the reaction to the girls planet 999 interim rank says a lot about ifan entitlement

  • just a bit of a think piece.

    i was in a girls planet discord server where there were many people who supported trainees like ruiqi and yaning simply bc mnet was doing the c girls dirty. ofc these trainees also had fans for other reasons, but it was a little crazy to see people talking about voting for certain trainees just to spite mnet/the korean fanbase. and now look. kfans ended up spiting everyone else lol. i heard that a post telling korean fandoms to only vote for koreans blew up on k forums and boy did it work

    any way, to get to the main point, the fact that kpop sales thrive thanks to ifans has given ifans a bit of a power trip i feel. ifans feel like the own the gp999 group and deserve the final say in the group lineup so the group can be "popular" internationally. i have seen many people subtly shading the korean trainees on the show and calling them "less interesting" or "less marketable" which seems like an inherently biased statement when all 3 of the most popular j trainees, tho pretty and extremely talented in the own right, arent that much more interesting than girls like youngeun and dayeon. this reminds me of the pd48 discourse that the akb girls were so much more interesting than the korean girls and there's just something about that rhetoric that rlly rubs me the wrong way.

    all i can hope is that gp999 group does ok for the sake of the girls who end up involved.

  • it funny how so many ifans dont realize they are just as bad undermining and insulting k-girls and making some of them a subject to hate even on this very forum..

    you can praise your trainee no matter of what nationality without having to put this kind of statements against these girls of other certain nationalities... the way subtle shading of k-trainees is normalized by ifans irks me.. and then they go on to call out kfans for it while they are doing the same thing just in a different manner trying to be all good saints

    at the end of the day "less appealing" and "no charms" is your own subjective view, which can be different.. everyone has choices.. support your faves but dont bring down other girls..

    the hate for ktrainees I have seen from the ifan side after the announcement is insane..

    especially dayeon.. yes she got good editing but you know she has the talent to back that shit up and she is respected among the girls which is clearly visible.. maybe people genuinely like her.. its not rocket science.. just because you don't does not mean others dont as well..

    these same people support old produce groups with members who also got extra good editing (without even having the skills to back that up) so its kinda hypocritic..

  • Tell that to 66 trainees who came from China and Japan that attended this survival show in midst of the covid pandemic that out of 66 of them, only 1 of them will get to debut despite the hard hours they put in, because Koreans decide to vote for their own

    Go ahead, tell em

    ..huh? tell them what? this has nothing to do with my opinion on the interim, but with the specific things ifans are saying in reaction to it. at the end of the day its a korean survival show taking place in korea with korean votes counting more. i expected the final group ratio to be 6k-2j-1c from the beginning. And it could very well end up being that or close.

    Did I mean they need sales and a whole group made of Korean girls won't bring that,look at fromis

    Sakura bring the biggest sales for izone, won't even chart well so idk what they will do

    it just isnt factually correct that a group of only koreans won't do well internationally. fromis flopped bc idol school flopped. if gp999 flops, its bc the show flopped. i do agree a more multinational group would do better internationally. but that doesnt mean more koreans = flop group? again, that rhetoric is fcking weird

  • I don’t think it’s nice to attack the girls personally, however I do think it’s fair to call out the BS nationalism Koreans are pushing for rn

    You can be an amazing talented, beautiful, charming girl with her own unique charms, but if you’re a C-girl or J-girl too you’ll fall under a K-girl who’s identity is equivalent to a rock or needed planet passes to advance

    It’s really discouraging cuz it makes the foreign girls wonder why they should even bother when the one thing they could never change is the reason they got dismissed

    Not to mention we signed up for a multinational GG, not a GG with 8 Koreans 1 Chinese & 0 Japanese. And inb4 some doofball says “wE sHOulD pICk bAseD oN tALenT, nOT NaTIonALIty” like stfu. If Koreans can pick girls solely on nationality, it’s all fair game for us now too. At least we want a mixed lineup, cuz no one said they wanted a foreigner OT9 like Koreans are for a Korean OT9

  • tbh, ifans are extremely insensitive to the political issues between kr and cn and kr and jpn. y'all are dismissive af about the feelings of the average korean consumer on these things. thats not to say they're right to discriminate against or ostracize regular people from the countries that havent done anything, but people rlly act like they dont have a right to be mad at the c girls who had ccp support or nk support on their social medias.

