i believe no one ever pulled this concept before tho ?
and its a good thing that now we have another new concept for KPOP, making it more diverse and "less repetitive".
I'm glad TXT got into these vibes. Teenage angst suits them well. I particularly liked the western punk rocky feel from the 2000s and 2010s! I loved that the MV was shot outside; I don't see it very frequently with younger bands, but I'm accustomed to it with my favourites, so I enjoy seeing it. It instantly makes it feel freer and more open, which is great for the song's atmosphere. When they were dancing on the moving platform outdoors, it appeared to be a little artificial, but that's ok.
Most KPop artists are releasing either 1. Noise Pop 2. Girl Crush or 3. 70s disco when the broad trend in music (especially amongst younger/gen z artists) now seems to be pointing towards more of a 90s to early 00's style of music, including more guitar/pop punk elements, grungy rapping, surf pop, glitchy hyperpop, dreampop and an overall "highteen" aesthetic mixed with r&b and rap. TXT is the first one to take the risk and seems like its a success move for them