Why do ifans get so butt hurt when a female idol gets fat shamed but have no problem dragging one for having no hips/butt/tits
I think a lot of users on here have addressed skinny shaming. Even for skinny girls there is a pressure to be the thicc Kardashian esque curvy "that guys like" or is the ideal. But for some girls it's an impossible standard unless implants and padding are used.
This being said I'm not undermining fat phobia by any means. Its far more prevalent both online and irl. Both can be problems that your born with tbh. Underweight and overweight could depend on the genes and diets within families.
Oh shut up, you don't know somebody's medical history. "A choice", HEALTHY WEIGHT FEMALE IDOLS GET BODY SHAMED ALL THE TIME FOR BEING FAT, while I've seen a lot of underweight idols be praised for being "all bones and ligaments" and nonsense like that. No kind of body shaming is acceptable in my book, but I do fear for people who are clearly underweight. It's a choice to comment on people's bodies too op, and it's a choice to hate "fat" people.
"one's a choice".. No, it isn't exactly in most cases..
although I do agree with the fact that they should not be dragged because of other body parts like butts/boobs etc.. tbh I barely see international fans dragging them for it though.. saying someone is not curvy is not a drag.. its just mentioning of a different kind of body type which is just as common in this world
Very honest and straightforward so if you're easily offended dont read it:
Being fat is a choice and im tired of yall pretending its not. Just eat a good food and work out, its really not that hard. Also, genes have barely anything to do with weight if its not a syndrome. Most fat people suffer from their loser mentality and the lies theyre told on the internet.
Very honest and straightforward so if you're easily offended dont read it:
Being fat is a choice and im tired of yall pretending its not. Just eat a good food and work out, its really not that hard. Also, genes have barely anything to do with weight if its not a syndrome. Most fat people suffer from their loser mentality and the lies theyre told on the internet.
Thanks doctor MyZen-L for your diagnosis.
I'm thin but work so hard for it and there are days when I can eat only 300 calories despite exercising for hours because of my health issues and the medication and therapy I'm on, I know it's easy to be an ignorant edgelord but you really have no idea how many people struggle with weight problems caused by health issues. I wouldn't wish my life upon anyone and I wouldn't wish my issues upon you, I just pity you for being so mean. I don't get why people have so much issues with others' weight.
Average reply. First of all, im not even an adult and i do have my circle of friends to hang out with
Do you know what kind of trash is being pht in the food, especially in the Usa? The meat (chicken) has very high estrogen levels and the animals are fed garbage-hence the food they produce is the same. 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used on crops every year! Even the water that you drink is contaminated with them.
It is kind of a choice if you don’t have any health conditions that has weight gain as a side effect. Weight gain is largely caused by eating behavior and lifestyle, only a few health conditions contain fast weight gain, but even here with the right medication it can be controlled.
A slow metabolism is not an end station. If you got a slow metabolism, you need to check your diet more. Many people are just not disciplined enough. If you gain weight fast, eating fast food every day is your choice, you choose to not care about your health! It’s like someone who has asthma but still decides to smoke, you choose not to care, so it’s your choice.
Also even a good metabolism will slow down in age. So I wouldn’t get myself used to a bad eating lifestyle, it can bite your ass in future.
PS* Not just fast food, but unhealthy food in general, overeating and lack of body activity.
Jesus Christ, why is a child here arguing as if he knew anything about real life.
Phd in healthy food an nutrition
on a serious note, i have trouble understanding why being younger means i dont know why amerifats cant lose weight
A quick search on google doesnt require a professional career in this kind of stuff
Some people here seem to forget that idols who get fatshamed are clearly not overweighted. They simply suffer from the comparison with other idols who are very skinny. I am far from being fat but clearly next to any Korean Idol it will look as if I am. And it's a fact that different people have different metabolism, constitution, genetics. Some people are always ready to say that an idol is naturally very skinny and that it's their normal condition so why can't they accept that others can have a tendency to gain weight very easily despite healthy eating habits. It works both way.
Interesting Article about how genes affect your weight.
How much of your weight depends on your genes?
Genes are probably a significant contributor to your obesity if you have most or all of the following characteristics:
- You have been overweight for much of your life.
- One or both of your parents or several other blood relatives are significantly overweight. If both of your parents have obesity, your likelihood of developing obesity is as high as 80%.
- You can't lose weight even when you increase your physical activity and stick to a low-calorie diet for many months.
