or would it just be chaos and fan wars?

If a super couple actually came out from two really popular groups, would that help normalize idols dating?
It would probably create fanwars and chaos kpop stans live for that
That was an extremely long time ago.
well me and my gf are already publicly dating and we're still rich a famous so I guess nothing changed
That was an extremely long time ago.
And we saw the what a shit show that was by exols towards Taeyeon even years afterward. Didn't normalise anything lol.
Well there was BaekYeon and even long after they broke up, she was still receiving hate and his fans went crazy when Chen announced his marriage because they thought he might follow his example. When a power couple happens in idol-land chances are none can actually enjoy their power couple status career-wise.
I think only hardcore delusional fans are making a big deal out of dating rumors.
I really don't want them to be the social experimemt for this
In the old forum, i once said that BTS topping charts and selling albums isnt what "paving the way" is all about. I said that "paving the way" should be a reflection of something that goes much deeper than superficial success metrics.
I said that if BTS truly wanted to pave the way, that they could use their massive success and prestige and leverage to do something truly revolutionary for Kpop.
One of these "somethings" was to normalize idol dating. Imagine if BTS was brave enough and willing enough to make a statement by revealing their relationships, letting the whole world know that having a girlfriend or even just a casual companion should be normalized in Kpop. Idols shouldnt have to hide their love or even pure physical attraction for each other.
By making this kind of statement, they would have undoubtedly earned the "paving the way" moniker that their fans are so desperate to give them. They could have improved the quality of life for every idol and trainee to come, they would have demonstrated extraordinary leadership, been a true inspiration and role model, especially for the hoobae that looked up to them.
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