Who's the IT GIRL now? : Wonyoung vs Karina
Changed the title of the thread from “Who's the IT GIRL now? : Woonyoung vs Karina” to “Who's the IT GIRL now? : Wonyoung vs Karina”. -
I'm not sure if both of them are anywhere near where It girls like Jennie is, and others like Hwasa and Irene at their peak were.
But of these two, Wonyoung is likely doing best.
In Aespa, Winter has more of an It girl vibe, although both Winter and Karina aren't doing badly in terms of popularity.
But even before IVE, Wonyoung has been 1 of the most trending popular idols of the 4th gen for years, practically since PD48.
It's not for nothing she won the PD48 show at 13 years old against massive competition.
Well wonyoung because she had her time in Izone to build some recongnition
then promoted solo so she got a tons of cf and magazine and then redebut in IVE
but the fact that Karina and Winter are competing with her already without having any solo activities say a lot about the power that both of them hold
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