    also it is factually incorrect that they signed up for a "multinational group" when it was told to them that the ratio of the final group was not set on d1. whoever gets voted in gets in. there were more foreign trainees in the top 9 more than once. ofc that would only increase animosity from the kside. what did you expect?

    also "If Koreans can pick girls solely on nationality, it’s all fair game for us now too. At least we want a mixed lineup, cuz no one said they wanted a foreigner OT9 like Koreans are for a Korean OT9" ....this insinuates you care less about people who would actually make a cohesive group/people who "deserve" to debut and just want to vote c and j trainees to spite the kfandom which i already mentioned in the op. if either yaning or ruiqi makes the group, they're going to get a lot of hate. yall get mad at knets but still want to subject your girls to that shit? people should have just put that energy into securing xiaoting and the j girls.

  • Blah blah blah. They said global girl group. But all of a sudden yall want the group to only be korean. If koreans can vote based solely on nationality then ifans can too. Now thanks for reminding me let me gone ahead and vote for xiaoting really quickly

    who is "yall"? i voted for my fav. and she's in top 9 and that about it its not about wanting an only korean group. brushing off how shitty the k girls are being treated by ifans rn doesnt make you cool lol.

  • Koreans this, koreans that, the 1 girl in int votes is a Korean, so the kfans didn't made the almost all k lineup alone. Even if I could vote and want at least 3 non-k girls on the lineup, I wouldn't drop Yeseo for that, and I think most fans feels the same. We want a balanced lineup, but is hard to change our own votes.

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  • how is 8 from 33

    and 1 from 66 a fair thing?

    also how is it fair that I need to vote 8/9 times to equal 1 vote by random Korean user?

    that's uber bullshit

    also they should look at big fanclubs which were active/spend money on KLAP fundraising on Universe App, then they would see which trainees attract not only casual fans but those who are ready to really spent money on their favs...

  • its baffling to me that after this many seasons of pd101 people are still on some moral high horse about whats "fair". what's "fair" is that everyone can vote for whoever tf they want. mnet wanted the group to be favorable to a korean fandom so they scaled up the korean vote.

  • its baffling to me that after this many seasons of pd101 people are still on some moral high horse about whats "fair". what's "fair" is that everyone can vote for whoever tf they want. mnet wanted the group to be favorable to a korean fandom so they scaled up the korean vote.

    how does one create 'new global girl group' markets show as the beautiful journey of 99 girls from 3 countries, and in same time focuses on 'group to be favored by Korean fandom'...

    well pardon me, but this kind of logic is a mystery lol

    if they would like to get love from kfans they wouldn't introduce cell system :ideac:

  • how does one create 'new global girl group' markets show as the beautiful journey of 99 girls from 3 countries, and in same time focuses on 'group to be favored by Korean fandom'...

    well pardon me, but this kind of logic is a mystery lol

    if they would like to get love from kfans they wouldn't introduce cell system :ideac:

    why are we still conflating the terms "global" and "multinational"? the most "global" group to ever come out of korea is mononational lol . idk why you think mnet was just going to abandoned the korean fandom. these girls signed up because they wanted to be a kpop group. the ywy girls knew the final group wouldn't even be able to step foot in china for promotion with all the bans.

    the introduction of the cell system was to keep all c and j girls from getting eliminated in the first few rounds. more than half of the akb girls were gone in the first pd48 elim. the ratio voting was to keep up the guise of "equal support" across all groups. but it was obvious that people would have no idea where anyone's popularity stood by 1 vote and it would give the k girls an inherent advantage bc they have more 1 pick voters. i knew that. it wasnt a hard conclusion to reach. mnet wanted more koreans int he final group but its obvious it all backfired. they are not happy with the current top 9. thats why they revealed the whole interim rank and not just a few spots

  • why are we still conflating the terms "global" and "multinational"? the most "global" group to ever come out of korea is mononational lol . idk why you think mnet was just going to abandoned the korean fandom. these girls signed up because they wanted to be a kpop group. the ywy girls knew the final group wouldn't even be able to step foot in china for promotion with all the bans.

