Why Jennie, Hwasa, and other idols involved with Zico after 2019 don't get as much backlash as Hyuna for Yong Junhyung?

  • This will be one of the few serious threads I will make in this forum, this topic has been bothering me for far too long. First, if you don't know about the context surrounding it with the burning sun scandal, the kakaotalk molka chatrooms of jung joon young visit those links to get an idea about it:

    Now with directly with zico and the golden phone the details can be found in this article

    Alright so now let's go to the point, first I have not believed zico excuses and explanations for a single second, his own remarks are his demise, he mentions a phone jjy uses exclusively for kakaotalk and is not his main phone, a phone so interesting he will go to jjy house to spend a lot of time looking at, even a monster like jjy seems a little taken back at first when zico mentions it on national television. If you wholeheartedly believe that zico will go to his house to spent time looking at contacts again and again I don't even know what to tell you atp, you are either to gullible or don't want to face this situation. So yes, for me zico is as much as a piece of shit as all the creeps that knew about jjy molka and never did anything.

    So since those scandals broke out I find the normality with everyone in the korean industry treats this man sickening and repulsive, not only south korea gave him the biggest song of 2020 there but so many idols, specially women accepted as normal interact with someone like him, like I get it, out of all the creeps in this molka scandal he is the one who got away with it almost unscathed, he wasn't involved directly, he didn't admit anything and keeps denying so all those morally bankrupted idols have it easy to involve with him again and more when he got such a hit with it. But I couldn't see zico the same again ever since 2019 and the fact most people just act normally feels so distasteful.

    And I'm not even in witch hunt mode wanting the head of anyone that even did challenges with him [most of the kpop industry] in a spike, I'm just disappointed and uncomfortable how this man still has a platform and a career supported by the idols we talk so nonchalantly here. And the double standards kpop stans use to whack certain idols so much for the minimum thing but some other not is revolting, hyuna rightfully got her international appeal ended just by involving herself with yong junhyung but all the people still involving with zico get away unscathed, like hwasa or chungha that barely months after the scandal, with the situation still hot supported zico 2020 song, and everyone pretended it was fine.

    And Jennie collaborating with him has been bothering me so much, I have so many problems with her but the way she keeps involving herself with piece of shit human beings, like rapist alexander wang even after everything was known she continue to be buddy buddy with him, now a whole featuring with golden phone zico and just recently with pedophile edison chen... like I get it, when you are that famous and popular it could happen to come across those monsters in an industry so full of them, but she just keeps doing it again and again and it says so much about her character. But somehow kpop stans don't give this topic the time of the day and won't do it on the future and it will be just few of us, that when start thinking seriously about the kpop industry can't stop be bothered for situations like this.

  • I also don't think Zico is innocent, but in a case this big they also couldn't prove his involvement which will always be a question mark.

    And tbh instead of judging female idols for "associating" with bad male idols/guys I think talking about how problematic male idols are and how they still have careers should be a more serious topic if you are so worried about something. I won't sit here blaming women for working with problematic men when the problem is the problematic men.

    And Hyuna case is so different, she decided to marry a proven guilty man. Did he change? Maybe? Who knows. But this case is still fresh on people's mind so she'll suffer backlash.

    In the end female idols will always be bashed for everything that isn't even in their control like we are seeing now.

  • First of: Hwasa didn't do anything big with Zico, they just created a dance challenge that every other Idol doing nowadays. That's all. I'm pretty sure, Chungha did the same, just a dance challenge. Both happened 4 YEARS ago, since then they didn't do anything with him.

    Jennie is the only one who has an actual collab with Zico.

    As for Hyuna, that's more than just Zico and this scandal. She has much more on her plate, starting with her friend Go Hara!

    This thread feels like you want people to hate Jennie, Hwasa and Chungha for basically nothing.

    Also, I'm not sure, because I don't really care, but if I'm correct Zico was cleared from everything. Not to mention, we only know what we read. That's why I never trust in anything. We don't know the details, so we can't judge anyone. Honestly, I don't give a damn about Zico or any other idiot who was involved in the Burning Sun, but don't try to drag others into this just because they did something with Zico later.

