What went wrong with Kep1er?

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    Kep1er: 2nd biggest group. Once they debut it'll be good, but girl, let's not compare them to iz*one or I.o.I...we're not getting that, or many we are...but this phony lineup...oh lord. Anyways, there company's power and connections is not to be messed with. They will be good and will have a huge fan base, I agrue even bigger than Aespa's, and bigger buying power. Bless be kep1er, you'll always he famous.

    There were many people that expected Kep1er to be bigger than what they are.

    Not IZ*One big, but competing to be a Tier A group.

    Yet in reality, they have fallen below StayC in the pecking order of Girl groups.

    So, what went wrong?

    Are the songs just not good?

    They have good visuals, Xiaoting is probably one of the best Visual centers since Irene at Red Velvet.

    Are their main vocalists weak?

    Are their dances not catchy enough?

    BTW they are coming back soon with a Japanese Single

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  • The main problem at first was that their few first songs sounded like a typical survival show theme song mixed with girl crush elements.

    Also I think that voting push in final episode and the ratio of how much advantage K fans had over ifans ruined the group.

    Also at some point Chaehyun cbar stoppes buying preorders because they were unhappy that she wasn't used as center - in China when you are #1 people expect that person to be center in most of MV/choreo

  • They have good visuals, Xiaoting is probably one of the best Visual centers since Irene at Red Velvet.

    That's one problem, and that she isn't actually the visual center.

    She was ranked 9th.

    She should have been the center.

    Also, their concepts was not good. They should have went with a proper celestial or video game sort of concept. "Up" was like .... ???? Doesn't even seem to be in the same universe as Wa Da Da

    Plus, the voting was a mess. The editing and obvious push for certain members was a mess that already turned a lot of people off. The infighting within the fandom was horrid

  • They used to hold the record for the highest debut sales of girl group. Gp999 definitely not a flop show. The show give them a lot of hype and huge fanbase since the start but, too many things going wrong with this group:

    1. Queendom- another ss right after debut

    2. Company obvious favouritism

    3. Huge akgaes problems+toxic bg fans ruins their fanbase.

    4. The have the most unmemorable center in the history of mnet popular survival show. Guess who people gonna remember the most post Kep1er, definitely not the center.

    5. Horrible TT choices.

    6. Weak star quality except for two-three members.

  • In all the videos she is thumbnail, in the formations she tends to be in the center.

    I guess the voters did not like her that much since she placed 9th, do Koreans not like her visual style?

  • SunnySun in that thread observed that the show didn't do that well in Korea, with these survival show groups, that's kind of a key factor. Also songs weren't that good and Xiaoting isn't Korean.

    Survival shows don’t do well in Korea most of the time so that’s not really an excuse. Girls planet was pretty big internationally, bigger than I-land and Enhypen is actually a top group in their generation

  • Reasons why they declined:

    1. Their songs are not only bad, but outdated. KPop fans are tired of that sound

    2. No outstanding member (Xiaoting comes close but not enough to save kep1er) (other example: Chaehyun is one my favorite members but she’s not a good center)

    3. Visuals: I’m not saying they’re ugly but it’s hard to compete with newjeans, I’ve, Le Sserafim and aespa. They have Xiaoting but other groups have multiple visuals, some even prettier than her. Even if she was the prettiest, as a group they don’t look cohesive.

    4. The members give different vibes. Some give cutesy vibes, some girlcrush. I think it’s one of the reasons there’s so much toxicity in the fandom. Kep1er fans themselves don’t even seem to share eachothers taste which causes people to only support one or only a few members of the group.

  • Bad songs plus from the start, they already alienated their international fanbase when the show gave Koreans an insane advantage when they're not even a 10th of the international audience. This resulted to the stan attractors getting eliminated despite getting more votes than the winner. Plus, the fandom is composed of Akgaes. Ot9s aren't even half and the issue with Jellyfish favoritism really made the fandom implode from the inside.

  • Who did International members prefer over the people that made the group?

    I know Bahiyyih gets a lot of hate, is this from International fans that do not like half white members in groups?

    Only 1 Chinese member made it, so I can see how some Chinese fans may felt upset about the final line up.

  • There's kinda unfortunately a lot that went wrong with kep1er

    1.While Girl's Planet wasn't a flop, it wasn't nearly as big as Produce

    2. Fighting within the fandom about the final lineup. It was determined out of popularity, not the narratives being pushed on the show. Ironically that led to people getting upset moreso than the rigged lineups.

    3. Competing on Queendom right after their debut. Like let these girls breathe and develop an identity/fanbase before competing on another survival show

    4. The title tracks are polarizing

    5. Spending half your time in Korea and the other half in Japan when you haven't made established a fandom in either country means you won't make it anywhere.

    6. Mnet being flaky and upset they didn't instantly become the next NGG so they're moving on to their next project.

    7. Insane competition the year they debuted. NewJeans and Le sserafim from HYBE, IVE, Nmixx, (G)i-dle hitting new peaks as a five membered group. If they debuted one year earlier or later, it would have been a different story I think

  • People act like they want yurina but she has no chance whichever way because of low votes. I think the other one is bora.

    Bahiyyih is going to make it however they count the votes, so I don't know why people are so triggered about her. I heard that the whole ot8 thing and the petition to remove her are kinda started by xiaorina shippers and stans, jnets, plus i guess some ifans.

    If the votes are equal, more chinese members will actually make it. Mnet just count the votes to favor the korean trainees despite marketing kep1er as a global group.

  • their music is just sooo boring and bad like it's crazy how they thought anyone would be interested in them when they're not doing anything interesting.

    like i only really like one song from them and thats mvsk which is just a bside.

    all of their songs also feel kinda random too like the concept is all over the place. yeah they're all upbeat i guess but they just don't really match.

    like with izone all of their songs had a similar sound and the concept was kinda classy and pretty maybe?? kep1ers concept is just like overly annoying happiness.

    i don't know i really wish they'd just get it together and make some good music.

    bahhihyh or whatever and hikaru anddd xioting are the only members i know basically and the rest of them are all kinda just there.

    to me their music is just kinda obnoxious and annoying sounding and i can't get into it

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