Is now the best time ever to be a girl group stan? 30
No (18) 60%
Yes (12) 40%
Do you agree? I'm back with another poll.
Do you think we're in the Golden Era of girl groups?
Points in favor:
- More variety of concepts
- Girl groups are for the girls way more than they ever have in any other gen
- There are simply MORE girl groups you can stan than before
- Girl Group members are getting more involvement in the creative process and solo opportunities
- Girl groups go on world tours more often and more quickly than ever before
Points against:
- The average talent level of girl groups isn't what it used to be
- Girl Groups focus way more on maintaining a perfect image instead of of being authentic
- Every girl group debuting at such young ages actually narrows the types of concepts they can safely do or convincly pull off
That's all I feel like organizing for now