  • It's because they like those other people, so they shield them from criticism instead of actively participating in burning them at the stake. Hyuna is just an easy target.


    fuck zico, YES but he has the back up that police never find him involved in molka (that we know off)

    this people, specially woman should know better but he didnt admit to any crime like the other dude did

    he even left his fuck ass group for this, it was all over the news bc he was a know name too from a popular group (that just move out of cube) and hyuna as 30 smth year old woman choose to not just date him but not marry this dude

  • It's because they like those other people, so they shield them from criticism instead of actively participating in burning them at the stake. Hyuna is just an easy target.

    Spot on, truth is there are idols that are just easy targets for kpop fans witch hunts.

    True. They deserve just as much backlash.. But I guess it's because none of them is going to marry Zico idk

    Collaborating with yong junghyung will receive just as bad yet jennie is just fine and barely anybody address it.

    I also don't think Zico is innocent, but in a case this big they also couldn't prove his involvement which will always be a question mark.

    And tbh instead of judging female idols for "associating" with bad male idols/guys I think talking about how problematic male idols are and how they still have careers should be a more serious topic if you are so worried about something. I won't sit here blaming women for working with problematic men when the problem is the problematic men.

    And Hyuna case is so different, she decided to marry a proven guilty man. Did he change? Maybe? Who knows. But this case is still fresh on people's mind so she'll suffer backlash.

    In the end female idols will always be bashed for everything that isn't even in their control like we are seeing now.

    I would give zico the benefit of the doubt if he didn't mention is a phone that jjy uses only for kakaotalk, atp he just needed to say it had molka on it.

    Some people are using your same rhetoric about female idols receiving backlash for what problematic men do, but I can accept that in cases so bad as alexander wang or edison chen with jennie, a rapist and a pedophile, associating with people like that is wrong in any way you want to paint it. Nobody expects anything of garbage like zico or edison chen and all of us already hate them, is the female idols that lot of people look up to that become disappointments when they condone criminals and give them a platform, like adidas, jennie and other celebrities like dpr ian are giving support and money to a known pedophile, this world is just garbage.

    No zico wasn't cleared from anything, he just said "I didn't", as anyone would expect he would say. And I don't think you are even hearing yourself, how is jennie collaborating with pedophiles and rapists nothing my dude? In the thread I specify I don't even wanna to attack the people who gave and still give zico a platform like hwasa but feels so disappointing how they help to "clean" the image of a piece of shit like zico. And yes, all the people still giving the time of the day to zico are on the wrong for me and I will express it.

  • Some people are using your same rhetoric about female idols receiving backlash for what problematic men do, but I can accept that in cases so bad as alexander wang or edison chen with jennie, a rapist and a pedophile, associating with people like that is wrong in any way you want to paint it. Nobody expects anything of garbage like zico or edison chen and all of us already hate them, is the female idols that lot of people look up to that become disappointments when they condone criminals and give them a platform, like adidas, jennie and other celebrities like dpr ian are giving support and money to a known pedophile, this world is just garbage.

    Tbf I know nothing about the problematic men you are talking, I saw some tt fanwars about it, but I ignored bc the same ones accusing have their faves also being involved with trash people. Kpop itself is full of criminals and despicable people and idols ignore it and just do their work. It's not like they have the power to choose who they'll work with. But your topic isn't exactly right bc Hyuna case is so different from the ones you mentioned. Getting married and working in something together is different.

    Sometimes you don't work with people you agree 100%, it's just work. But marriage? It's bc you are ok with their past life and wants to build a future together. As I said maybe he changed, but who will know?

  • Because Hyuna is going to sign a legally binding contract with a man directly implicated in the scandal, whereas the other idols mentioned merely did one-time collaborations with a man (Zico) who is only speculated to be involved (strongly suspicious but no hard proof). The degree of involvement and the person they're involved with are both very different.

    🍒 Chee~eer~ish 🍒


  • , but I can accept that in cases so bad as alexander wang or edison chen with jennie, a rapist and a pedophile, associating with people like that is wrong in any way you want to paint it.