    the introduction of the cell system was to keep all c and j girls from getting eliminated in the first few rounds. more than half of the akb girls were gone in the first pd48 elim. the ratio voting was to keep up the guise of "equal support" across all groups. but it was obvious that people would have no idea where anyone's popularity stood by 1 vote and it would give the k girls an inherent advantage bc they have more 1 pick voters. i knew that. it wasnt a hard conclusion to reach. mnet wanted more koreans int he final group but its obvious it all backfired. they are not happy with the current top 9. thats why they revealed the whole interim rank and not just a few spots

    which group that would be?

    let's talk about girl groups

    you have BP with Lisa being Thai, and Rose was born in New Zealand, and grow up in Australia

    you have Twice with 3 Japanese members

    you have aespa with NingNing and Giselle

    even if you will think about other groups which quickly became popular like (G)I-DLE or IZ*ONE it's same story...

  • i was talking about bts. and also.... girls generation was the original "global gg" and they are also all korean members. i think its not so much that all korean groups cant see global success, but that big companies feel the incessant need to have foreign members in the group. there just are statistically more groups with a foreign member now, especially from the big 3. and rv could have been way bigger if sm pushed them in the way they are pushing aespa

  • Don’t care, politics don’t justify shunning foreigners from becoming idols in Korea

  • i was talking about bts. and also.... girls generation was the original "global gg" and they are also all korean members. i think its not so much that all korean groups cant see global success, but that big companies feel the incessant need to have foreign members in the group. there just are statistically more groups with a foreign member now, especially from the big 3. and rv could have been way bigger if sm pushed them in the way they are pushing aespa

    3 members of SNSD were born and grow up in USA

    the fact that their parents are Korean in this case...

    Tiffany seems also to only have US passport? at least this is how it was in the past...

  • 3 members of SNSD were born and grow up in USA

    the fact that their parents are Korean in this case...

    Tiffany seems also to only have US passport? at least this is how it was in the past...

    ...i am seriously so confused with your logic rn... korean is a nationality but it is also an ethnicity. you can be ethnically korean and american. members of snsd being born in the usa did what exactly? they were still popular in jpn lol

  • imagine stanning korean media and not giving a shit about how korean people feel. yikes

    Imagine me caring

    You’re never gonna convince me to support nationalism & being xenophobic towards foreign idols/trainees. If you want to be a & simp for that ideology than have fun, it’s a no for me tho dog

    Hang it up, flatscreen

  • ...i am seriously so confused with your logic rn... korean is a nationality but it is also an ethnicity. you can be ethnically korean and american. members of snsd being born in the usa did what exactly? they were still popular in jpn lol

    Ok but you seem to not understand if we go back they started to bring Korean Americans, then Japanese and Chinese trainees which some of debuted. Exo is example as well as Twice. You also had guys like Nichkhun, Bambam etc.

    So it just grows over time with next and next generations. More foreign idols debut. Idols from wayyyy different countries. Just look at Leia and Fatou.

    Kpop is Korean, yes. But you already see a change even in music because more and more groups and soloists release full English songs... This is what it means to be global/multinational.

    Not flippin ok let's debut 9 Korean girls... Ok wait, let's debut 1 foreigner from 66 because then no one will say we totally ditched them :facepalm:

  • you're really calling me delusional for saying that ifans are insensitive to korean politics, while simultaneously proving that point. grow tf up. the world in so much more than kpop girl groups.

    Yes. You think you bringing up old ass wars justifies dismissing Chinese & Japanese teens/early 20s from living their dreams. I’m never going to concede to that nor is anyone else you’re aiming this thread at

    “A shitty event happened decades ago, therefore you should be okay with another shitty thing happening in the modern era because it counters the original shitty thing”

    Is basically what you’re trying to tell me

    You grow up first, I said what the hell I said. You can stay mad, but I’m not supporting literal xenophobia

  • babe, my whole point was that global and multinational are not the same thing. you mentioned fatou and black swan is by no means a "global" group

  • you’re really calling me delusional for saying that ifans are insensitive to korean politics, while simultaneously proving that point. grow tf up. the world in so much more than kpop girl groups.

