fans

    Yes I just want the music & the touring

  • I don’t agree…

    I do believe they care about Blinks, they just aren’t forced to do all this extra fan service/interacting 24/7 and do it when they feel like…btw Jisoo is on it very often. Also GG’s aren’t as excessive with fan interactions compared to BG’s in general.

    The only thing I have to admit here is that we got an akgae problem, and the Pinks have definitely noticed it by now. Which definitely makes certain things more complicated.

    Is it wrong to want to see some effort tho?

    They should get together & do a vlive like old times lol that would be cool tbh

  • Is it wrong to want to see some effort tho?

    They should get together & do a vlive like old times lol that would be cool tbh

    they would all have to be in the same country then :clown:

    also the fact that we got more content from snsd as a group this year then the pinks is... 97699-jaehyun-cringe-gif


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • Tbf I understand where you're coming from, I don't think any idol actually cares about their fans. How could you care about people you've never met? Most fan service that idols do, they do it because they were told to or because they want money. So don't think that the idols talking to fans everyday care more than BP. They don't. What they do have though is work ethic and drive, something which I think either YG is getting in the way of for BP or they simply don't want to work extra hard when they are already on the top.

    No no you're right

    With BP we always talk about how they never reach their full potential because YG never go all out for them

    Come to think about it, the pinks are definitely "content" with whatever at this point

  • Tbf I understand where you're coming from, I don't think any idol actually cares about their fans. How could you care about people you've never met? Most fan service that idols do, they do it because they were told to or because they want money. So don't think that the idols talking to fans everyday care more than BP. They don't. What they do have though is work ethic and drive, something which I think either YG is getting in the way of for BP or they simply don't want to work extra hard when they are already on the top.

    kpop idols must be jealous af of the pinks, whilst they get crucified for missing their daily bubble post by their saesangs the pinks are out here praised and thanked for posting 1 vlive in a year :pepe-sad:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • The pinks still haven't posted their yearly vlive lol

    It's been 2 years now!

    Anniversary thing doesn't count ☠️

    didnt they post last year during the album promotions? :pepe-notes:


    let us gather around for the lord’s prayer:

    Nævis we love you. You are the one who protected me when i was in trouble. MY victory, one SYNK DIVE. I know your sacrifices. Let’s meet surely after the resurrection.



  • I'm pretty sure soon aespa will have more songs than the full discography of the pinks :sadface:

    I think they do care about blinks but they are also so tired of the akgaes because every time one shows up then theres a battle between the individual fandoms for literally everything and honestly is so tiring! as a BLINK is tiring af seeing how ridiculous the fights are and literally embarrassing too ;(

    YG is mean af honestly the last and only group I'll ever stan of that company they are really the worst of worst :facepalm:

  • I don't care. They don't need to do all this vlive and stuff if they don't want to. I actually am happy that they don't do all this. Its much easier to keep up. I follow some other groups and can never keep up with content and feel like fake fan. Just hoping that there is more music next year lol.

    Jisoo does post tho. She is the only one who seems to still be into fan service.

    `✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝓛𝓘𝓢𝓐 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´


  • Tbf I understand where you're coming from, I don't think any idol actually cares about their fans. How could you care about people you've never met? Most fan service that idols do, they do it because they were told to or because they want money. So don't think that the idols talking to fans everyday care more than BP. They don't. What they do have though is work ethic and drive, something which I think either YG is getting in the way of for BP or they simply don't want to work extra hard when they are already on the top.

    I agree with this. If anything bp members are more genuine as they arent desperately trying to make you buy their albums everyday or making you vote/stream. They keep it real and draw the line between idol & fan :pepestare:

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