Do you prefer your faves early disco or later releases?
Yes, I like Twice.
For EXO, I like it all. I think sometimes musically I may have a preference towards mid and later, insomuch that the songs themselves became more complex and weightier than some of the early works.
For NCT 127, I like both. I think some of their early early stuff is more lightweight and traditional on the first two EPs but I still love Cherry Bomb as an album. Some of the same notes as EXO - as they progressed in their career, the music became more complex.
For NCT Dream, I definitely prefer their newer work. I didn’t listen to them until Hot Sauce and I loved that album and everything that’s been put out since.
WayV is newer, but I definitely prefer their newer songs vs debut EP.
For RV, somewhere in the middle? I don’t care for much of the red songs, but most my fave velvet songs aren’t from the first releases..like RBB EP and Perfect Velvet album are my fave periods.
do you have a preference? Do you feel their sound changed over time?
For MMM, (G)I-DLE, IU, Taeyeon (as soloist), i like both so much.
For Itzy i think their last release are better for their b track, they have improved.
For RV i can't tell i like both, but if SM keep going to force weird concept like Queendom for RV, I will miss the old albums and EPs
For Hyuna it's more complicated, there have been so many changes in her career it's very difficult to say.
Purple Kiss too young.
ly yourself + mots 7 vs hyyh + dark and wild
Dreamcatcher: Prefer the titles eariy, prefer the bsides on later releases
MX: Prefer the titles in their middling time of their career, overall early IG?
BP: No preference especially since they have no music
Purple Kiss: too new
For SHINee, I prefer their early discography more but I think part of it is bcoz even though their new music is good, their early discography had Jonghyun so music of that time is more special.
For TXT, I think its too early to divide their music into early or later, I have songs I absolutely adore from all of their albums, still their Eternity album is the most superior to me.
I don't think it's very relevant for such young groups with such small discographies
I don't have a preference. BTS music is like journey of life. So I connected with their whole discography. You have school years where you are focused on either your dreams, the pressure that comes with it or puppy love. Then you go through youth where you make big decisions that end up impacting your life. Then you go through that phase of life where you make up for your mistakes made during your younger years and start loving yourself more. After this phase you try to find the purpose and aim of your life by trying to read the map of your soul. I cannot choose which was the best phase of my life because life is a journey just like BTS' discography. It made impact throughout.
Sonically speaking there's been changes. But I won't say they changed their sound. They just added new sounds that they explored throughout the years. They started out as a purely hip hop oriented group but now they do so many genres but hip hop is still there. So it's not change per se but expansion of their horizon.
I don't think it's very relevant for such young groups with such small discographies
can't leave anyone out
most of the time earlier but it really depends more on the song rather than the "era" of the discography
For Twice I feel like it's hard...I have more favorites in their newer discography but I feel like there are so many iconic ones in their earlier discography that I really like.
I'm a fan of both bright/cute songs and more mature songs.
And I always separate Twice into two eras. 2015-2018 (color pop, brighter songs of their discography and concepts) and 2019-2022+ (more mature songs of their discography)
Twice: later by far, especially bsides. People get nostalgic over old Twice which clouds their judgement imo. Twice's earlier bsides are cute but none of them come close to any of their recent stuff for me. A few of their "cute era" title tracks are better but I honestly feel like Fancy and later TTs have a refinement (???) to them that makes them objectively better for me. Even The Feels which falls under cute has a different vibe to lets say Cheer Up, Knock Knock, Likey or TT
Seventeen: their old title tracks were hit or miss for me and I far prefer the album bsides every comeback. And while their title tracks remain being hit or miss, their bsides have gone up in quality imo (and I still prefer them to title tracks). I know a lot of people prefer their older stuff and claim they lost their sound, but all their new songs (maybe besides some of Face the Sun) hold their core elements and still feel Seventeen to me. Like Twice, they've just become more refined in sound (better production too) and mature I guess
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