This will be one of the few serious threads I will make in this forum, this topic has been bothering me for far too long. First, if you don't know about the context surrounding it with the burning sun scandal, the kakaotalk molka chatrooms of jung joon young visit those links to get an idea about it:

Now with directly with zico and the golden phone the details can be found in this article

Alright so now let's go to the point, first I have not believed zico excuses and explanations for a single second, his own remarks are his demise, he mentions a phone jjy uses exclusively for kakaotalk and is not his main phone, a phone so interesting he will go to jjy house to spend a lot of time looking at, even a monster like jjy seems a little taken back at first when zico mentions it on national television. If you wholeheartedly believe that zico will go to his house to spent time looking at contacts again and again I don't even know what to tell you atp, you are either to gullible or don't want to face this situation. So yes, for me zico is as much as a piece of shit as all the creeps that knew about jjy molka and never did anything.
So since those scandals broke out I find the normality with everyone in the korean industry treats this man sickening and repulsive, not only south korea gave him the biggest song of 2020 there but so many idols, specially women accepted as normal interact with someone like him, like I get it, out of all the creeps in this molka scandal he is the one who got away with it almost unscathed, he wasn't involved directly, he didn't admit anything and keeps denying so all those morally bankrupted idols have it easy to involve with him again and more when he got such a hit with it. But I couldn't see zico the same again ever since 2019 and the fact most people just act normally feels so distasteful.
And I'm not even in witch hunt mode wanting the head of anyone that even did challenges with him [most of the kpop industry] in a spike, I'm just disappointed and uncomfortable how this man still has a platform and a career supported by the idols we talk so nonchalantly here. And the double standards kpop stans use to whack certain idols so much for the minimum thing but some other not is revolting, hyuna rightfully got her international appeal ended just by involving herself with yong junhyung but all the people still involving with zico get away unscathed, like hwasa or chungha that barely months after the scandal, with the situation still hot supported zico 2020 song, and everyone pretended it was fine.
And Jennie collaborating with him has been bothering me so much, I have so many problems with her but the way she keeps involving herself with piece of shit human beings, like rapist alexander wang even after everything was known she continue to be buddy buddy with him, now a whole featuring with golden phone zico and just recently with pedophile edison chen... like I get it, when you are that famous and popular it could happen to come across those monsters in an industry so full of them, but she just keeps doing it again and again and it says so much about her character. But somehow kpop stans don't give this topic the time of the day and won't do it on the future and it will be just few of us, that when start thinking seriously about the kpop industry can't stop be bothered for situations like this.