Which disbandment was the most shocking to you?
Enoi and Seven O'Clock.
One moment we are waiting for updates the next we get disbandment notice.
Also the most shocking for me recently was N.Cus. They did this huge makestar event for their comeback, i won personalized autograph album, polaroids and a poster. and then they disbanded...like tf...
You beat me with Enoi
I though they were gonna last another year, at least!
You beat me with Enoi
I though they were gonna last another year, at least!
I watched a v-live during xmas and i was like where the heck is gun/hyuk (as he is known as now) it was not like gun to not be there, and then we kept waiting and january hit and bam disbandment, i was like in such disbelief and soon as that was going on then we got word of seven o'clock and that hit me hard because hangyeom and taeyoung and 2 soul were my top 3 i had just bought their albums too.
I watched a v-live during xmas and i was like where the heck is gun/hyuk (as he is known as now) it was not like gun to not be there, and then we kept waiting and january hit and bam disbandment, i was like in such disbelief and soon as that was going on then we got word of seven o'clock and that hit me hard because hangyeom and taeyoung and 2 soul were my top 3 i had just bought their albums too.
We got not only Omega X - with Hangyeom, Hyuk, Junghoon and Kevin
But we got Black Level with - 2Soul and Taeyoung from Seven O'clock
1the9 was also another that hit but because they were a produce like group and was only temp i didn't list them.
4minute disbandment was very messy
I miss them
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