    Jennie hasn't acknowledged Alexander Wang since his allegations. Edison Chen's fashion brand collabed with Adidas, if you wanna blame models for wearing problematic brands, I guarantee Twice isn't clean either

    Weaponizing rape and pedophilia just to shit on Blackpink is a new low



  • No zico wasn't cleared from anything, he just said "I didn't", as anyone would expect he would say. And I don't think you are even hearing yourself, how is jennie collaborating with pedophiles and rapists nothing my dude? In the thread I specify I don't even wanna to attack the people who gave and still give zico a platform like hwasa but feels so disappointing how they help to "clean" the image of a piece of shit like zico. And yes, all the people still giving the time of the day to zico are on the wrong for me and I will express it.

    You're talking nonsense. How many times do I have to tell you that Hwasa and Chungha didn't do anything with him since 2019? You wanna compare a f-ing DANCE CHALLENGE, and a COLLAB SONG with Hyuna who actually want to marry the guy, who was Go Hara's boyfriend and he's actually a criminal?

    Stop embarrassing yourself. Hwasa, Chungha and Jennie NEVER gave Zico a platform. You don't even know what that word means. I couldn't give a shit about Zico, but stop talking about things you don't know anything about.

    No one is defending Zico, but you're saying you don't want to attack anyone, yet you want to drag INNOCENT people into this madness, because you're bored and you want some attention.

    Sometimes you don't work with people you agree 100%, it's just work. But marriage? It's bc you are ok with their past life and wants to build a future together. As I said maybe he changed, but who will know?


  • Good question but I don't think anyone here can sincerely answer it. Junhyung didn't even do anything bad. He wasn't in the group or anything. The way they treat him is honestly insane.

    He received a rape video, thought it was funny, talked about it and when got caught suddenly he understood that it wasn't something nice. Like he isn't the worst of the worst, but he knew what was happening.

  • You just answered your own question lmfao he literally wasn't involved in BS.

    He literally said so in his insta apology post.

    "I was sent a video in my messenger without any explanation and I pressed the black screen. I didn’t know what it would be or what the intention was before I pressed the video. Afterward, I could have said, ‘Stop, this is wrong,’ but I couldn’t, and just ignored my actions."

    He knew what was going on.

  • He literally said so in his insta apology post.

    "I was sent a video in my messenger without any explanation and I pressed the black screen. I didn’t know what it would be or what the intention was before I pressed the video. Afterward, I could have said, ‘Stop, this is wrong,’ but I couldn’t, and just ignored my actions."

    He knew what was going on.

    How does this prove that he was involved in BS scandal? He literally was only involved as witness.

    You know, now I realize why they say apologies only make things worse. He quickly apologized to avoid the incoming hate yet you're using the apology against him as a proof of his guilt. He was literally sent a video where Jung was touching a woman in a club.

  • He literally said so in his insta apology post.

    "I was sent a video in my messenger without any explanation and I pressed the black screen. I didn’t know what it would be or what the intention was before I pressed the video. Afterward, I could have said, ‘Stop, this is wrong,’ but I couldn’t, and just ignored my actions."

    He knew what was going on.

    From what I'm reading, he was cleared by the police. There was a false news report saying he was part of the chat room, but it turned out to be false. It is part of the reason why people keep lumping him in with the burning sun scandal, but he was not one of the main perpetrators.

    There are many reasons why people keep silence about ongoing crimes. The reason could be fear, guilt, misguided friendship, etc.

    This gets down to morality. Is it morally wrong to stay silent when witnessing a crime?

    I don't think we should conflate someone who didn't report with the people that actually carried out the crime. There can be many valid reasons why people choose not to speak up, and it is a morally gray area.

  • How does this prove that he was involved in BS scandal? He literally was only involved as witness.

    You know, now I realize why they say apologies only make things worse. He quickly apologized to avoid the incoming hate yet you're using the apology against him as a proof of his guilt. He was literally sent a video where Jung was touching a woman in a club.

    It wasn't quickly, he apologized this year. And indirectly unfortunately he was involved. He was sent a video.

