Do we live in an era where we are afraid to share our thoughts?

  • I am not gonna lie i am the kind of girl that thinks lately everyone is too senstivie and people should be free to give their opinions and share how they really feel about sensitive topics and kind of hate the state the world is in where you feel restricted to share your thoughts, even thought i feel this way i have realized a bit ago it's starting to affect me too, i have deleted like 3 threads i wanted to make before finishing posting them because i felt they were going to be misunderstood and people would start hating on them so i was shocked to realize how far this whole being unable to speak up has increased to the point where i feel i can't even share throughts i have

    Does anyone else feel this way? ?(

  • Yes. People these days are too sensitive where they shouldn't be and way too insensitive where they shouldn't be...

    People get offended over everything....

    This gave rise to Cancel Culture, One of the worst things to happen in the 21st Century....

    Bunch of weirdos, Twitter is their breeding place...

    I was misunderstood a lot on this forum when I first arrived here and it's stuck...

    There are certain topics where I want to say something but then I don't have energy that day so I just don't share my opinion....

    I love Pikachu.

    Always have, Always will.


  • yeah... Al lot of times in this forum I've commented and then people get super defensive and start dragging my faves out of nowhere when my original comment was not malign in anyway in the first place. So yeah, this forum is much more sensitive than reddit i would say.

    But these days on forums like reddit as well there is no room for discussion and you will be called an anti.

  • Yes and No. There are plenty of strong minded people out there that have direct views and want to shove them down people’s throats. (They give me the irrits tbh). I ignore those ones as much as possible. But at the same time, people are too frightened to come forward in case they get shot down. What’s sad is that in this world today, one cannot open their mouth in regards to anything in case they injure or offend.

  • I feel it's the opposite: because of anonymity people say whatever they want without thinking things through first. X is shit, y is racist, z once met a murderer so that means a is pro murder and so on. Go a bit deeper you'll see witch hunt/cancelling others without having the full story and at the extreme end you have the people full of hate who resort to threats, abuse and generally making victims lives hell.

  • I am not gonna lie i am the kind of girl that thinks lately everyone is too senstivie and people should be free to give their opinions and share how they really feel about sensitive topics and kind of hate the state the world is in where you feel restricted to share your thoughts, even thought i feel this way i have realized a bit ago it's starting to affect me too, i have deleted like 3 threads i wanted to make before finishing posting them because i felt they were going to be misunderstood and people would start hating on them so i was shocked to realize how far this whole being unable to speak up has increased to the point where i feel i can't even share throughts i have

    Does anyone else feel this way? ?(

    only on the internet because if irl communication is hard then trying to do it online when one is missing all of the non-verbal methods of communication such as body language makes it so much harder and thus misunderstandings and miscommunication tends to happen a lot more

    • Official Post

    I am not gonna lie i am the kind of girl that thinks lately everyone is too senstivie and people should be free to give their opinions and share how they really feel about sensitive topics and kind of hate the state the world is in where you feel restricted to share your thoughts, even thought i feel this way i have realized a bit ago it's starting to affect me too, i have deleted like 3 threads i wanted to make before finishing posting them because i felt they were going to be misunderstood and people would start hating on them so i was shocked to realize how far this whole being unable to speak up has increased to the point where i feel i can't even share throughts i have

    Does anyone else feel this way? ?(


    People have varying levels of conscience and always have since the beginning of time. There are plenty here who are not at all bothered sharing their verbal diarrhea with the internetz, incoming mess or not. Some actually want the mess.

    If more people were like you, there would be less fanwars and world peace might actually be more than a pipe dream. But alas... it's never been so.

  • If I’m being honest here, yes. I feel as though specifically on this forum, a lot of people get hated on for simply giving their opinions. I’ve seen it happen a lot these past few days, but I’m afraid to step in and say something because I’ll either be told I’m playing victim or I need to stay in my place. I just think a lot of people don’t understand that everyone thinks differently. We’re all different people with different minds, we’re not going to have the same view points.

    ・❥・🖤🤍~A wish your heart makes~🤍🖤・❥


  • If I’m being honest here, yes. I feel as though specifically on this forum, a lot of people get hated on for simply giving their opinions. I’ve seen it happen a lot these past few days, but I’m afraid to step in and say something because I’ll either be told I’m playing victim or I need to stay in my place. I just think a lot of people don’t understand that everyone thinks differently. We’re all different people with different minds, we’re not going to have the same view points.

    Exactly, everything you stated is true <3:thumbup:

    But I want you to know that I always got your back :borahae:

  • That's why I love AKP. There's a place for any thought

    Srs though I do think that as the world is getting tighter and tighter knit, more people tend to try to control others' opinions and its honestly kinda toxic.

    Its healthy to start discussion and engage in sensitive topics but also I also believe that if one can't stand an opinion, just turn the other cheek. Unless its something illegal or potentially harmful to you or your loved ones, just look away and don't engage. One hand clapping can only stand making so much noise by slapping itself.

  • Yes, you're right.

    It's a vicious cycle : the internet gives a certain type of people a place where they remain somehow hidden and safe, so they take advantage in order to create chaos whenever they can and the other type of people is afraid of voicing their real feelings and opinions because of those who take advantage and act like trash on the internet.

    Y'now, doxxing is a real fear for some people who try to interact with others on the internet. Especially for those who create content such as fanarts, fanfiction or share any other type of creative works (and when I mean fanarts and fanfiction, I don't talk about K-pop, but about everything that's inspiring this type of content).

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