Genuine curiosity but often on LOONA's line distribution videos it's MOSTLY (please notice I am saying mostly before y'all say X gets hate too) Heejin that gets hate for getting lots of lines, despite other members, e.g. Chuu, @@@3cb21ed4-0673-4265-b1a4-92a79f6757c5@@@, Jinsoul, also having lots of lines continuously, and sometimes more. Please note I'm not hating on LOONA at all, they're one of my ults so don't attack me.
Does anyone have a logical reason why? Judging from past comebacks and live stages, Heejin is clearly main vocal material along with the others, given her range and stability (yes, I understand this isn't all a main vocal is but it's hard to judge LOONA's techniques given from what I've seen/heard, BBC doesn't give them proper vocal training, apart from Haseul who's been trained in the past - correct me if I'm wrong).
It's different if people are saying X deserve more lines but blaming another member when it is out of their control, imagine how they'd feel if they saw those comments - EVERGLOW's Mia suffered the same during DUN DUN era.
Another argument is how she gets lots of center time and I thought people would understand that it's not only insinuated that she's the center of the group, but also as a result of having more lines, she will inevitably get more center time which as I stated above, is out of her control and is also up to the choreographer before someone argues "Not everyone who sings is in the center at the time". Again, it's not as if other members don't also consistently get lots of center time for reasons similar as Heejin's.
But yes, if anyone has a reason that isn't "She's gotten lots of lines before", as I've previously mentioned that other members have as well, then please let me know as I'm genuinely curious. Also please don't bash others and say X doesn't deserve x lines of center times because all the girls have worked had and yes I understand some members are consistently done dirty but again IT IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE MEMBERS.
Stream & and PTT.
edit: many responses have said thing about screentime so i wanted to add it is equally a result of heejins lines which i've banged on enough about above but also the fault of bbc's editors and again, other members get similar screentime too. the most logical conclusion i've come to is that heejin arguably stands out the most and people hate on her for that... the jealousy really jumps out. and before someone says "she gets the best hair or outfits", fashion is objective and depends on who wears what - we've seen all those model vs kpop idol clothin comparisons (so just admit and accept that you think she's pretty). it's also not as if she's the only member who's dyed their hair and had a striking colour e.g. gowon's hair in why not, choerry's hair in butterfly.