What happened to LSFM's Korean fans? Are you surprised by this?

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    Did most of them just disappear all of a sudden? They are even doing worse than ILLIT.

  • jojo7

    Changed the title of the thread from “What happened to LSFM's Korean fans? Are you surprised bythis?” to “What happened to LSFM's Korean fans? Are you surprised by this?”.
  • then would it mean that other groups fans also disappeared?

    no one will be voting in a year where it's either aespa or NJ

    + Melon didn't count Perfect Night, kind of like took it off the votings even when it had amazing results

    so Fearnot were pissed and probably didn't want to engage in anything here knowing that there ain't any chances for awards

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  • I know I keep repeating it but people are not grasping how much support Lsfm have lost so suddenly:!:

    They went from blocking drama from getting PAKs with perfect night a full English song which was a massive achievement to their recent comeback being out charts by songs released in 2022/23 :!:

    Even perfect night has fallen out of the charts! People keep saying Crazy is a bad song which it’s not imo but how come Whiplash is a hit when it’s the same song concept :?:

    I think their backlash is a lot more aggressive than ifans realise. Truthfully their next cb will decide :/

  • It has never been about song release before the scandal it goes easily in the top 10.

    LSRF fanbase in Korea has always been weak and most of them are males and we all know they aren’t as loyal as fan girls. HYBE’s reputation in Korea is in the toilets so it’s funny how people think HYBE can end NJ’s career in Korea.

  • It has never been about song release before the scandal it goes easily in the top 10.

    LSRF fanbase in Korea has always been weak and most of them are males and we all know they aren’t as loyal as fan girls. HYBE’s reputation in Korea is in the toilets so it’s funny how people think HYBE can end NJ’s career in Korea.

    Exactly! When you really think about it they’ve had back to back to back scandals from the encore stages to Coachella to their documentary and then Hybe drama in general :/

    Comparing to Illit who’s only thing has been copying NJ and Hybe drama it make sense to see how LSFM got the bigger hit to their support out the two gg :oops:

    The change was so drastic Imo but who’s to say they can’t recover. Others have done so before but their drop wasn’t so immediate :!:

  • What about Ive then?

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    This was from last year. I don't think the difference is that significant.

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    This was from last year. I don't think the difference is that significant.

    Interesting. Where is IVE this year? Are they not included in this?

  • Even perfect night has fallen out of the charts! People keep saying Crazy is a bad song which it’s not imo but how come Whiplash is a hit when it’s the same song concept :?:

    I think their backlash is a lot more aggressive than ifans realise. Truthfully their next cb will decide :/

    Maybe because Korean appreciate successful people with talent. It's a competitive country,it's must be annoying when regular people need to study, work hard and still not success,while seeing rich idols who only relied on "luck" and "privileges" with vocals ability no more than karaoke singer. Why they need to give support and their money when idols don't deserve it?

    That's or because the rap (eunchae part) is so bad to hear.

  • + Melon didn't count Perfect Night, kind of like took it off the votings even when it had amazing results

    so Fearnot were pissed and probably didn't want to engage in anything here knowing that there ain't any chances for awards

    Exactly this.

    We knew they weren't taking a award home without Perfect Night nomination, so why bother. I know I didn't...

  • I can't answer this question without it coming off as shade towards LSF and being branded a hater, and they're my second favorite group this generation, so I'll just leave it at their Korean fandom has a bad reputation and their general public support has evaporated.

  • Maybe because Korean appreciate successful people with talent. It's a competitive country,it's must be annoying when regular people need to study, work hard and still not success,while seeing rich idols who only relied on "luck" and "privileges" with vocals ability no more than karaoke singer. Why they need to give support and their money when idols don't deserve it?

    That's or because the rap (eunchae part) is so bad to hear.

    I don't think someone such as you who masquerades their hate for people who have done nothing to them with false objective criticism gets to decide what idols deserve support.

  • The votes are low because LSF only had a real chance to win with Perfect Night. We did question the nomination and made a fuzz online about it.

    Altough it's a waste of my digitals, cause' it's clear this thread is trying hard to shade LSF, I'll keep this up. The Coachella scandal did took its toll on their korean fanbase. Koreans get sick with the idea of something from their country bringing "embarassment" home. And since the LSF absurd, groundless and disturbing hate train, part of SK fell short to support the girls.

    #kim jennie from Osef, non ?

    Edited 2 times, last by momamae ().

  • Maybe because Korean appreciate successful people with talent. It's a competitive country,it's must be annoying when regular people need to study, work hard and still not success,while seeing rich idols who only relied on "luck" and "privileges" with vocals ability no more than karaoke singer. Why they need to give support and their money when idols don't deserve it?

    That's or because the rap (eunchae part) is so bad to hear.

    Wow. You must be going through a real hard moment. I hope you find clarity and peace. Just know this bitter, heavy, almost empty version of yourself is not the last version, you'll get better. I believe in you!