Genes are probably a lower contributor for you if you have most or all of the following characteristics:
- You are strongly influenced by the availability of food.
- You are moderately overweight, but you can lose weight when you follow a reasonable diet and exercise program.
- You regain lost weight during the holiday season, after changing your eating or exercise habits, or at times when you experience psychological or social problems.
These circumstances suggest that you have a genetic predisposition to be heavy, but it's not so great that you can't overcome it with some effort.
Why people become overweight - Harvard HealthYour weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn up. These factors are influenced by a…www.health.harvard.edu -
I mean I haven't really seen anyone shame idols for having small butts or boobs to be honest? Not en masse anyway. Look hard enough and you'll find people throwing insults at anything, but as a true problem that we see constantly we only really see that with idols who aren't super thin.
I mean anywhere from Instagram, Twitter and other sns you can find lots of daily hate towards any idols they deem to be 'fat' even if they are just a little curvy or normal weight. These are comment after comment with hundreds of likes happening every week.
That's just idiots on social media, what about on actual TV or in the media in Korea? We've actively seen idols shamed and humiliated on prime time TV for their weight more than once. They have regimented diets and weight targets forced on them....when was the last time you heard of companies monitoring idols breast size? Exactly.
The industry wide attitude the idols weight has created an environment where by it's become normalized for fans, the media and anyone who wants to constantly pass comments and judgement over idols bodies, both men and women idols at that. This attitude has also permeated into fandom culture and online spaces where certain fans are now using idols as inspiration for weight goals themselves and have developed unhealthy eating habits and relationships with food and this mostly stems from the shaming of normal, healthy weight idols who aren't even overweight in the first place.
The comparison to certain people passing comment on small boobs, butts and hips is not a sensible one to make as the situation isn't at all the same or as widespread, especially considering most of those people making those nasty comments are shut down all the same by fans.
Yeah i also think fat-shaming and body-shaming (like OP described) are a little different.
I pity those of you who are sitting here insulting "fat" people....First of all I have some bad genes, to the point that alot of my weight is in my lower half and due to 2 diseases in my legs they will never "be thin" i used to be skinny and athletic but i suffer from a slew of medical problems. I'm also 5 feet tall, so i look bigger than i am because i'm fucking short. On top of that i had bariatric surgery and 2 years later i'm having complications and now i'm having a bypass...Diet and excercise didn't work, it doesn't help that i have a ton of medical issues and incurable diseases. I can't do much due to these problems, so don't assume that all "fat people, don't eat right or haven't tried" don't assume that it isn't genetics because a ton of my medical issues are genetic. I don't even eat a lot of food but because of my complications i gained some weight back after the 100 lbs i lost from surgery 2 years ago. Not to mention i have arthritis in both knees, broke one of them, and i also broke my lower back and have arthritis in my back. So please explain to me how some of us who can't go out and do what you all consider "normal" deserves us being shamed?
stop insulting people if you don't know their life...wtf. NO ONE should judge ANYONES body, what may not be attractive to you is the world to someone else. go touch some fucking grass.
Just stop commenting on people's bodes period.
There are alot of people who may "look" overweight but due to genes and stuff it's not something they can control. Same with people who may look "underweight" but are actually healthy. The circumstances are different for everyone and if you know nothing about it then don't comment.
Ifans skinny shame Rosé by saying they are concerned if she’s eating well or not.
Worrying about idols being put on strict, unhealthy diets and seeing that some of them are clearly underweight and hoping they're healthy is not skinny shaming. Calling idols of healthy weights fat is body shaming.
Body-shaming is body-shaming no matter if it's skinny-shaming or fat-shaming. However, many idols are fat-shamed in the first place and not skinny-shamed (it happens to some but it's less important) hence the reason why people sometimes call out fat-shaming louder than skinny-shaming. Both are not right though.
Very honest and straightforward so if you're easily offended dont read it:
Being fat is a choice and im tired of yall pretending its not. Just eat a good food and work out, its really not that hard. Also, genes have barely anything to do with weight if its not a syndrome. Most fat people suffer from their loser mentality and the lies theyre told on the internet.
While obviously the majority of cases can be solved via diet and exercise one of the most common conditions for women in the world is PCOS and one of the biggest symptoms of PCOS is weight gain and the extremely low ability to lose weight even with diet and exercise. Most times women with PCOS have to be placed on medicine to help with the weight loss because it's so hard.
