There are many different approaches to creating a deep and interesting character, but these days, both readers and writers have noticed a new trend evolving: the morally grey character
There have always been characters like this, the ones that are seemingly both good and bad at the same time, those who are called anti-heroes or anti-villains. Popular examples would be Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. They are bad guys, but at the same time, we are rooting for them for some reason. Why? Because they blur the line between good and bad. People love it because it feels way more natural. Humans make mistakes that could be labelled as bad sometimes, nobody is perfect.
Everyone can write a "good" or "bad" guy, but finding the in-between is way harder.
In K-Pop, we used to have 2 concepts for girl groups. Cute, resembling the "good" characters and girlcrush, resembling the "bad" characters. Over the years, new concepts got popular, but we were always able to divide them into one of the categories (Elegant, Dark and Sexy for example are girlcrush. There are groups like Iz*One that popularised cute-elegant but they are 4th gen). However, a lot changed in 4th gen. Groups like IVE and NewJeans popularised a different approach to K-Pop concepts. In particular IVE manages to balance both the "good" and "bad" side, creating a well-developed "morally grey character". That's the reason those 2 groups are loved so much at the moment.
They aren't the first girlgroup with this concept though. We saw it happen with Red Velvet, who had a Red "cute" and Velvet "bad" side. However, back then, the concept of "morally grey" girlgroups wasn't as trendy as nowadays.
Now, let's talk about the groups I mentioned:
TWICE tried to balance both concepts but the GP wasn't used to them trying out something else, which is why they aren't as popular in SK anymore.
NMIXX tried to balance the concepts in a different way, creating "mixxpop" songs that had both cute and girlcrush characteristics. However, they didn't manage to find the balance in the way other groups did.
BABYMONSTER went with the typical girlcrush. They are totally out of trend.

Introducing the morally grey girlgroup concept (or: why Twice, Babymonster and NMIXX flopped)
Changed the title of the thread from “Introducing the morally grey girlgroup concept (or: why Twice, babymonster and NMIXX flopped)” to “Introducing the morally grey girlgroup concept (or: why Twice, Babymonster and NMIXX flopped)”. -
the twice shade
the twice shade
Dreamer95 needed to get punished after he called newjeans fans success stans
Is this cute or girl crush?
External Content twitter.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Is this cute or girl crush?
External Content twitter.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.As I said, "grey" music is very popular in 4th gen. So, it's neither of those two
It is double edged sword, at first that is seen as positive but if, over the years, they don't grow -> change concepts/sound and evolve people will drag them for that too
Strong thesis statement. With a little fine tuning here or there, it would be more than acceptable. I can definitely identify the core logic and viewpoint you want to relate to the reader.
Now you'll need to flesh out that viewpoint with a thorough, comprehensive detailing of the dichotomy between girl group concepts and why the current trend has upended that structure.
It will need to be at least 1200 words single spaced.
Have it ready in 12 hours.
Dreamer95 needed to get punished after he called newjeans fans success stans
And this is the best yall could do?
It so fucking stupid to have a head line with "Twice floped", I mean reallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
And Babymonster "floped", after one song? Realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
Strong thesis statement. With a little fine tuning here or there, it would be more than acceptable. I can definitely identify the core logic and viewpoint you want to relate to the reader.
Now you'll need to flesh out that viewpoint with a thorough, comprehensive detailing of the dichotomy between girl group concepts and why the current trend has upended that structure.
It will need to be at least 1200 words single spaced.
Have it ready in 12 hours.
I wrote this in a rush and I suck at writing in english anyways lol
I feel like NJ is cute/innocent which is why they’re so popular. You can’t listen to songs like Ditto, OMG, and Super Shy and not think it wasn’t sung by a 15/16yr old girl.
As for Baemon, their problem is, they are just cookie cutter. The music video lacked life and the song was just average. They feel like a bad BP knock off, from a middle tier company. Their debit is something i kept from Cube, not YG.
Twice a concept change is what helped them sell out MetLife and as we know not every trendy group can do that
If twice wouldn’t changed their concept they’d not even renewed. It’s hilarious to see the same takes about a group which will outlast your favs.
Twice changed their concept on a brink when people were getting tired of their "cute" sound. I remember how people used to drag them and say they are never trying anything new
I think change of concept is what ultimately saved twice.
Exactly this
GP was gonna throw Twice away no matter what
At least they reinforced the fandom and get songs they like more this way
SNSD were a fucking rainbow lol.
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