  • I don't think someone such as you who masquerades their hate for people who have done nothing to them with false objective criticism gets to decide what idols deserve support.

    It's nor false objective nor hardly a criticism. Just stating the fact based on their encore. They really can't sing their own song.

    And I don't decide anything. Just explaining Korean character in general since I worked with them for 7 years. They hard on themselves,they hard on their competitors, and they praise success and smart people more than anything.

    Like if I mentioned IU, those ahjussi who doesn't give a shit about kpop, will said, yes, she's very famous and respectable in Korea because she's hard work and everyone in Korea knew her struggling until become success and she has good songs with a great voice, and they all have watched my mister crying.

    Compare to when I said BTS, they just smile and just say "oh you must like their face". despite people said BTS is korea nation pride, they don't talk a lot about them. To be fair, kpop is not that big a deal for GP itself.

  • It's nor false objective nor hardly a criticism. Just stating the fact based on their encore. They really can't sing their own song.

    And I don't decide anything. Just explaining Korean character in general since I worked with them for 7 years. They hard on themselves,they hard on their competitors, and they praise success and smart people more than anything.

    Like if I mentioned IU, those ahjussi who doesn't give a shit about kpop, will said, yes, she's very famous and respectable in Korea because she's hard work and everyone in Korea knew her struggling until become success and she has good songs with a great voice, and they all have watched my mister crying.

    Compare to when I said BTS, they just smile and just say "oh you must like their face". despite people said BTS is korea nation pride, they don't talk a lot about them. To be fair, kpop is not that big a deal for GP itself.

    That doesn't make it any better. It just shows how poor of a judgement you have tf

    You're deciding whether or not they deserve support and success based on an encore?? The encores you have seen cannot even begin to encompass how talented LE SSERAFIM but of course you won't absorb anything I say. FYI, talent goes beyond singing ability.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Maybe because Korean appreciate successful people with talent. It's a competitive country,it's must be annoying when regular people need to study, work hard and still not success,while seeing rich idols who only relied on "luck" and "privileges" with vocals ability no more than karaoke singer. Why they need to give support and their money when idols don't deserve it?

    That's or because the rap (eunchae part) is so bad to hear.

    I don’t think Lsfm are untalented! They’re just as talented as the average K-pop group and Chaewon and Yunjin are great singers and Lsfm as a group are amongst the best dancers and performers of kpop imo :!: I truly think they’ve been very unlucky :/ a mixture of bad luck timing and wrong moves from Hybe!

    It’s clear they’re caught up in Hybes drama which has given them negative press not to mention all the wrong moves Hybe has made! The encore stage is one thing but Illit also had a bad encore stage in fact almost all groups do :!:

    I think Hybe never should have sent them to Coachella so soon after since everyone wanted to watch only to see how they sounded. Hybe should have let the bad press die down a bit before sending them to sing live at one of the biggest festivals globally!

    Then to create a documentary about the pressure of it all was a massive controversy :!: I personally enjoyed it but that’s when they got a lot of backlash about not being able to take criticism to improve etc

    Then a few social media scandals with members posting pictures of middle fingers and such ( I know it’s not that serious but that caused them a lot of backlash) they started losing followers at that time too!

    Not to mention the stuff with Hybe and NJ coming out about Hybe using NJ to better Lsfm and take their opportunities. It’s clear Hybes wrongs are catching up to them! Hybe is the problem and Lsfm are collateral and victims of bad decisions from Hybe.

    Oh gosh that was lengthy :oops:

  • :meme-i-aint-reading-all-that:

  • I refer Korean as gp. Not kpop fandom. International kpop listener basically are kpop idol fans (they ride or die with them), but most Korean just casual listener, not part any fandom. The young generation are still listening to western music and non idols groups. Kpop (idols BG/GG) is not really that big a deal, with exception in 1st/2nd generations. They see their music just like the rest of us see our domestic music. Korean chart are mostly from GP pov than fandom. So good and catchy music will chart anyway, as you can see many soloist can reached 1st at melon chart despite has less fans number.

    If ifans thinks that LSRF flop domestically because hybe/MHj drama, it is really not. Most Korean I know doesn't even care with MHJ/Hybe case. They just saw it mentioned in news but not really have much opinion about it. They dont really caught in deeper level like fan wars in forum or x. LSRF Coachella was promoted and made national news, their singing failure also became another national news which most GP thought "aigo , why such a group represent Korea in international event". and since then they only dropped Crazy which not helping their chart : cringe lyrics, repetitive sound, and poor vocal tone. "Act like an angel, dress like crazy, na na na nanna" Vs " one look, give them whiplash, beat drop with a big flash" ?

