bypannchoaSeptember 04, 2023





    AVvXsEhsYe5zi6MUDyMeLBBpANB8wRCd8cqZ66tpZ7dvqaxRLtOxIaLMUHN7n9U-lbAw1LK0ABJaGFdXSwH0y9gleoi4XKOshsVFDL3uTER6rMi61l-v6WmbUJVl-O7hafpCM1Ts2KNGkzJiSDAYHlvs43cB1prZPab74rct5GCvzybOEtq-dAJ8UTErkBzBApg"In the past, it was our disc, but nowadays, it's bad for our knees too"


    "Wannabe's choreography used the hips to the maximum"


    "It was to the point where I couldn't do a choreography with my hips anymore"


    "Whenever the weather is bad or we have to climb the stairs"


    "I'm feeling joint issues even at 23 y'o"

    original post: here

    1. Hul ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    2. The moment your disc becomes bad, you'll be stuck with this for the rest of your life ㅠㅠㅠ I'm not even a fan and this breaks my heartㅠㅠ

    3. Their choreographies were way too intense..

    4. I freaked out when I saw how male idols dropped to their knees in choreographies but theirs are just as bad..

    5. They're still so young, what will happen if they already get hurt this bad at this age ㅠㅠ

    6. Whenever I look at idols choreographies I always worry about their waist and joints

    7. ITZY's choreographies aren't just intense, they also do movements so suddenly...ㅜㅜ

    8. They need to have easier choreographies. ITZY still looks good with easy choreographies

    9. Even if the choreographies become easier, they still dance so well.. I know they won't be able to use their skills to the maximum but this can't be helped ㅠㅠ

    10. ㅠㅠ Health is the most important



  • Ya know...I always wondered.

    Especially with that move in Mafia where they crouch/squat so suddenly. My knees could never, so I always wondered how they were able to do that and if normal people could do it but I couldn't because I was just born with weak knees.

    Now, I know.

    I guess I should be happy NMIXX's choreo have lost intensity this year as well.



  • probably wouldn't be as bad if since trainee time they could eat properly and got all needed extra suplementation

    as someone who played football/soccer when I was young I get the pain, and feel sorry for them

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  • probably wouldn't be as bad if since trainee time they could eat properly and got all needed extra suplementation

    as someone who played football/soccer when I was young I get the pain, and feel sorry for them

    I completely agree. I always worry for these idols, esp the female ones, that combine countless crazy hours training and performing, then being made to starve during comebacks and weigh themselves every day. The combination is dangerous to a person's joints and future health prospects.

    At least LSRFM "appear" to have a lot more focus on exercise and training, Yunjin and Kazuha being real athlete types before being idols helps and sets an example for the rest of the group. That is my hope at least. But i fear that they too limit themselves too much when it comes to food esp during comebacks.

    As for Itzy, they have clearly slimmed down a ton as a group, lost a noticeable amount of weight since debut era probably to accommodate idol beauty standards but the sacrifice that needed to be made for their health is the crazy choreo. It's just as well though, tbh, being elite performers or having hard choreo in Kpop doesn't really seem to impact popularity. None of Blackpink, Twice, Red Velvet, Oh My GIrl, Mamamoo, Ive, New Jeans, Aespa or Idle would be considered top tier dancers as a group, yet they have ruled the charts since 2015.

  • I completely agree. I always worry for these idols, esp the female ones, that combine countless crazy hours training and performing, then being made to starve during comebacks and weigh themselves every day. The combination is dangerous to a person's joints and future health prospects.

    At least LSRFM "appear" to have a lot more focus on exercise and training, Yunjin and Kazuha being real athlete types before being idols helps and sets an example for the rest of the group. That is my hope at least. But i fear that they too limit themselves too much when it comes to food esp during comebacks.

    As for Itzy, they have clearly slimmed down a ton as a group, lost a noticeable amount of weight since debut era probably to accommodate idol beauty standards but the sacrifice that needed to be made for their health is the crazy choreo. It's just as well though, tbh, being elite performers or having hard choreo in Kpop doesn't really seem to impact popularity. None of Blackpink, Twice, Red Velvet, Oh My GIrl, Mamamoo, Ive, New Jeans, Aespa or Idle would be considered top tier dancers as a group, yet they have ruled the charts since 2015.

