I believe, trust Mingyu is innocent

  • Eu_E2V2UUAsQvhp?format=jpg&name=large

    (Hello, I was absent in past weeks because I was at grandparents house, now I returned and want to share my opinions about Mingyu's situation)

    For the past 6 years as following Mingyu I think Mingyu is such a nice, kindhearted person. He always being kind, thoughtful, sincere towards to people that around him. I

    Right now I am very worried, sad, sorry, angry about how his clean image and his 6 years old career and all his hardwork damaged, ruined, harmed because fake allegations, mistranslations and people are saying bad things, insults, swearing, sending death threads to him. I think he doesn't deserve it.

    As a lawyer I learned at law faculty that "innocent until proven guilty" but kpop fans saying that you should always believe the victim. No, I think you should believe the truth. That's why you should wait to see the accurate proofs, 2 sides explanation and should a objective judgement after that. Mingyu even doesn't have to prove innocence. The person who claim he is guilty should prpve it. I think people just want to give hate to idols. So that's why they don't listen fans even they say the truth and call them stupid, blind, delulu fangirls.

    The person that claim she is a victim of Mingyu (op1) said that Mingyu was just making sexual jokes among his friends that didn't targeted to her but it made her uncormfartable, and she doesn't remember clearly but someone was drawing to board something sexual, Mingyu might have been participate it, And Mingyu was telling op1 to shut up.

    If Mingyu was really rude to OP1 (by telling her shut up) I think he should apologise for it. It is so wrong. But I don't see as a 13 years old, talking about sexual jokes among your friends without targeting anyone is a career ending wrong doing. I was also sometimes talk with my friends like that in that ages.

    She talked about how her own traumas about how she bullied by other students and her psychotherapy records. She said Mingyu is not the main reason of her theraphys. Also even she mention Mingyu in her medical records it still doesn't prove Mingyu is a bully. Because it is still just her own claims. I can literally say Obama killed my mother in my theraphy sessions. And it doesn't automatically prove that Obama is killer of my mom.

    Another classmate (op2) claimed that op1 falsely accused op2 that she bullied op1, op1 has a victim complex, she couldn't attend her dream school because of it, her life, future ruined, Mingyu wasn't bully op1, mingyu was leaving the class when students were talking about sexual jokes because he was feeling uncormfartable, also Mingyu was saying shut up to everyone, it was just a light joke that noone feel offended about it. Op2 also shared her own medical records about how op1 wrongly accused her being a bully of op1.

    After that op1 changed her statement about sexual drawing on board and said Mingyu didn't draw them, just was watching it.

    I think op1 is just used Mingyu's name to get attention to her own bullying problems. She mentioned the people who bullied her. But because she used Mingyu's name in it and because of an user on twitter translated it as Mingyu did all the bullying actions to her Mingyu, people mistaken as Mingyu is guilty for this.

    About other, allegations, there are many classmates of Mingyu that defended him, said Mingyu was a good person, also his company confirmed that Mingyu never bullied a disabled kid by asking to disabled kid's mother. Also allegation about Mingyu touched a boy's chest was from same person too. That person got caught by commenting to their own post by supporting their claims as someone else. Also they couldn't provide any proof beside some fake kakaochat talks that claim Mingyu was a bully and saying they were from another school but heard it from the friends that attend the same school. So i think that was completly fake, baseless.

    Unfortunetly because of this people always remember Mingyu as a bully, it will follow his name forever and if he loose his beautiful smile and joy because of it I will be very sad. I want to see him active, happily doing the job that he truely loves. I hope the truth come out soon.

  • I know this isn't related but how do you have only 10 akorns if you have posted 13,000 times. :pepewhat: Also how are you a newbie...

  • It is funny how you dragged other idols like Irene when there wasn’t any confirmation by anyone but have thousand excuses why your own faves couldn’t be it. I am not saying that mingyu is a perpetrator but you are far from factuality. It’s better to stay neutral and not get too deep into idols in general

  • It is funny how you dragged other idols like Irene without any confirmation by anyone but have thousand excuses why your own faves couldn’t be it. I am not saying that mingyu is a perpetrator but you are far from factuality

    I talked about Irene after she confirmed by her ownself. Also didn't you read that part that I wrote

    "If Mingyu was really rude to OP1 (by telling her shut up) I think he should apologise for it. It is so wrong."