  • That doesn't make it any better. It just shows how poor of a judgement you have tf

    You're deciding whether or not they deserve support and success based on an encore?? The encores you have seen cannot even begin to encompass how talented LE SSERAFIM but of course you won't absorb anything I say. FYI, talent goes beyond singing ability.

    "Talent goes beyond singing ability"

    Not sure if you are trying to defend your faves or validate they can't sing.

    Should I be sorry for listening kpop music for its vocal ? I don't think so. How else people should judge singer's talent other than vocal ? It will be absurd for me to root for musician who only pretty and dance well.

  • Wow. You must be going through a real hard moment. I hope you find clarity and peace. Just know this bitter, heavy, almost empty version of yourself is not the last version, you'll get better. I believe in you!

    Cringe way to "hurt" people by words just because they can't swallow the obvious facts.

  • "Talent goes beyond singing ability"

    Not sure if you are trying to defend your faves or validate they can't sing.

    Should I be sorry for listening kpop music for its vocal ? I don't think so. How else people should judge singer's talent other than vocal ? It will be absurd for me to root for musician who only pretty and dance well.

    I'm trying to invalidate the amount of hate they've gotten (and still get) for not being up to your standards (standards that even YOU can't compare to). Nobody is asking you to listen to LE SSERAFIM if you don't like them but don't come online invalidating all their hard work (and again, hard work that YOU can't compare to) simply because some of their vocals aren't good.

    While I understand your criticism toward their singing ability, I won't tolerate you trying to discredit them and label them as untalented. Musicians do not need powerhouse vocals to be good musicians. You trying to imply that singing is the only quality a musician should possess tells me just how little you know about the components of a true musician.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • It isn't the first time that Kpop groups have had idols that can't sing. It was actually common in the 1st and 2nd gen. For example, there isn't a decent singer on HOT except Kangta, and SES had the same problem except Bada.

    Everyone being 'all-rounders' is a recent phenomena.

    However, if there are vocal holes in your group, there has to be one exceptional voice to cover the deficit. That's what HOT and SES had with Kangta and Bada. Yunjin was supposed to fill that role, and it hasn't worked out. The fact that Chaewon and Yunjin are average means it is harder to cover up the deficit.

    To be fair, I think the vocal issues would have been less glaring if Garam was able to stay.

  • I'm trying to invalidate the amount of hate they've gotten (and still get) for not being up to your standards (standards that even YOU can't compare to). Nobody is asking you to listen to LE SSERAFIM if you don't like them but don't come online invalidating all their hard work (and again, hard work that YOU can't compare to) simply because some of their vocals aren't good.

    While I understand your criticism toward their singing ability, I won't tolerate you trying to discredit them and label them as untalented. Musicians do not need powerhouse vocals to be good musicians. You trying to imply that singing is the only quality a musician should possess tells me just how little you know about the components of a true musician.

    You need to have better way to defend your faves. At this point, you just going around arguing without actually describing their talent. "My standard" is bare minimum for vocalist. And LSRF does not play instrument in their song nor creating their own music, so by any dictionary standards, they are not in the same group as musician. Maybe you can go with"they are not strong in vocal as idol group but they are good performer and keep audience entertained".

  • LSRF does not play instrument in their song nor creating their own music, so by any dictionary standards, they are not in the same group as musician.

    Says who??

    Yunjin can play the ukelele, guitar, and piano (i think). Eunchae can also play the guitar I believe. ALL of LE SSERAFIM has either written or co-written songs (or both) for both themselves and other people.

    Tell me you know nothing about LSF without telling me you know nothing about LSF.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

  • Twice saw a pretty big drop off after their own encore scandals

    Le Sserafim had that + Coachella + and responses to criticism+ Hybe vs Min Heejin + renewing the witch-hunt with that documentary

    They still have a fandom, but objectively smaller and likely burnt tf out

    Although I've never thought voting was a good indicator

    Their team needs to be smarter about their approach but Hybe is gonna Hybe



    Rain, Midnight Bloom, In the dark, I Grew

  • Says who??

    Yunjin can play the ukelele, guitar, and piano (i think). Eunchae can also play the guitar I believe. ALL of LE SSERAFIM has either written or co-written songs (or both) for both themselves and other people.

    Tell me you know nothing about LSF without telling me you know nothing about LSF.

    Oh yeah, you are right. I remember chaewon flaunt her talent playing flute in their encore.

    Maybe together with yunjin's ukulele they can play "let it be" by the Beatles (my standard of musicians).

  • Oh yeah, you are right. I remember chaewon flaunt her talent playing flute in their encore.

    Maybe together with yunjin's ukulele they can play "let it be" by the Beatles (my standard of musicians).

    Idols have eaten ramen, ice, and lemons during encores. Playing a musical instrument during an encore is the least of your problems.

    Stay bitter, hater.

    - Make it look EASY, Dress like CRAZY, And just be HOT -

    Edited once, last by CaraFIMIE ().

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