  • Oh, I know he wasn't part of the chat group, but staying silent isn't something to be proud of in this case neither is something that people will accept as a gray area. This scandal was the biggest ever in kpop so obviously people won't support anyone who was directly and indirectly involved.

  • Oh, I know he wasn't part of the chat group, but staying silent isn't something to be proud of in this case neither is something that people will accept as a gray area. This scandal was the biggest ever in kpop so obviously people won't support anyone who was directly and indirectly involved.

    I'm just pointing out that many people choose to ignore crime or not speak up about it. We have witnesses that refuse to testify. We don't know the motivation as to why they don't speak up. We can guess like fear of retaliation, culture, guilt, etc.

    Of course, it isn't something to be proud of. He was cowardly in his action, but that isn't a crime.

    He apologized for his inaction, and hopefully, he changed his ways.

    I just find it weird that people are acting disgusted by Hyuna's choice, and they over exaggerate the role that Yong Junhyung played in the scandal. Junhyung and Hyuna are just old friends getting hitched after going through adversity. You see similar stories everywhere. They probably bonded through trauma. It isn't healthy, but it is understandable and very human.

  • He apologized this year bc of his dating with Hyuna.

    This isn't a simple case where fear should be the excuse, women were getting raped, gang raped and Goo Hara, an idol like him was brave enough to help find the culprits.

    He deserves the criticism and Hyuna choosing to marry him after their connection to Goo Hara just made things worse. In the end unfortunately his past actions are haunting him.

  • I also don't think Zico is innocent, but in a case this big they also couldn't prove his involvement which will always be a question mark.

    And tbh instead of judging female idols for "associating" with bad male idols/guys I think talking about how problematic male idols are and how they still have careers should be a more serious topic if you are so worried about something. I won't sit here blaming women for working with problematic men when the problem is the problematic men.

    And Hyuna case is so different, she decided to marry a proven guilty man. Did he change? Maybe? Who knows. But this case is still fresh on people's mind so she'll suffer backlash.

    In the end female idols will always be bashed for everything that isn't even in their control like we are seeing now.

    Exactly and this is the problem I have with people trying to compare others or use zico as an example between jennie and Hyuna. Hyuna knowingly went with a man who has been proven to have some criminal case. Whereas zico? There's zero proof none whatsoever outside of third party speculation by fans interpretation of his past interviews about a phone which realistically could have been one different than the one that guy used for molka. Nobody knows and he can't be proven beyond a doubt to be guilty of anything. Blaming zico would be like me blaming the best friend of a school shooter. Just because you knew him and went to the gun range and hung out with them doesn't mean you knew he was going to go blast everyone tomorrow morning.

  • I'm just pointing out that many people choose to ignore crime or not speak up about it. We have witnesses that refuse to testify. We don't know the motivation as to why they don't speak up. We can guess like fear of retaliation, culture, guilt, etc.

    Of course, it isn't something to be proud of. He was cowardly in his action, but that isn't a crime.

    Lol that’s untrue. Bystander crimes exist. Where you willingly hide knowledge that can save others or help the police, you can be charged. It’s not every time you have to technically take part or organize the crime for you to be arrested.

    Unless your life was at risk or the police may not have had the capabilities to protect you, is the only time you are justified in your action.

    Only reason Zico walked out of this case free was because he told the police he did not watch any content like that. If he admitted to doing so and not reporting to the police, he would have been penalized.

  • He apologized this year bc of his dating with Hyuna.

    This isn't a simple case where fear should be the excuse, women were getting raped, gang raped and Goo Hara, an idol like him was brave enough to help find the culprits.

    He deserves the criticism and Hyuna choosing to marry him after their connection to Goo Hara just made things worse. In the end unfortunately his past actions are haunting him.

    Some people are able to step up to the plate, and some cannot. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't think the inability to step up should be penalized. Not everyone can be the whistle blower.

    I'm just curious. Why does the connection to Goo Hara make things worse? From what I'm reading, Hyuna and Hara were acquaintances. Yong Junhyung dated Hara for 2 years. Hyuna and Junhyung were trainees and knew each other for a long time. From that set of information, I guess I don't see the problem?