    I don't defend if Mingyu was rude to that person, I think he should apologise for it just as how I criticised Irene.

    However people call Mingyu falsely as a sexual assaulter, rapist without any proof as it proven he is guilty. I am not lying, giving excuses about it. I am just defending by pointing out the facts.

  • Sadly the old forum isn’t there anymore but I know that you talked about her before it was confirmed since it was my own thread and I have read everything and it was before it blew up (akp forum crash) No one actually named her.

    I get that a lot of people accuse him

    due to the mistranslation and that is not okay in any way and I respect your opinion but you are using the facts that are in your favor. None of it are facts. They are just witness testimonies and not facts. I am waiting for Pledis or anyone else who can put out a detailed summary instead of biased testimonies who are in a favor of noone

  • Sadly the old forum isn’t there anymore but I know that you talked about her before it was confirmed since it was my own thread and I have everything and it was before it blew up. No one actually named her.

    I get that a lot of people accuse him

    due to the mistranslation and that is not okay in any way and I respect your stance in it

    I swear the God, (if I lie about it I wish death for me in 1 month) I started to comment after Irene's apology, before that I was just reading the forum. You are just lying about me.

    And you are saying I am not neutral and far from factuality but as I said in my thread none of the things I mentioned are lies, all of them the facts. If you have not enough knowledge you can check it out from here:




    But please don't use your hate againts me just because I critised Irene to defame Mingyu. it really brokes my heart to see it.

  • Sadly the old forum isn’t there anymore but I know that you talked about her before it was confirmed since it was my own thread and I have read everything and it was before it blew up (akp forum crash) No one actually named her.

    I get that a lot of people accuse him

    due to the mistranslation and that is not okay in any way and I respect your opinion but you are using the facts that are in your favor. None of it are facts. They are just witness testimonies and not facts. I am waiting for Pledis or anyone else who can put out a detailed summary instead of biased testimonies who are in a favor of noone

    Oh gawd that thread was legendary I don't think you will be surpassed anytime soon unless it's some super big ass scandal by a top 5 group

  • Anyways I just wanted share my own opinion because I saw many unfair comments on twitter and it made me so angry, I have only this account to express my opinion on internet.

    I don't plan to stay at new forum, also talking about this situation is not good for my mental health because there are many stupid, bad, mean kpop fans that might hurt me. I am so sensitive for it. And I am sad to see people are being shady towards to me and Mingyu right now with a fastly 180 degree turn by easily believing every anon, fake thing that they heard on internet without seeing any proof and using their brain but I hope you won't be regretful tomorrow when the truth comes out.

    Just log in to share this thread, I will log out after that. So bye bye to everyone.

  • you are using the facts that are in your favor. None of it are facts. They are just witness testimonies and not facts.

    How is witness testimonies are not facts when they are used at court as proof?

    In this situation I think the most trustable proofs are their classmates testimonies.

    Also it is not logical you are take op1's claim's in her testimony as fact as it is already prove Mingyu was a bully but you disagree the claims/testimony of another student op2 that claim she was a victim of op1. Isn't it equal? Burden of proof in here on allegedly victim. Not Mingyu. And her only proof is her documents that prove she attended same school, hakwon with Mingyu, and her theraphy records which is barely mention Mingyu and she can easily manipulate, lie in it too.

  • Funnily I have all the information needed about this (and as far as I am concerned I am for no one and waiting for more information, so neither in favor or against mingyu) but these are far from facts and funny how you say that I am lying. As I said I was the one who started this thread and some people even called us out for judging at that time, so. But we can agree to disagree.

    I do not hate seventeen. I criticize you. I listened to seventeen since they debuted, so stop with the you are an anti agenda. I might not be a stan but I am far from a hater. I am just criticizing your bias which you made public on a public forum. I do not mean that personally in any sense since I do not know you personally. I am just commenting on the thread that you posted.

  • Funnily I have all the information needed about this (and as far as I am concerned I am for no one and waiting for more information, so neither in favor or against mingyu) but these are far from facts and funny how you say that I am lying. As I said I was the one who started this thread and some people even called us out for judging at that time, so. But we can agree to disagree.