    And Ooh please. Yeah cuz you care so much about Korean people & their politics

    Let’s be real, you just want your Kfaves to make it in over everyone else, & you want to guilt trip others who are on the opposing side trying to get their C/J faves in. You ain’t slick even one bit :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown:

    Edited 3 times, last by Lubby00 ().

  • Yes. You think you bringing up old ass wars justifies dismissing Chinese & Japanese teens/early 20s from living their dreams. I’m never going to concede to that nor is anyone else you’re aiming this thread at

    You grow up first, I said what the hell I said. You can stay mad, but I’m not supporting literal xenophobia

    you're honestly fucking disgusting. what i actually said is still right there

    "tbh, ifans are extremely insensitive to the political issues between kr and cn and kr and jpn. y'all are dismissive af about the feelings of the average korean consumer on these things. thats not to say they're right to discriminate against or ostracize regular people from the countries that havent done anything, but people rlly act like they dont have a right to be mad at the c girls who had ccp support or nk support on their social medias."

    where is the support for xenophobia? how is treating korean people like human beings who are allowed to have human emotions over things that STILL EFFECT THEIR COUNTRY TO THIS DAY being a korea/boo? if nk attacked sk china would be the FIRST country to side with nk in a war. jpn STILL falsifies their ww2 history to the point where japanese people are unaware of how bad jpn actually was. they still fight for resources with sk.

    im sorry kpop doesn't take my priority over real life. i care about the mental health of these idols a lot which is specifically why i brought up the point about yaning and ruiqi. voting them into the group isn't going to stop knets from being disgusting about them? you're not some kind of activist for voting for c girls?

    you're officially blocked

  • > They're being xenophobic

    > We’re against the xenophobia

    > You’re trying to justify it by saying we’re being dismissive towards their feelings

    What’s not clicking? You can try to put it in as pretty words as you please, you’re still defending xenophobia & trying to guilt trip others for not doing so. And you’re doing it not because you genuinely care about Korean people, but because you want you want as many of your Kfaves as possible to make the lineup

    And you’re Ruiqi/Yaning “mental health” comment is a load of horse poop too. Again you’re just trying to find verbal justifications to hide your true intent for not wanting C-girls in the group. That’s like saying we should care about immigrants well being by letting ethnically homogeneous people kick them out of their countries

    Like I said b4, give it up

  • babe, my whole point was that global and multinational are not the same thing. you mentioned fatou and black swan is by no means a "global" group

    sorry but you act like Knetz expecting all my posts being some kind of 'statements' and you're nitpicking

    then going with you... this was global program, for global girl group with trainees from different nations so multi-national group should be created :)

  • sorry but you act like Knetz expecting all my posts being some kind of 'statements' and you're nitpicking

    then going with you... this was global program, for global girl group with trainees from different nations so multi-national group should be created :)

    you literally did the same thing? cherry picking what you wanted to respond to and ignoring all my other points. i had nothing to say to any of the other shit you brought up...BC IT WASNT MY POINT

    you clearly didn't understand anything i was saying so lets just stop. im done talking in circles with you people

  • Careful now, don’t want to be called a by you know who on here for telling the truth LOL :pepe-use-head:

  • As a person who didn't keep up with this "show" I'll say my opinion based on what I'm seeing.

    Since the beginning everyone knew k votes would count more? If yes, congrats, since the beginning you should know how the votes would go, specially after seeing some k fans attitudes against foreign idols recently. It's obviously not right neither i like this mentality, but it's also not a surprise..

    About op point, it's also correct. The amount of times i saw some shaming k girls and laughing at them saying they will flop and how they aren't a "global groups" etc etc is disappointing.. obviously the goal was all nationalities on the group with at least 2J/2C/5K girls or something like this, but since the beginning it was already wrong and Mnet didn't helped with the editing.

    My point is: since the beginning Mnet gave more power to k votes so this right here should've made some aware of how things could've turned and how Mnet viewed the "global" thing.. now Mnet isn't also happy with the results as they saw how many support the girls got from i fans so good luck to everyone and congrats in advance for who debuts. I'll definitely check them out.

  • Glad I wasn’t the only one seeing the shade to the K group this ENTIRE show by kpoppies. Then you have certain people on here, I won’t even bother naming, strongly disagreeing and sort of gaslighting to have a reason to place you under certain labels for taking an opposing stance which they deem is you challenging them.

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