  • I'm just pointing out that many people choose to ignore crime or not speak up about it. We have witnesses that refuse to testify. We don't know the motivation as to why they don't speak up. We can guess like fear of retaliation, culture, guilt, etc.

    He admitted to making degrading inappropriate comments about the video, so it's really not a question of why



  • Lol that’s untrue. Bystander crimes exist. Where you willingly hide knowledge that can save others or help the police, you can be charged. It’s not every time you have to technically take part or organize the crime for you to be arrested.

    Unless your life was at risk or the police may not have had the capabilities to protect you, is the only time you are justified in your action.

    Only reason Zico walked out of this case free was because he told the police he did not watch any content like that. If he admitted to doing so and not reporting to the police, he would have been penalized.

    Is this Korean law?

  • Lol that’s untrue. Bystander crimes exist. Where you willingly hide knowledge that can save others or help the police, you can be charged. It’s not every time you have to technically take part or organize the crime for you to be arrested.

    Unless your life was at risk or the police may not have had the capabilities to protect you, is the only time you are justified in your action.

    Only reason Zico walked out of this case free was because he told the police he did not watch any content like that. If he admitted to doing so and not reporting to the police, he would have been penalized.

    Then why wasn't he charged? That's my question.

    I'm not well versed in the law, so I'll assume it is true for the sake of this conversation. What was the charges brought against Yong Junhyung? Why didn't he serve any time like Zico?

  • Some people are able to step up to the plate, and some cannot. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I don't think the inability to step up should be penalized. Not everyone can be the whistle blower.

    I'm just curious. Why does the connection to Goo Hara make things worse? From what I'm reading, Hyuna and Hara were acquaintances. Yong Junhyung dated Hara for 2 years. Hyuna and Junhyung were trainees and knew each other for a long time. From that set of information, I guess I don't see the problem?

    Oh well, you don't see a problem with he not speaking up after receiving that type of video so you probably won't see a problem with their connection.

    Let's just agree to disagree.

  • 1. They’re not dating, let alone marrying Zico.

    2. Zico has not been found to be involved in the Molka chat in any way. The only evidence against him is his own words about viewing a golden phone, and he says the one he looked at years before the incidents for which that guy was convicted didn’t have any molka on it. Whether he’s telling the truth or not is impossible to know.

  • Because Hyuna is going to sign a legally binding contract with a man directly implicated in the scandal, whereas the other idols mentioned merely did one-time collaborations with a man (Zico) who is only speculated to be involved (strongly suspicious but no hard proof). The degree of involvement and the person they're involved with are both very different.

    Exactly. Zico was never charged with anything, which makes being involved with him creatively in a business setting will not come with as much backlash. Also, Koreans like Zico so I bet they're more willing to forgive him especially because he's a man.

    Is he.....you know?

    투모로우바이투게더 방탄

  • First of all Zico was never proven to had any involvement in that scandal. He made remarks about a golden phone, but apart from speculations, we don’t really know which phone he was talking about. Could have been that particular phone, could have also been another. We know for a fact that JJY, based on the data forensics, send a video to Seungri and JH! This is why they got investigated on that matter as well. The reporter who broke the case did all type of research, went through all the chats and did research on the people JJY either send illegal videos too or were part of that Group chat!

    So he didn’t trust him enough to send him these videos or to even include him in this group chat, but would give him this phone and let him scroll through it just like that ? Based on the information I have and even the documentaries about this case, it’s obvious that JJY was someone who only trusted those who wouldn’t report him to the police… and these were also the people in the chat or people he send some of these videos too. Zico was never one of them.

    The reporter, a woman who, spent months, even during her pregnancy, investigating the case did dance challenges to Zico Songs… y’all really think she would do that if he had any involvement ?

    And there is the difference tbh. Jungyung is confirmed to be involved in the scandal, he was investigated… Zico did not and his alleged involvement is based on speculation of a remark he made that was more than vague. And Koreans didn’t cancel him unlike the other men.

    So why should any of these women get backlash by being associated with him?

    If you believe he was involved somehow, at this point it’s a you problem!

  • Exactly and people constantly saying he's in on it deserves to be sued by him.

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