    I do not hate seventeen. I criticize you. I listened to seventeen since they debuted, so stop with the you are an anti agenda. I might not be a stan but I am far from a hater. I am just criticizing your bias which you made public on a public forum. I do not mean that personally in any sense since I do not know you personally. I am just commenting on the thread that you posted.

    Look I didn't comment before Irene confirmed it. I am telling to truth. If you say I am lying then prove it. Now I tried to checked it out that thread but I couldn't find it. I wish I could prove it but I guess the thread is gone.

    You are still insisting, blaiming me. I guess it iso so easy for blame people for the things that they didn't huh?

    And in about Mingyu can you point it out which of my saying is far from the truth, lying?

  • Look I didn't comment before Irene confirmed it. I am telling to truth. If you say I am lying then prove it. Now I tried to checked it out that thread but I couldn't find it. I wish I could prove it but I guess the thread is gone.

    You are still insisting, blaiming me. I guess it iso so easy for blame people for the things that they didn't huh,?

    And in about Mingyu can you point it out which of my saying is far from the truth, lying?

    You can’t find it since the old forum was deleted but I would have posted screenshots if It was on. So I still stand by my statement.

    Also towards the Mingyu part, how can you prove that those are not lies or that anyone is lying? What am I saying is that even if they might be right, there is no 100% certainty. It is statement against statement basically. These are testimonies not conclusive evidence so out of the nature of these I am staying neutral in neither denying nor accepting any of the allegations. The only part which was confirmed fake was the bullying of the disabled kid but Pledis still hasn’t addressed all the controversies. Also I have never claimed that you are lying. I just said that you have a bias which is shown that you support mingyu even if his innocence is at this moment uncertain. Stop twisting my words

  • You are a disgusting liar.

    Getting personal aren’t we? Also it wasn’t only Irene. I could also remember Chanyeol where there still isn’t any confirmation

    Edit: I will refrain from answering this thread since this will obviously end in a fight. So agree to disagree. I do not mean anything personally since I do not know you so please refrain from personal attacks

  • Getting personal aren’t we? Also it wasn’t only Irene. I could also remember Chanyeol where there still isn’t any confirmation

    You are lying and calling me a liar, of course I will take it personal.

    Chanyeol? Huh? I defended Chanyeol that I said I don't think he is not a cheater. And everybody bashed me for it.

    For Irene, I intentionally wait for an official confirmation, before that I just read the thread, when I woke up next day it was confirmed already confirmed as my country's timezone. I remember clearly in that thread some other Irene fans were really angry to me that I critise here, saying same thing that I started to make comments before it is confirmed. In that time I also tried to defend myself. I also remember you first defended me said " she really didn't make any comment before that." But then you started to get angry to my comments to me because you didn't critise other idols about same kind of rumors like that last year.




    I wish I could prove that I am really telling the truth but it is not possible.

    Also don't dismiss the things that I said about Mingyu just because I love him.

    I am not trying to lie, manipulate people.

  • As I said agree to disagree (also the same logic works vice-versa so ...?) and I do not intend to convince you. This is a public forum, where you and I can express our opinions and call out things. Nothing is manipulative or anything. I do not even get what you want to say but any way I am out of this thread adios

  • Oh nice to see you again Celine

    Incase you needed updates with all this junior high drama...

    Based on what I picked up + in order:

    On February 22nd, 2021, Kim Mingyu was accused of school violence by an anonymous user. Which by the way was proven to be false and misleading due many loop holes in the story, and the events not adding up. The OP for this claim stated that they went to the same middle school, and upload a vague picture of their yearbook. The OP’s yearbook and Mingyu’s yearbooks were two different years and schools from what I believe was revealed. The age of Mingyu they stated he was at the time did not match with his actual age during middle school. The OP of that claim had to delete, alter, and repost quite a few times every time they got called out, which is very valid thing to question by the 3rd party. The OP also mentioned Mingyu wasn’t in Pledis at that time, but Mingyu was in Pledis long before that. Apparently the Op had “trauma” because Mingyu hit them with a coke bottle’s cap (too ridiculous of a reason, easy to distinguish the lies).

