• EDIT: i changed the wording of the title since it sounds more like slutshaming

    so apparently she stole (kinda hate that wording since her lazy bf could have just stayed loyal anyway) someone’s boyfriend

    Here is a better translation:

    It gets crazier. Apparently both of them had couple insta names lmao

    Here is akp article

    another netizens verified the story

    post by the boyfriend of mina:

    (Translation by papago so take it with a grain of salt)

  • Edit: Damn I'm late asf in my og comment, like a day ago. I didn't know what opinion to have. But I can't with I fans villanising the gf. He told her he was gonna go and spend the night at his military friends house on June 24/25 and on 26th news breaks out that he's dating mina. Bruh. They even had matching insta couple ids and photos of them were plastered on his ig hours before mina uploaded the photo. It was a very public relationship he had with the girlfriend.

    Some replies here saying it was expected since he ghosted her. He ghosted her for like one day. One day in a three year relationship. His things are all probably still at the exes place since he literally said he's gonna go out for a day or two. Miss me with that bullshit. In their initial messages even Mina asked him for a sketch and he said he's not good at drawing then Mina says:

    "Kwon Mina: Please, don’t be! And you and your girlfriend are super cute together. Please send me a sketch capturing that kind of love. 💙 I’ll come get it myself when it’s ready"

    Theres an article on koreab0o that goes over the whole situation very well


    Like I'm 110% for poly relationships and shit as long as both parties know. Mina knew, that trashy man knew but the girlfriend only knew about mina when it hit the headlines. Messy man both girls deserve better. Minas signed with a new label and has activities coming out soon and I hope she doesn't have to deal with problems like this at that time. She is a grown adult with a good heart who's suffered a lot. But kpop fans tryna pin the blame on his girlfriend is crazy. She's literally the one who did nothing here.

  • i'm just like ... :pepefacepalm::pepefacepalm::pepefacepalm:

    at all of you spreading this type of thing '-'

    acting like this poor girl isn't going through enough recently and knowing her mental health

    this girl and her friend didn't have anything to do than spread this

    yeah this girl is a celebrity , but this is between her friend and her Boyfriend, why bring this on the public place, knowing the mental state of this girl ?

    girl just wanted to take revenge that her boyfriend can't even stay loyal to her so she didn't find anything better than expose her private life on the public space just to get drag a poor girl who's struggling with her health

    and all of you spreading this aren't even better

    because if something bad happen ( and i hope it never happen hopefully) suddenly you'll play the "oh poor girl she deserved beter " card when you were one of these person spreading this mess online knowing that she will receive hate for this

  • Sorry but I was always for critical of her and she definitely needs help but when people do stupid things especially as a public person they deserve to be called out. Mental health is a reason why people do certain things but definitely not a shield. This was done consciously by her if this is all true and she deserves the criticism.

    According to the posts and the surroundings Mina knew he was in a relationship and this is not cool.

    Nobody deserves hate but putting a blind eye on everything because “mental health” is stupid. As a public person she should have known better

  • My question is, did Mina know the guy was already seeing someone?

    If not, then i don't see how she is the homewrecker.

    Normalize blaming the guy for wrecking his own home.

    Apparently both of them were in a public relation so, yes if everything is true

    Rumor: i don’t know if it is true but according to the insta names of the ex gf and the bf they both had couple names as their insta...

    As I said: the guy should be blamed more than Mina since he had done the cheating

  • Sorry but I was always for critical of her and she definitely needs help but when people do stupid things especially as a public person they deserve to be called out. Mental health is a reason why people do certain things but definitely not a shield. This was done consciously by her if this is all true and she deserves the criticism.

    According to the posts and the surroundings Mina knew he was in a relationship and this is not cool.

    Nobody deserves hate but putting a blind eye on everything because “mental health” is stupid. As a public person she should have known better

    public or private people

    i don't see who cares about what they do in their private life if it's not illegal

    who cares who they fuck ? who they cheat with ? and who they date '-'

    the fact that some of you even care about this things make you really weird '-'

    she have the right to do everything

    yeah it's not the best thing, but no it's not something who deserve to be leak and presented as something evil and deserve to be bash about this

    also the friend presenting their relationship as a good relationship also prove to be lying because it's clear through the text that their relation wasn't going on well, so presenting this by saying " omg look at what mina did while my friend was living a perfect romance is wrong "

    and now explain me the goal of these girls of posting this ?

    will she be back with her bf because she upload it on sns ? No

    she didn't have to publicize this and it's make her a far worst person imo

    because she' using this to destroy the life of people and take revenge on them for what "cheating " seriously she didn't have a more immature reason to drag people and doing this just to get tons of people to send them hate message '-'

    and yeah mental health isn't a shield

    but when you're a decent human knowing that someone is going through something as hard than her

    you don't take the first opportunity you have to drag them and hope that they get hate message

    and more over when you're an adult you handle your affair, and relationship problems in private like someone very mature '-'

    so yeah i'm sorry but i honestly have more pity for Mina and the boys in this story than the girls who just seem petty and somebody with no morality or maturity

