Will this be GP 999 debut line-up? 4K+3J+2C in O.O.O. Mission

  • this might be it, from the left:

    Hikaru, Mashiro, Chaehyun, Xiaoting, Yujin, Dayeon, Yurina, Ruiqi, Yeseo


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  • I think so. Probably this is the ideal group that mnet want. 'Coincidentally', this group having all popular and most top9 member.

  • i think ruiqi might drop and mnet will add a surprise. a kfans favorite, like ririka and shana or a main vocal like bora

    but they won't get Chinese sales if Xiaoting will be only Chinese member in group

    from other girls Wen Zhe is their safest best she didn't had any controversies

    and Lord Fuya is a nice wild card, but then she messed up the high note in Snake performance

  • I think so. Probably this is the ideal group that mnet want. 'Coincidentally', this group having all popular and most top9 member.

    This is voted by audience. So it is not coincidentally. They ARE the most popular members at the moment

  • i think ruiqi might drop and mnet will add a surprise. a kfans favorite, like ririka and shana or a main vocal like bora

    Im also worried that Ruiqi might drop out but i also dont see any Chinese member replacing her. Yaning at this point has already a bad reputation + she messed up during live. Cai Bing is 90% gone case while Wenzhe is not as popular. Xing Qiao also always being evil edited as not serious.

    If the final group only has Xiaoting 1 chinese member, I wont support and I'm sure Chinese wont support either. If mnet is smart they must include at least 2 members.

    4K 3J 2C is probably the safest bet to secure support from korea japan and China.

    K - Yujin, Dayeon, Chaehyun, Bora or Yonggeun (she will be the wild card and the main vocal)

    J - Hikaru, Mashiro, Yurina

    C - Xiao Ting, Ruiqi or Yaning (1 of them)

  • i think ruiqi might drop and mnet will add a surprise. a kfans favorite, like ririka and shana or a main vocal like bora

    I see YoungEun replacing Su ruiqi.

    but they won't get Chinese sales if Xiaoting will be only Chinese member in group

    from other girls Wen Zhe is their safest best she didn't had any controversies

    and Lord Fuya is a nice wild card, but then she messed up the high note in Snake performance

    You do know that Japanese fans play also a huge factor in sales? Look at Izone and Twice.

    There a reason why Kpop groups target this market since the 1st gen (Boa)

  • This most likely will be the final top 9. At most prob 1 would get the axe

    Bora is still pretty low in ranks despite being hyped online. So unless she gets a really good edit towards the end to get her more votes, the 9 here are most likely set

  • I see YoungEun replacing Su ruiqi.

    You do know that Japanese fans play also a huge factor in sales? Look at Izone and Twice.

    There a reason why Kpop groups target this market since the 1st gen (Boa)

    Yes I know that but main idea of this show was to hit a jackpot with conquering three markets at once... And there are 3 Japanese girls so it's ok.

  • I agree with everything you said

    thanks! not many do lol

    tbh ruiqi used to be in my final lineup but idk what happened in the last two stages, she does not catch my attention at all...

    I would rather have youngeun, who can be way more fierce, can be cute if required and is a way better dancer, equally as good singer and a better rapper... she is the full package..

    (also kinda turned off by how ruiqi said she hated tha part yaning was doing like you are performing the same freaking song... how can you perform a song well if you have the mindset of hating it? she literally used the words "hate" which just does not sit well with me atleast)

    as for yurina, I dont really see whats so special but she will probably make it in the lineup anyways :wellr:

  • if I could I would take out yurina and if a j team trainee would be in her place I would add manami or shana

    I would also take out rui qi and add wen zhe or yaning

    If k trainees are allowed then I would direct want youngeun and bora instad of ruiqi and yurina.. we already have visuals with yeseo and xiaoting there is no need for yurina and rui qi seems a bit try hard on stage rather than fierce like she is trying to be, youngeun will fill that place well

    I agree with everything you said

    To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you, the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is 'you' and not the state of you ♥[/align]

  • I see YoungEun replacing Su ruiqi.

    You do know that Japanese fans play also a huge factor in sales? Look at Izone and Twice.

    There a reason why Kpop groups target this market since the 1st gen (Boa)

    youngeun has a large Japanese fanbase so wouldn’t be surprised if ruiqi was replaced. She could probably bring in some sales despite not being Japanese.

  • youngeun has a large Japanese fanbase so wouldn’t be surprised if ruiqi was replaced. She could probably bring in some sales despite not being Japanese.

    Ruiqi and Yaning are regularly among the top of most popular trainees in Japan. Yaning even came second (after Mashiro) in their last Twitter poll.

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