IVE has the potential to be the next BP,BTS
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This is genuine they have the potential to become big with their consistent quality discography. Are you all so traumatized to think this is a troll thread? DAMN.
A bad one to sensitive fairies
u really need to take that bp dp out of there bc cosplaying as a blink don't cut it for u to be shading them in EVERY SINGLE THREAD
yeah it's annoying they are pretending to be a blink when they are a troll
yeah it's annoying they are pretending to be a blink when they are a troll
like lets at least not be fake
I've is the most interesting 4th gen gg rn. I love their songs and concepts 😍
girl I do not care if or your momma likes me, I see u saying bp will underperform when they cmb and that they will disband as if u wish for that happen
its easier to not cosplay as someone that likes them
I've is the most interesting 4th gen gg rn. I love their songs and concepts 😍
agree its not bland
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