  • IDK, all the tweets show is that she knew he had a girlfriend when she asked him if he would draw something for her, and at some point after that, they started dating. There's no evidence of overlap in the two relationships. The only thing this seems to be is that the girl is jealous and still wants her ex, and I feel sympathetic to her because it can be hurtful to have a one-sided affection, but that doesn't make it Mina's problem.

    let's be friends


  • IDK, all the tweets show is that she knew he had a girlfriend when she asked him if he would draw something for her, and at some point after that, they started dating. There's no evidence of overlap in the two relationships. The only thing this seems to be is that the girl is jealous and still wants her ex, and I feel sympathetic to her because it can be hurtful to have a one-sided affection, but that doesn't make it Mina's problem.

    exactly there's middle of the timelapse missing

    i doubt people start to date suddenly after asking for a drawing

    1. there's no proof of the two relation happening at the same time

    2. even base on the text it doesn't even sound like they are in a real relationship yet and still seems at the premise

    gurl should care more about how getting back with her bf if she really want this

    and less on exposing her private life on internet '-'

  • I love these essays on how it should concern us when we are on a forum that discusses public people of kpop including their scandals.

    Also how is it hate? Saying that she did something questionable if it is true is not hate. Don’t be ridiculous.

    Of course the ex gf shouldn’t have publicly posted this but this is her right to do so too. Also in context with all the posts made by mina that shamed other people’s relationships this is situation is so hypocritical. As a public person she should have known better.

    Plus there is a clear difference between a private and public person.

    About the guy: I have no empathy for someone who cheats on their gf. This guy is absolutely trash if this is true and that you feel sorry for him is more disturbing and weird than me posting a scandal that is going viral in Korea

    Also: my title says allegedly

  • It’s not breaking up if the other party didn’t know it. That’s ghosting and in the end cheating. Also tells a lot about this guy

    She doesn’t have to be loyal but if everything is true she knew that he had a gf and this is morally wrong

  • omegateatimer

    Changed the title of the thread from “AOA mina allegedly being a home wrecker wth” to “AOA mina allegedly stealing someone’s bf wth”.
  • It’s not breaking up if the other party didn’t know it. That’s ghosting and in the end cheating. Also tells a lot about this guy

    She doesn’t have to be loyal but if everything is true she knew that he had a gf and this is morally wrong

    it does tell a lot about the guy but I don't believe that Mina should be blamed for any of it

    it is not like she is a witch who bewitched the poor guy and made him cheat, it's his own choice

    (hypothetically speaking because we don't even know if that is true )

  • it does tell a lot about the guy but I don't believe that Mina should be blamed for any of it

    it is not like she is a witch who bewitched the poor guy and made him cheat, it's his own choice

    (hypothetically speaking because we don't even know if that is true )

    Exactly, both are at fault with the boyfriend with 80% of the whole thing and she 20%.

    Also that’s why I say allegedly and if it is true since nothing is confirmed

  • My question is, did Mina know the guy was already seeing someone?

    If not, then i don't see how she is the homewrecker.

    Normalize blaming the guy for wrecking his own home.

    THIS! I'm so tired of seeing men lie to girls and then their wives/GFS/baby mamas etc blaming the girl 😖

    Micah Forever Benny's Smoll Bean


  • Wow

    So a live-in gf gets dumped by her bf of 3 years and she can't call out the mf. Aw hell no

    That man deserves to be publicly shamed. In a way this is cathartic to the girl. I feel sorry for her and have zero sympathy for Mina in this situation.

  • So first of all, Mina didn’t steal anymore. The boyfriend can make his own choices.

    I said the same for all the celebrities men or women. Is cheating morally wrong ? Yes. But it’s none of our business. Even if we are speaking about a public personality. There are limits to respect. Mina is a very easy target right now so I found the whole revelation even worse.

    I don’t normalize or accept cheating but it’s unfortunately very common. The statistics about it in numerous countries are pretty telling and there is still people who lie and don’t admit the truth. I think that minding our own business is the best thing to do regarding love affair.

  • So first of all, Mina didn’t steal anymore. The boyfriend can make his own choices.

    I said the same for all the celebrities men or women. Is cheating morally wrong ? Yes. But it’s none of our business. Even if we are speaking about a public personality. There are limits to respect. Mina is a very easy target right now so I found the whole revelation even worse.

    I don’t normalize or accept cheating but it’s unfortunately very common. The statistics about it in numerous countries are pretty telling and there is still people who lie and don’t admit the truth. I think that minding our own business is the best thing to do regarding love affair.

    That’s why I said in my op that I hate that wording, should I change the title?

  • omegateatimer

    Changed the title of the thread from “AOA mina allegedly stealing someone’s bf wth” to “AOA mina bf allegedly having another gf and cheating on her with mina”.
  • That’s why I said in my op that I hate that wording, should I change the title?

    I would title it
    "Girl allegedly claims that her Boyfriend cheated on her with Mina"

    Because that puts the fault on the guy for cheating, not Mina for "stealing" when it's the guys choice and decision.