Another thing is a common side effect of birth control pills is weight gain. And a lot of women need birth control beyond just contraceptive. It can help with PCOS, Irregular period flows, acne, etc.
Body-shaming is body-shaming no matter if it's skinny-shaming or fat-shaming. However, many idols are fat-shamed in the first place and not skinny-shamed (it happens to some but it's less important) hence the reason why people sometimes call out fat-shaming louder than skinny-shaming. Both are not right though.
I think a lot of people are mixing up generally worry for somebody who appears to be underweight and having an unhealthy relationship with their body etc. with skinny shaming. That's not shaming, that's worry.
While idols of regular, normal and healthy weight are regularly called fat as compared to people who are of worryingly thin weight, I'd say that's body shaming.
Of course, shaming somebody for their body is always bad!
I think a lot of people are mixing up generally worry for somebody who appears to be underweight and having an unhealthy relationship with their body etc. with skinny shaming. That's not shaming, that's worry.
While idols of regular, normal and healthy weight are regularly called fat as compared to people who are of worryingly thin weight, I'd say that's body shaming.
Of course, shaming somebody for their body is always bad!
I agree with you but skinny-shaming is a thing for Kpop idols too. I have seen some people doing it for Rose or Lisa for example. It's still way less important than fat-shaming (for idols who are themselves skinny with that).
I absolutely agree. As a thin person with barely no curves, I know how it is to be skinny shamed and I know it's just as hurtful as being fatshamed (both happened to me at different times in my life). It's disgusting and unnecessary. If people could stop commenting on other people's bodies in a negative way, that would be great.
Body-shaming is body-shaming no matter if it's skinny-shaming or fat-shaming. However, many idols are fat-shamed in the first place and not skinny-shamed (it happens to some but it's less important) hence the reason why people sometimes call out fat-shaming louder than skinny-shaming. Both are not right though.
I think skinny shaming is more prevalent in societies where having curves is the norm (like latin countries), but in Kpop the only time I've seen idols being skinny shamed was when they clearly lost a ton of weight and not because of their natural skinny frame, like Somi, Rosé, Lizzy, GD, Shownu, Suga.
If you took kpop fans logic the whole industry have natural thin bodies and fast metabolism lol when in reality most of them are on strict diet for years and people just perceive that as their natural bodies and fat shame anyone who doesn't look like that. Umji, Wendy, IU, Jimin, even Lizzy and Suga, they were pretty much bullied for not being stick thin or gaining normal weight...
Everyone always mentions how easy it is to start eating healthy and exercising but nobody mentions food desserts or communities that don’t have accessible community spaces. Even then the conversation goes deeper than that. Nobody should be speaking on anyone’s body unless they’re a professional. Don’t let non health professionals control your wellness weather your underweight, overweight or dealing with an ed.
Both sides are wrong even though it is a choice or not. What is more concerning is when some people really compliment someone that weight 40-45 kg as beautiful, Minimum weight for a person with 150cm should be at least 42 kg in accordance to BMI. So that many female idols do not even reach a normal weight
Worrying about idols being put on strict, unhealthy diets and seeing that some of them are clearly underweight and hoping they're healthy is not skinny shaming. Calling idols of healthy weights fat is body shaming.
and ill say this again your a clown if you do not see idols being called sticks, choding, and saying they are shaking bones
I absolutely agree. As a thin person with barely no curves, I know how it is to be skinny shamed and I know it's just as hurtful as being fatshamed (both happened to me at different times in my life). It's disgusting and unnecessary. If people could stop commenting on other people's bodies in a negative way, that would be great.
LMAO, I also can feel that, because I'm the type that can't gain weight easily no matter how much I eat. My weight stays the same throughout the year.
I think skinny shaming is more prevalent in societies where having curves is the norm (like latin countries), but in Kpop the only time I've seen idols being skinny shamed was when they clearly lost a ton of weight and not because of their natural skinny frame, like Somi, Rosé, Lizzy, GD, Shownu, Suga.
If you took kpop fans logic the whole industry have natural thin bodies and fast metabolism lol when in reality most of them are on strict diet for years and people just perceive that as their natural bodies and fat shame anyone who doesn't look like that. Umji, Wendy, IU, Jimin, even Lizzy and Suga, they were pretty much bullied for not being stick thin or gaining normal weight...
I agree with you. Fat-shaming is the rule and skinny-shaming in an exception but I have seen it for a group like BP for example. It's not a coincidence if Lisa's part in Pretty Savage refers to that.
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