    On February 25th, 2021, OP1 (the person with therapy records) revealed some information about Mingyu’s middle school. They NEVERmentioned Mingyu straight up, but they did say they vaguely mentioned in their therapy how there was a kid who used to make sexual jokes, but NOT towards anyone in particular. The OP1 only mentioned it vaguely in her therapy because it made her uncomfortable (which is valid for her to mention). The sexual harassment claim NEVER came from this OP. She brought this issue up because their younger sister likes idols, and so they feels uncomfortable about talking about idols and these things to their younger sibling.

    So where did the sexual harassment claims come from?

    From my findings, it was NOT the OP1 who claimed this. These claims started from the fabricated Kakao Talk texts messages. The messages stated that Mingyu groped a boy’s chest and bullied a disabled student. However, following these claims Pledis came forward with their mature response, and so did the mother and the disabled student in Mingyu’s defence. The mother testified that Mingyu was NEVER part of the students that tormented her child, and that she clearly remembers the names and faces of the people who did hurt her child. These testimonies further solidified the fact that the chats were fabricated. Even before Pledis or the family of the bullied student took action, a lot of people suspected the texts to be fabricated due to it being from outside of Korea. Thus, these chats and the mistranslations of the OP1’s post resulted in an bigger issue.

    On March 1st, 2021, another user now known as OP2 came forward calling out OP1 for their hypocrisy. OP2 mentioned how OP1 had also framed them with the same stain they are painting Mingyu with. The OP2 went into further detail saying how when they were in middle school, they felt bad for OP1 as they were always alone, and didn’t have many friends. They said how one day they went up to OP1 to give them benefit of the doubt and try to become their friend, so they started the conversation off by asking to borrow their mechanical pencil leds, to which the OP1 allowed. After lending the leds, the OP1 went to the bathroom, later accusing OP2 of stealing, and harassment. This accusation is said to have constantly followed the OP2 to the point they were rejected from many places because of the false accusation of OP1. Basically said how OP1 had bullied them (OP2 had their own medical records as well). They suggested that OP1 is now trying to frame someone else. Along with this, OP2 described Mingyu (in a good way I assume) opposite of what OP1 had described them as, but in OP1’s response, she didn’t reject that description (though she very well could’ve), which either means she agrees with OP2, or ignored the description.

    On March 2nd, 2021, OP1 responds back to OP2 saying how they don’t remember doing that at all to OP2 or any of the incidents OP2 had brought up. OP1 vaguely apologized to OP2, and then quickly moved on to how Pledis never contacted them (which could be due to the lack of information about OP1 previously), but that also contradicts what they said previously— OP1 mentioned how they don’t wish to be contacted nor want to receive an apology, which does seem a bit odd (maybe she changed her mind— a very possible situation).

    On March 2nd, 2021, just by couple hours OP2 responds back saying how they do not accept OP1’s apology. They said how they deleted their initial post because OP1’s “friend” came forward saying how much the OP1 suffered and how there were many more victims of Mingy’s— only to realize how neither their self or OP1 knew who the supposed “friend” of OP1 was. Basically OP2 said how OP1 is trying to paint them as a liar once again in front of the world by saying they don’t remember bullying OP2. The OP2 said how even if OP1 emailed their school teachers, they would only believe OP1 since she tarnished their (OP2’s) reputation by framing them. So, OP2 rejected OP1’s apology (which is very valid in their case). Basically, OP2 questions how can OP1 say she feels the pain of being on victim’s side, when she writes post like the way she does (referring to OP1 having no remorse about her actions towards OP2).

    The OP2 later posts screenshots of texts with their schoolmates, which suggested that the character description that OP2 described OP1 as, is similar to the ones her ex-classmates described OP1 as— some even sharing similar experiences to OP2 with OP1.

    Basically, the OP2 ended off by saying how Mingyu’s joke may have offended OP1, but OP1 is also a hypocrite as they never stop to think about how they hurt others. OP2 mentioned how they weren’t the only one with this experience, and that multiple others faced something like this as well by OP1.

    They mentioned how they never wrote this to defend Mingyu, they just had to bring it up because they wanted an apology and to clear things up, otherwise, whatever OP1 said would’ve made them look like a lair.

    OP2 said to wait for Pledis’ final verdict about Mingyu.

