For me, it’s Lisa.
I don’t find her charming. No hate before her hardcore stand and comes “your just jealous kys”
She’s the only member who has shown 0 substance, or anything. Plus her music just isn’t good, I thought she was an okay singer but apparently not, her dancing is good but it’s never blown me away. Her visuals are mostly fake, and her personality is just… weird.
I know we only see what she shows us, but she speaks with 0 substance or anything remotely interesting, I wouldn’t really care about that… if the stuff she puts out was actually good.
she’s clearly only loved because 13 year old south East Asian fans, live vicariously through her, (honestly most blackpink stans seem like they are living through those girls)
Her actual work in the real world isn’t really anything that impressive.
Crazy, like 7 years ago or whatever, I despised blackpink, but all the girls ended up growing on me. Especially when they dropped their weird act, and started acting like their age.
All but Lisa. She’s the only member who genuinely I wanted to like, but I just can’t. She’s the only who didn’t grow on me sadly