    I think Kazuha is an interesting person to highlight.

    Especially given how she used to do ballet at a high level, and their training is known to be very intense.



  • I think Kazuha is an interesting person to highlight.

    Especially given how she used to do ballet at a high level, and their training is known to be very intense.


    For Kpop labels, if you're going to run your groups into the ground with intense choreo and jampacked pack mule schedules, at the very least, STOP FORCING GIRLS TO WEIGH THEMSELVES EVERY DAY AND GIVE THEM CARTE BLANCHE TO EAT WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY NEED TO EAT to replenish themselves. Let them train and build as much muscle as they can, cut down on choreo practice if need be or simplify it to give them more time to train.

    But part of the onus is on the idols themselves. I'm shocked at how so many of them hate exercise, when they are literally exercising 10 hours a day (dancing is great exercise). If they're given the freedom by management, they would do well to build as much muscle as they can to prevent these injuries (believe me, it gets a lot harder as you get older ;( ).

    End boomer lecture and unsolicited advice X(

  • I think Kazuha is an interesting person to highlight.

    Especially given how she used to do ballet at a high level, and their training is known to be very intense.

    An actress in her early 30's developed hip degeneration. She went to ballet school and was a ballet teacher for few years. She said most her ballet friends had had this hip problem too and some had undergone hip surgery but, the surgery was not a permanent fix, they would just get better for some years.


    even those organic vegetables couldn't undo the strains on their bodies?

    Unless those veggies are high in all essential amino acids, vitamin D and calcium, it is not very useful for the joints.

    I believe most idols take many supplements anyway.

  • I think this kind of thing mainly makes us understand how unhealthy idol "training" is and everything related to it.

    The industry should take inspiration from what is done on the sports side in the physical training of idols. There are many athletes who are still in shape after 35 these days and in fields that are much more physically demanding than dance.

    Companies and idols should be trained in sports nutrition to begin with and also in appropriate physical preparations. With truly specialized staff dedicated to it.

    Just look at the thinness of many idols who destroy their bodies to follow supposed beauty standards. It's normal that the body no longer follows after a while in such precarious conditions.

    "Every winter has its spring."


  • There's a reason why many idols end up failing the physical tests required for active duty in their military service. I remember Eunhyuk once talking about how a career in dancing accelerated the aging of his body. I think for idols, more so than just dancing, it's the hectic and concentrated schedules that might leave long-term damage.

  • interesting

    even those organic vegetables couldn't undo the strains on their bodies?

    They should eat protein, vegetables are not enough. As far as I can see, Itzy members are underweight. They were doing those moves during their debut period, but they had more weight and muscles. I think if Itzy wants to do hard choreography again, they should put on weight and muscle again. They have to ignore their idol standards to do that.When they got thin, they probably lost weight from their muscles too. I've seen Kpop fans always ignored Itzy's hardcore choreography, they don't praised them enough. It would be better if they didn't bother at all and focus on their vocals and stage charisma.

  • An actress in her early 30's developed hip degeneration. She went to ballet school and was a ballet teacher for few years. She said most her ballet friends had had this hip problem too and some had undergone hip surgery but, the surgery was not a permanent fix, they would just get better for some years.

    Unless those veggies are high in all essential amino acids, vitamin D and calcium, it is not very useful for the joints.

    I believe most idols take many supplements anyway.

    I was mostly joking but yes I'm sure they do

  • They should eat protein, vegetables are not enough. As far as I can see, Itzy members are underweight. They were doing those moves during their debut period, but they had more weight and muscles. I think if Itzy wants to do hard choreography again, they should put on weight and muscle again. They have to ignore their idol standards to do that.When they got thin, they probably lost weight from their muscles too. I've seen Kpop fans always ignored Itzy's hardcore choreography, they don't praised them enough. It would be better if they didn't bother at all and focus on their vocals and stage charisma.

    I agree I was joking about the organic veggie stuff lol

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