    UPDATE MARCH 3RD, 2021:

    Based on today’s events we found out that OP1 edited, and altered their post quite a few times to make OP2 look like they were bluffing. In their edited version, they started off by clearing their name, and the accusations OP2 has made against them. OP1 stated how they are being falsely accused and that they are not the same person OP2 is talking about, but what they didn’t deny in the post was the initials of their name that OP2 made public earlier. This suggests that OP2 wasn’t talking about another person, but in fact the OP1 herself. OP1 later goes saying how they do NOT remember who drew pubic hair on the board, or made sexual jokes— meaning they aren’t even sure if it was Mingyu at all. Following this OP1 disclosed how they were the only girl during a small period of time before OP2 joined their class. However, OP2’s post suggests that the time Mingyu joined their school didn’t match up with OP1’s time stated, as OP2 mentioned how Mingyu joined AFTER they (OP2) had joined the school.

  • As I said agree to disagree (also the same logic works vice-versa so ...?) and I do not intend to convince you. This is a public forum, where you and I can express our opinions and call out things. Nothing is manipulative or anything. I do not even get what you want to say but any way I am out of this thread adios

    Yeah, blame someone falsely and then run away.

    You said I am giving excuses for Mingyu instead of reading what I was trying to say.

    You are just attacking me instead of focusing on Mingyu.

    Also you are saying don't get so deep into the idols when I said i felt sorry for him. How heartless are you? I am free to choose whatever I feel, believe think.

    You are comparing a 30 years old grown woman's 30 minutes of scolding to a staff in industry 2020 with an 13 years old boy's actions even not directly targeted to a girl. And as I said I didn't make up non of them from my mind. All of the infos I shared from allagedly victim's own sayings. If you read renjulys translations on twitter that i shared how you can dismiss it? It is the only source for this rumors.

    Also shame on all of you for liking, supporting this comment when I didn't talked, commented about Irene before she confirmed that she did it. I am not lying about this. I hope one day you can see it and falsely accused with something that you didn't do too but can't prove you didn't do it. Maybe then you can understand my position or Mingyu's. I cried last night for this. But i know noone would care.

    Menean  dontwannacry04  covid-97  gg-mouthpiece  Anpanromane  ladies-code  taesv6  Haolat  nahadoth  bettybop  itiswhatitisss  @Artemosia  atropos  lmfaooo  doesitneedsaying

    tut  Solarsido  mal-y  Keeper  Chaesoocrumbs  BloomingPink  miss-inyourarea

    dontwannacry04 you don't have to summarise it because i am seeing noone really read it, care it in here. People already accepted it him as a guilty, just want to see him as a guilty so they can bash him and like they are so holy. Eventhought he would deny it they will always believe they threated, gave money to victim to make her quite. I if he really said it, I am sure Mingyu will apologise because his rude words such as shut up. etc. hurted her. And they will use his apologise as he accepted all the fake allegations about him such as sexual harrasment etc.

  • Hey celine. It's been a long time since you've come around. I'm sure your having a tough time now... I hope your doing well.

    It is funny how you dragged other idols like Irene when there wasn’t any confirmation by anyone but have thousand excuses why your own faves couldn’t be it. I am not saying that mingyu is a perpetrator but you are far from factuality. It’s better to stay neutral and not get too deep into idols in general

    Eh. I haven't read the entire irene thread but I'm pretty sure it picked up momentum only AFTER Irene confirmed it and got longer because A LOT of people were getting annoyed by fans who were making up false rumours like electrocution. I don't remember seeing any comments from celine before that.

    Until then it was pure speculation and many idols and actresses names were mentioned. I remember being annoyed by the whole A said this B said this because many innocent idols were getting named as well and then editing after I realised that sk laws prevented the stylist from naming them.


  • Sis, I liked that comment specifically for this part

    I am not saying that mingyu is a perpetrator but you are far from factuality. It’s better to stay neutral and not get too deep into idols in general.