    ~ ω

  • Statement by Mina

    Posted by Yaki-Jones 4 minutes ago

    Former AOA member Mina warns off malicious commenters

    AKP STAFF 1624726735-60d6ee752600001d3251fc57.jpg

    Former AOA member Mina added another response to the allegations that she stole someone's boyfriend.

    Previously, Mina was accused of stealing someone's boyfriend and she promptly responded with a post on Instagram denying the allegations. Shortly after the initial explanatory post, she posted another lengthy explanation with her intent to sue malicious commenters.

    With screenshots of her DM's, Mina wrote:

    "Someone in the comments asked me to prove that I didn't DM him first so here it is. I don't know why I have to go this far. Is it wrong for me to talk to people? Did I force him to meet me? Or did my current boyfriend force me to meet him? We got close after having a long conversation in private, but here, I'm not referring to catching and sharing feelings. It was more like a relationship of siblings.

    Anyway, I've been replying to many comments of friends of his ex-girlfriend who was born in 1998. They say I'm lying or I deserve to be criticized, but I only wrote the truth. Selling out my boyfriend? What did he do wrong if he broke up for sure with his girlfriend? Is there an unwritten rule about dating that requires a gap between relationships? I understand dating someone else shortly after a former relationship is often frowned upon, but I don't want to be hurt by false accusations. I signed with a label and I am preparing for a comeback so there is no reason for me to post a picture with a cheater. It's so obvious it's going to be a problem for me. My boyfriend would be under scrutiny as well. So it is not true at all. I'm receiving so many hate comments right now but I'm still innocent.

    We caught feelings while he was in a relationship? Even if that was true, did we express that? And do you think I would have enough feelings to date someone who is already in a relationship with somebody else? It's frustrating...I want to articulate what's on my mind. But if my posts only called more confusions, that's my bad. I'm sorry. But I did not meet a cheater.

    I don't understand his ex-girlfriend's friends flocking over to write false accusations and hate comments just because he broke up with her girlfriend and his current girlfriend is me. That's why I'm replying to every one of those. And I talked with a representative of my label. My boyfriend is reading everything, and he is also getting hurt by those so he said he'd like to post his perspective. I agreed. If there are more malicious comments, I will sue them all. I really trust my boyfriend and I hope you could trust me...

    And I apologize I caused a commotion. Maybe it's true that we got into a relationship quickly, but it's never going to be stealing before properly breaking up or anything like that."

  • omegateatimer

    Changed the title of the thread from “AOA mina bf allegedly having another gf and cheating on her with mina” to “AOA mina bf having another gf/ mina denies it”.
  • So according to what was posted,

    1. Mina contacted him (??) first more. (This wasn’t denied).

    2. Boyfriend continued to chat with her.

    3. Mina told boyfriend to dump his ex to stay with her.

    4. Mina knew he had a girlfriend.

    5. Boyfriend knew he was in a relationship and still continued to engaged conversations with Mina.

    6. Boyfriend had rocky relationship with girlfriend.

    Basing off these, I feel like the ex-girlfriend have every right to be angry. I don’t think anyone should invalidate her feelings.

    It seems like both the boyfriend and Mina is wrong here. What has happened to Mina is horrendous, but we should keep that a separate thing from this incident as the one who is ultimately hurt is the ex-girlfriend. I don’t think it’s fair to paint her badly either (as if she’s salty or the cause of the bad relationship in any case).

    The “rocky relationship” feels like a justification for this relationship or cheating at all.

    I take it as cheating, as long as the boyfriend hadn’t break up, engaging in any form of relationships (that is considered on a level you share in a relationship) is cheating.

    The boyfriend knew. Mina knew as well but liked him. Both should have known better.

    The boyfriend should have distanced from Mina, and Mina to not have continued. If he had broken up way back before this, you could fairly say the ex-girlfriend is making a ruckus.

    I’m sorry but I don’t justify this action.

    Once (main), Blink & Fearnot

  • She "stole" him??? What. He's a grown man and he's responsible for his own choices. Saying that alone sounds like an bitter ex. If he went to be with someone else that means he was no longer interested in you, and Mina cannot be blamed for that, because if not Mina, it would have eventually been someone else. Saying someone "Stole" your boyfriend is so... elementary.

    If she wanted to make a proper accusation she should have said her boyfriend cheated on her with Mina (which again, the boyfriend here is the main culprit at fault if that did happen, though Mina would definitely be at fault for being with a guy already in a relationship). Which, in a way, seems to be what she's trying to imply (that her boyfriend leaving her for Mina is somehow cheating??? idk), but if so she could have just stated that plainly. Rather, how the ex-girlfriend phrases it makes it seem like her boyfriend left her for someone else and exactly what does she want anyone to do about that? According to Mina, she and the boyfriend were just in the process of talking (they were just friends who then expressed interest in each other but agreed that he had to leave his girlfriend first (which isn't that the expcted thing to do?) and she made sure the boyfriend and the ex broke up first. So, again, what does the ex-girlfriend want anyone to say or do about it? The situation there is indeed ambiguous because none of us were there to prove just how involved they Mina was with the boyfriend prior to the breakup. In all honestly, this isn't really the public's business.

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