During my time here and on the old forums, its come to my attention that a lot of the issues surrounding certain topics boils down to knowledge. What one knows, what one doesn't know, what one ought to know etc.
So what is knowledge: a quick google search
facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.
Why is knowledge so important here - because of the "megathreads" - most of them are on controversial subjects such as racism, cultural appropriation, Sowon/WW2/Hitler, 2nd gen v 3rd gen v 4th gen etc - the issue that is common in all these is (I believe) knowledge
I'm not even going to go into detail about the various types of knowledge - like a priori or a posteriori knowledge - that's beyond the scope of a kpop forum
lets just keep it simple about knowledge that we think others should know.
Many things shape our knowledge:
our background, social economic status, education level, culture, intelligence, societal norms and values, peer group etc.
Those things affect our actual knowledge - from there is it possible to determine what one ought to know about?
A pygmy living in the Amazon jungle has no actual knowledge of the internet, running water or toilet and therefore we don't judge him for not knowing.
A teenager/adult born in the 21st century should know about their country's history, climate change, COVID etc or do they?
Because we are all shaped differently our levels of knowledge vastly differ between genders, ethnicities, countries - hell a twin studying in the same year and same class in the same city could have vastly different levels of knowledge to each other.
Therefore if we are so different why are there certain aspects of knowledge that everyone should know and if they don't what do we do about it.
The consequences of lack of knowledge - do we cancel them, do they have to apologise profusely and make recompense, do they have to go into hiding and mediate on the issue, do they lose their job or stop being an idol or get their entire MV taken down, that is also a very interesting topic but for another day.
What I will end on is who is to determine what one should or ought to know - is it simple ignorance? or arrogance? or something more severe? do we then judge someone based on things that they ought to have known because we believe they should know it. Those things that we know were shaped by our experiences and factors listed above - do we then impart that on others and say hey you should know this too. Vice versa what if others judge us for things that we don't know but they believe we ought to know?