    When I read your thread, it seems to me , you’re not being reasonable or should I say logical??? Like you usually are when it comes to idols because it’s mingyu. Personally I haven’t said anything on this issue because it kinda reminds me of Taeyong issue where a lot of clarification needs to be done. And if you still remember me and you literally fought for taeyong at that time in the OLD AKP after all the facts have been laid down which isn’t the case for mingyu yet. I know he’s your ultimate bias and you must feel really sad but you should still be logical or neutral for now. I hope you don’t get too emotionally drained because of this issue and pls take care of yourself .:pepelove1:

      <3:borahae: YUNAGAYO   <3 :borahae:


  • It wasn't that deep. But I'll unlike the post if it bothers you. I am not against you or anything. Don't stress it. Take care <3

  • Anyways Mingyu got cleared from all accusations. I hope they can also find the anon people who did these fake allegations about him and sue them.

    I hope the people who said bad things about him can feel shame about it.

    I am glad to trust him. I hope he will be so happy and succesful in the rest of his career and this situation doesn't harm him.


    Update on the Issue Regarding SEVENTEEN Member MINGYU


    This is PLEDIS Entertainment.

    We would like to provide some additional information regarding an online post pertaining to when Mingyu, a member of SEVENTEEN was a student.

    PLEDIS Entertainment had many conversations with the writer of the online post, which contained experiences at the after school class that the poster attended with the artist and ascertained additional facts of the issue. After going through this process, the artist and the poster agreed to resolve the misunderstandings and put the issue to rest.

    The writer of the online post experienced a series of personal events unrelated to the artist while attending middle school and uploaded the post to make them known to the public. The post also included what happened during the after school classes at the time.

    The artist said he did joke around with his male classmates at the after school class, but never bullied nor tried to embarrass any specific student. He did however, offer his sincere apologies if the poster, in any way, felt uncomfortable or suffered due to his actions.

    The poster accepted the artist’s apology and insisted that the poster did not want the issue to lead to the suspension of the artist’s activity or the artist leaving the group from the very first conversation held with PLEDIS Entertainment.

    We have shared this statement with the poster in advance and the poster confirmed and agreed to the release of the statement. We sincerely hope that the writer of the post does not experience further harm due to any disputes--big or small--over the issue.

    We have contacted everyone involved in the post who could be identified and brought the conversation to a close. We are also currently looking into other matters which involve parties that are difficult to identify. We will provide an update with a separate notice on this issue at a later date.

  • Anyways Mingyu got cleared from all accusations. I hope they can also find the anon people who did these fake allegations about him and sue them.

    I hope the people who said bad things about him can feel shame about it.

    I am glad to trust him. I hope he will be so happy and succesful in the rest of his career and this situation doesn't harm him.

    That’s good. Hopefully the accusations will not follow him throughout his career, I’m happy for him also link through article about plexus statements for people to read

      <3:borahae: YUNAGAYO   <3 :borahae:


  • omegateatimer I will never forget how you used my criticism about a grown up woman in her 30s who scolded her staff for 30 minutes, to drag a 13 years old boy's jokes among his friends without targeting anyone. Now it revealed that he is innocent.

    And what? I know several people who haven’t returned home because they commit suicide due to bullying, so I will never understand how some people can just say “ah it was a joke by a kid” when such allegations appear. Because you give other people who are actually being bullied the signal that they should just suck it up and be quiet or are sensitive.

    Nevertheless I never said that he wasn’t innocent or that he was a perpetrator 100% (maybe read my phrases again). I just said that you were biased and I still believe in that.

    And again: stop twisting my words.

  • And what? I know several people who haven’t returned home because they commit suicide due to bullying, so I will never understand how some people can just say “ah it was a joke by a kid” when such allegations appear. Because you give other people who are actually being bullied the signal that they should just suck it up and be quiet or are sensitive.

    Nevertheless I never said that he wasn’t innocent or that he was a perpetrator 100% (maybe read my phrases again). I just said that you were biased and I still believe in that.

    And again: stop twisting my words.

    She claimed from the start that Mingyu never targeted her, they were just joking among his friends. It's her own words if you read the correct translation without read the false translations. I dont understand why are still insisting to sound it as Mingyu targeted, made fun of this girl. And all other allegations by other people (ableism, sexuaş harrasment) were clearly fake without proof and mixed with mistranslations and debunked later.

    I never support and said “ah it was a joke by a kid” "you give other people who are actually being bullied the signal that they should just suck it up and be quiet or are sensitive." this. You are the one who are trying to twist my words.

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