Man I was rooting for Freezia
I went with the right girl: Kang So Yeon
Sports girl
Ig kangsoyeon
Singles inferno netflix
I still support!
she didn't do anything wrong tho
She lied about her image. Get your western “LEt mE tALk ovEr KneTZ BasED aWN mY weSTErN moRaliTY” tf out of here. Nobody likes liars. Especially since she has (apparently) been given offers to be an idol where it is her JOB to pretend to be something she’s not.
Her agency could have offered her name brands. Cut the shit
Some men only care about looks and being with someone that awakes their protector gene.
I think the other women in the show were far more interesting and hot - but I’m a women so..
I wish for a man to protect me. I’m soft idgaf. Fuck the independent woman trope. It’s too fucking fake but freezia made me think it was real.
Glad you saw through her bullshit.
She lied about her image. Get your western “LEt mE tALk ovEr KneTZ BasED aWN mY weSTErN moRaliTY” tf out of here. Nobody likes liars. Especially since she has (apparently) been given offers to be an idol where it is her JOB to pretend to be something she’s not.
Her agency could have offered her name brands. Cut the shit
Yes that is true. I still don’t appreciate the fakeness. Her Chinese agency manufactured her image.
Angry? I’m not “angry.” I am disappointed. Why do you people who lack logic always jump to ridiculously emotional conclusions? She presented herself in a way that I admired only for it to be all a facade.
And yes, that user is using their western logic to silence knets who have their valid reasons to be upset with her. It’s annoying as hell us inets feel the need to silence knets based on our own beliefs yet will flip shit if knets do the same to their beliefs.
I just got new kittens so i'm in a good mood today
nothing can upset me
Kittens are adorable. What are their names?
Aww, what color do they have?
They sound so gorgeous! I love them already and I've never even seen them before.
That is because us kpop fans are used to manufactured idols. Idols and influencers are held to a different standard in SK. It is nothing to be shocked over. That’s life.
the way Kairina didn't say shit about knetz and yet there you are trying to drag?? Freezia didn't do anything wrong. Wearing fake goods is not the end of the world, and you are overdramatic. If you believe and fall for celeb image, thats on you.
I mean people have every right to call her out because if she falsely advertised herself and lied about it, it sucks but it’s not that deep. I mean yeah, she shouldn’t have done that but people are literally acting as if she killed someone. It’s one thing to criticize her doing that and another thing to insult the whole industry and talking about her being a fake woman. I mean, it’s just clothes
I mean people have every right to call her out because if she falsely advertised herself and lied about it, it sucks but it’s not that deep. I mean yeah, she shouldn’t have done that but people are literally acting as if she killed someone. It’s one thing to criticize her doing that and another thing to insult the whole industry and talking about her being a fake woman. I mean, it’s just clothes
funny thing is she always said shes not from a rich family people just thought she was lying lmao if they felt lied to its their own fault
But do we not know that the companies provide clothing for celebs like why do you fool yourself into believing someone's image then get mad at them for fooling you?? And don't get me started on people trying to be considerate of the feelings of brands such as gucci like are you actually stupid?? who cares
Yeah idk, the only ones that should be angry are either angry parents who are now broke bc of her or the brands and since we all know how shitty the luxury brand environment is, I am not sad.
But calling public people out for lying, is not the same as hating someone and calling her derogatory names like some sad incel
Well, wearing knock-offs is not bad but she created an image of being luxurious. When i saw her in Singles' inferno she was always wearing brand-name items. I heard she also reviewed these knock-off items on her Youtube channel so she was trying to pass them off as real. I always got fake vibes from her and i have seen girls like that before.
The fact that she reviewed and even showed the price tag of the products it's really,,, sad. I can understand wearing fakes if you are so desperate, since the brands themselves don't fight that much for their products (some even support the fake production since it's like a free advertisement), but trying to lie that you can afford things on the internet when in fact you are poor is really weird.
Wait she did that??? Lmfaoo Leean_Taeyong nevermind go off🤣🤣🤣
I’ll never drag a bitch without reason
The fact that she reviewed and even showed the price tag of the products it's really,,, sad. I can understand wearing fakes if you are so desperate, since the brands themselves don't fight that much for their products (some even support the fake production since it's like a free advertisement), but trying to lie that you can afford things on the internet when in fact you are poor is really weird.
Wow I didn’t know that.
the company released a statement about that.
they took down that video because she was wearing a knock-off while showing real products apparently
"Additionally, she clarified the rumors that Free Zia reviewed imitated items pretending to review genuine items. She explained, 'She did not lie. The reason we made the video private was not that the items she was reviewing were fake but because the accessory she was wearing while doing the review was fake. Therefore, we took down the entire video.'"
Wow I didn’t know that.
just posted this for dummi lol
the company released a statement about that.
they took down that video because she was wearing a knock-off while showing real products apparently
"Additionally, she clarified the rumors that Free Zia reviewed imitated items pretending to review genuine items. She explained, 'She did not lie. The reason we made the video private was not that the items she was reviewing were fake but because the accessory she was wearing while doing the review was fake. Therefore, we took down the entire video.'"
the company released a statement about that.
they took down that video because she was wearing a knock-off while showing real products apparently
"Additionally, she clarified the rumors that Free Zia reviewed imitated items pretending to review genuine items. She explained, 'She did not lie. The reason we made the video private was not that the items she was reviewing were fake but because the accessory she was wearing while doing the review was fake. Therefore, we took down the entire video.'"
Leean_Taeyong dunno if this will change anything for you but here
Mannn that sounds so iffy, why review the same products you are dupig girl?? Tbh she deserves the drag, but its not the end of the world either way
it does lmao
as someone who can afford some luxurious brand items, just get want you think you should get.
wearing dupes for luxury brands can never end well because they're so well known you can see it on pretty much any celebrity. either way, i don't think this as big of an issue people are making it.
like its not like those brands got hurt anyway. but yeah, it would be morally wrong.
if someone's constantly advertising their wealth, "independence" ( kekw ), aloofness, etc etc
chances are, they are extremely insecure and compensating for lack of real substance
people with substance show their worth through their actions
I just saw that Dior sponsored her for their perfume, but she held up a fake Dior bag as part of the instagram ad. Why even do that??? Just review the perfume, why feel the need to add in additional fake items that aren't necessary to the sponsorship. I don't care if anyone wears replicas or fakes tbh, it's not like the luxury brands need my sympathy, but I'm impressed with freezia's level of confidence lol.
I think Freezia was a product of her company. They wanted her to sell an image she was too broke to sell, and they weren't willing to invest to support her in that.
She was dumb for wearing fake products on television and wearing them in reviews and hauls, and technically what she did was illegal. Whether she lied or not as far as passing knock-offs as real, I don't know. Too many conflicting statements.
I know one thing, variety show producers don't seem to think this is such a big deal, so people should just let it go. Let Snowdrop be a lesson to internet outrage. Sometimes the train will keep on moving, and Freezia is set to secure her bag, lol.
It's clear they were trying to copy Jennie's image, but at the end of the day, it's whatever. Good luck to her, and we'll see what her career brings. I hope she works smarter and not harder in the future.
do i have to quote the post again lmao
just go read the article guys
"She also clarified the misinformation about the parts that were not true. Regarding the allegation that the company supported the monthly rent for Free Zia's house, CEO Kim Hyo Jin said, 'We never paid a single penny to get a house.' The CEO explained, 'After entering university, Ji Ah paid a deposit directly with the money she collected while working as a model and working as a creator with the company. It is a monthly rental house that she signed a contract for.'"
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